New Times Inn

Chapter 178: Ice Room Mystery Funny

If people have nothing to do for a long time, they will have a feeling of emptiness in their hearts.

Just like Feng Qing.

When she used to be a very tired social animal every day, she always thought that one day when she went to work, she didn't have to get up so early, and she didn't have to be scolded all the time. Fish, read novels or something.

And when this dream suddenly came true, Feng Qing suddenly found out.

…My blood lipids are high.

In fact, it is not surprising to think about it.

Feng Qing's current life and rest has gradually synchronized with some kind of pink-skinned creature. The average sleep time per day has reached more than 9 hours, and the cook changes the method every day to make delicious food. Often easy to eat more.

Over time, Feng Qing himself should have thought about the consequences in advance.

"Why is this! I'm only twenty-five this year!"

Li Qi was cooking in the kitchen when he suddenly heard a deafening roar from the shopkeeper.

He raised his head blankly, and Feng Xiruo, who was beside him, shivered in fright.

After Feng Qing finished shouting, she flipped through the medical report again.

This was done by her when she went home some time ago. Speaking of which, the employee medical examination is also a kind of unit welfare.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to high blood lipids, Feng Qing also has a bunch of various minor problems.

Feng Qing put down the medical examination form with a decadent look and muttered to herself.

"Sure enough, does human beings begin to decline after the age of twenty-five?"

Feng Qing slumped on the chair and said in pain.

Unfortunately, this medical report is to be shown to Feng Ma. Feng Qing has the heart to ps one, but she finally gave Feng the real medical report with her last conscience. mom.


When Feng Qing's mother saw this medical checklist, Feng Qing had been scolded since nine o'clock in the morning.

Feng Qingma's secret technique is that she can scold while drinking tea, and she can scold for 24 hours without repeating the same.

Feng Qing, who grew up, also realized the power of blood suppression after a long time.

This scolding lasted until lunch time.

The inn is very quiet today.

Even Feng Xiruo, who likes to be noisy on weekdays, seems to have quieted down.

Although the big-hearted Feng Qing didn't notice this at all.

She dragged her tired body against her ears, which had been bombarded all day, and slowly went downstairs.

"That, the shopkeeper." Staying in the kitchen, Li Qi seemed to know that Feng Qing was coming to him. He was not surprised when he saw Feng Qing, but his face showed a desire to speak again. stop expression.

When Li Qi saw the shopkeeper come to the back kitchen, he would try to get her to leave first, so as not to get the smell of oily smoke.

Feng Qing waved her hand, indicating that Li Qi didn't need to talk more, her brain now feels a headache when she listens to others.

"What shall we have for lunch today?"

"Huh?" Li Qi was stunned again. According to the general habit of inns, there must be some meat at noon.

Feng Qing also remembered this matter and then went to Li Qiyi specially, recalling her mother's scolding just now, Feng Qing said aggrievedly: "I will do it at noon. Let's have some vegetarian dishes."


Tofu, the expression is a little lost.

After she finished her instructions, she turned around and left, but after she left, Li Qi sighed slowly and turned to look at the chopping board behind him.

—There are already all kinds of cut vegetables on the chopping board. The shredded radish is neatly placed on the side, and the cut soft tofu is also soaked in the water.

It was as if Li Qi knew in advance that the shopkeeper would order him to make vegetarian dishes.

"It looks like it's today." Chu Changzui leaned against the door and whispered.

There were several children squatting in front of him, all snorting and playing with each other.

"But your calculation is really accurate." Feng Xiluo next to him looked at him thoughtfully and said, "The book never said what day Yun Shujun was. Did he die? Is this really what you figured out?"

"Well, I guess it may be in the past few days, so I made a little calculation." Chu Changzui said.

—When Feng Wuhen and Yun Shujun went to the Western Regions together, it was also a winter.

At that time, everyone guessed that Yun Shujun might not live long, and Chu Changzui also felt that it was difficult to say whether Yun Shujun had survived that winter, so he did the math.

Unexpectedly, it is today.

When he figured out this date, Chu Changzui immediately secretly rejoiced for a long time.

He knew that the shopkeeper would not be in a good mood on this day, and he was also afraid that he or someone in the inn would do something bad that day, thus angering the shopkeeper.

I know the date, and it can be considered a preparation in advance.

Li Qi prepared the fasting meal early, and changed into a quiet new dress today.

An Huo Shaxi also mobilized the staff of Huacilou today to ensure that nothing would affect the mood of the shopkeeper near the inn.

Because everyone knows that today's day is special, everyone is silent, for fear that they will provoke the shopkeeper.

Feng Qing was a little disappointed because she couldn't eat delicious food. Once she was so disappointed, she had to find something to pass the time.

Feng Qing's way of passing the time has always been relatively simple and rude.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than reading novels, watching anime, and eating. The desire of the third item is now strangled, so it can only be satisfied by the first two.

Feng Qing casually found this novel and read it.

Although Feng Qing looks like a very avant-garde person, her taste in reading novels and anime seems to be stuck ten years ago.

For example, Feng Qing doesn't like the latest animations.

She still recalls the old show ten years ago.

In today's fast-paced world, where all kinds of cookies are rampant, Feng Qing, as always, looked at the kind of dog-blood abuse that was popular ten years ago.

The more blood, the more appetite for Feng Qing.

The more she abused Feng Qing, the more excited she became.

Not to mention things like scumbags, Feng Qing is a loyal fan of scumbags, and she can't stop scolding her in the comment area.

What to do with heart and lungs, eyes and hands, etc. Feng Qing is moved every time he sees it and can't wait to cry, lamenting the greatness that this world has bestowed on human beings.

Although it is not surprising that human beings are cool no matter where they grow, Feng Qing also knows that his current taste should not be mainstream, so basically he does not share this with his friends. Usually it's just a silent memory of those old-fashioned things.

Sometimes she feels that time flies, and she seems to have been left behind by the times.

I think when she was young, she didn't understand why her parents looked like they couldn't keep up with the times, but now that I think about it, I soon entered that age .

It's a bit far-fetched to think about.

Today, Feng Qing was reading another old-fashioned routine.

In the early stage, he suffered all kinds of entanglements and misunderstandings, and he had all kinds of slander, and he was clearly misunderstood, but he almost never explained it, and then he was hit by a deadly poison in the middle, and he knew it. At the moment of the truth, Shou long ago died in the cold dungeon...

Feng Qing wanted to burst into tears again when she saw it, and her heart twitched in pain, but suddenly she heard Li Qi calling him to eat.

"Is it time for dinner?" Feng Qing raised her head in surprise, but she didn't have the slightest motivation to go down to eat.

As soon as she saw the food on the table, Feng Qing had a stomachache for a second.

Scallions mixed with tofu, bamboo shoots fried with peppers, radish soup, freshly fried small rapeseed, and a little sesame oil on top.

The smell of the vegetables made a carnivore like Feng Qing look pale. She lowered her head in pain, picked up the wowotou, and took a painful bite.

The guys in the inn were secretly looking at the shopkeeper's face.

eat up.

Feng Qing didn't forget to read the novel secretly while eating.

For some modern people, it is a happy thing to have chopsticks in one hand and a mobile phone in one hand without having to chat and socialize with others when eating - even though it seems like No manners.

Feng Qing just wants to read the follow-up of that novel.

Li Qi and the other inn guys glanced at each other imperceptibly.

Several people looked at the sign in the shopkeeper's hand, quietly finished their meal, and prepared to leave, not to disturb the shopkeeper.

Feng Qing's face was still expressionless, but a strange smile appeared in his heart.

As the saying goes, there are three good things in ancient abuse.

—Secret rooms, igloos and cellars.

The function of the secret room and the cellar is the same, but the igloo is unique.

This is a kind of dog-blood bridge that is fixed in ancient abuse texts. It can be called enduring and makes people want to stop.

Although normal frozen pork is no longer delicious for more than a year, but the novel does not care about so many details, it is beautiful when it is frozen.

The ice chamber is probably the same as the Antarctic glacier, the corpse is frozen inside, no matter how long it is, it is still lifelike.

The ice room routine was quite exciting at first, but I read it a lot later. There is no ice room play in this kind of text that accidentally died in the middle.

Feng Qing looked at it, and naturally she was a little thirsty.

She wants to find an ice-cold drink.

Drinking coke with her physical condition is indeed a bit extravagant.

However, there is still the great invention of Diet Coke in this world.

"Li Qi, help me get a bottle of wine." Feng Qing shouted at Li Qi, "Just where I took you before."

Li Qi's footsteps paused for a second, then nodded quietly.

The rest of the inn was quiet.

It's just that the shopkeeper wants to drink.

This happens almost every day in the inn, what's so strange?

—Li Qi thought.

He walked slowly past the kitchen to a secret place.

This is a small gap in the deepest part of the kitchen, which only a few people in the inn know about.

The moment he opened the door, Li Qi felt a cold air blowing towards him.

The entrance to the place was full of wine bottles.

However, it can still be seen, and there seems to be a light through the innermost.

At the entrance, Li Qi could already see the hard ice, hanging there as if it could not melt all year round.

He lowered his head slowly.

Why did the shopkeeper set up such a place in the inn?

Li Qi is unclear.

But what he doesn't know, he will never ask more.

He took the wine back to the lobby, and then saw the shopkeeper opened the wine seal and drank half the jar by himself.

She turned her head, her eyes seemed a little blurred, "Li Qi, do you want to drink too?"

"No, thank you the shopkeeper." Li Qi shook his head, then slowly stepped aside.

"Li Qi." After drinking, the shopkeeper looked at the bottle with inexplicable emotion.

"Do you know...what is the most regrettable thing in people?"

"Li Qi doesn't know."

"You are really boring." The shopkeeper turned his head and said.

Li Qi was silent.

The same thing he saw behind the layers of wine bottles flashed in his mind.

This thing was pushed to the back of the wine bottle, it seems that it was put there by the shopkeeper unintentionally, I am afraid she did not know that this thing was seen by her buddy.

—It was a red and white object with a unique texture, encased in a sheet of paper.

Li Qi has seen this thing countless times.

…under his knife.

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