New Story of Lv Bu

: : Guo Jia is dying

On June 20th, at Mao's time, Nanmen, Yangdi County, Yingchuan County.

Surrounded by more than two hundred cavalry soldiers, Ma Zhonghua rode a tall and strong Xiliang horse under his crotch, riding the horse with a whip, and came to the south gate in a leisurely manner. When the gatekeeper saw this formation, he trot a few steps and came to Ma Zhongma to bow his hands and salute: "The low-ranking post is the South Gate Dub of Yangdi County. I don't know who the adult is? What do you have to do here? But by orders."

The big man never embarrassed the little man. When he saw that Uncle Du was very respectful, Ma Zhong also replied: "I am the assassin general Ma Zhong under the command of Da Sima. I came to find a man named Guo by the order of Da Sima. Jia’s scholar, I’m annoyed by Dubo, let’s go to the county government to check the household registration files." "Could it be Fengxiao, about twenty years old? The one who always coughs? He lives not far from here. Guojiazhuang, did he commit anything?" Uncle Du asked in surprise.

Upon hearing this, Ma Zhong was overjoyed immediately. It was really nowhere to look for iron shoes, and it didn't take much effort to get it! "It's this person! It's not that he committed something. It was Da Sima who issued a requisition order to serve as an official in the court!" "Oh! That's it! Your lord must hurry up, he is already I’ve been lingering on the bed for a month, and I’m going to die!” Dubo replied loudly.

"That's the case? Can you take us to have a look? There are doctors in our army." Ma Zhong was surprised and delighted when he heard the words. To the joy that Guo Jia was at home, he was surprised that Guo Jia was seriously ill and was dying. "Well, I will personally take you there! Although the road to Guojiazhuang is not far, it is very difficult to find, and people who are not familiar with it will indeed find it."

As expected, Dubo was an enthusiastic person. After a few words with his subordinates, he found a donkey and wanted to take Ma Zhong to find it. "Wait! This dub, the emperor does not need hungry soldiers, come here! Reward!" The Shadow Troops are well-known rich and wealthy, and Ma Zhong is very particular about people. With a wave of his hand, the soldiers on the left and right quickly found ten of them. The silver coin was handed over with both hands. "This is a newly issued silver coin by Dasima. Each coin can be exchanged for 1,200 pieces of meat on the black market for five baht! Don't spend two pennies!"

"Hey hey! Why is this so embarrassing?" Then Dubo wiped his hands on the flap of his clothes, and then carefully took the ten silver coins, took out a piece of fine cloth and carefully wrapped it in his arms. Then he swung his whip on the donkey and ran away. Not to mention, it is convenient and quick for someone to lead the way. After a quarter of an hour, the group of people arrived at Guojiazhuang.

"This is Guo Fengxiao's house. He lives with his parents, wife, and son. Let's leave the humble position first!" Nadubo pointed to a tall and spacious house and said. "Thank you for driving!" Ma Zhong thanked him with his hands. The dubo walked away, and Ma Zhong raised his eyes to see that this old mansion, with grass and trees as the wall, dotted with flowers and plants, looked really elegant and leisurely.

Suddenly there were so many cavalry soldiers, and a few child servants immediately came out of the mansion to ask questions. "Dare to ask the officials why they came here?" Ma Zhong's soldiers hurriedly threw their stirrups off their horses, and said with a smile on their faces: "This is Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao's house? This is the assassin general's horse under Da Sima's command. Loyal? We came to conquer Guo Fengxiao as an official with a warrant from Dasima!" "It turned out to be an angel! Please come in! Please come in! It's just that my master has been sick and sick for a long time, so I can't live by seeing it!"

"I'm hungry beauty go in! Hurry up and pass on the doctor!" Ma Zhong shouted loudly, and rushed in first.

"General! This Mr. Guo is suffering from a seasonal epidemic, coupled with cough and blood vomiting caused by lung heat, so that he can't sleep at night, and his vitality is about to be exhausted. My medical skills are not good enough to be able to hang his life. To get rid of the roots, you must go to the capital of Luoyang City, and let the emperor's order Zhang Ji Zhang Zhongjing do a good job." The doctor who accompanied the team took a look at Guo Jia, who was in a coma and was in a coma.

At this time, Guo Jia's old father, mother, wife and son also arrived. They had heard from the child servants a long time ago and rushed over. When I heard that Guo Jia was saved, I was overjoyed. Guo Jia's wife burst into tears with joy. Guo Jia's old father was tall and tall, he was less than fifty years old, but he was already pale and pale. He coughed slightly and bowed his hand to Ma Zhong.

"This general, the old man is nearly fifty years old, and there is only this one. I hope that the general can help and save his life! The whole family is grateful! I will be a cow and a horse in my next life, and I will reward him!" When he finished speaking, the old man knelt down as soon as he lifted his robe. Ma Zhong hurriedly stepped forward and helped the old man up. "Elderly, if you want to save the Linglang, you can only get on the road right away and rush to the capital city of Luoyang day and night. Wherever you are, there is Da Sima's face, it is natural to ask Zhang Zhongjing to help him."

"The current world is a world of great chaos. This Yingchuanyang Zhai County has long been poisoned by the yellow turban, and is no longer a place to settle down. In my opinion, the old man could not as well as the whole family move to the capital of Luoyang City, which can be nearby. Taking care of the lord can also avoid disaster. Under Da Sima's rule, no one dares to stroke the tiger's beard. I don't know what the elderly want?"

Guo Jia's father is also a very decisive person. He pondered for a moment, stomped and said, "Just follow the general!"

The terrain of the Western Region is composed of three mountains and two basins. From north to south, there are Jinwei Mountain (Altai Mountain), Bei Mountain (Tian Mountain), and Nan Mountain (Kunlun Mountain). There are two huge basins sandwiched between the three mountains, and the Junggar Basin to the north. To the south is the Tarim Basin. If you add the Turpan Basin to the west, it forms the magnificent and splendid landform of the Western Regions, with three mountains sandwiching two basins.

The North Mountain isolates the North and the South, artificially dividing the Western Regions into the North and the South, namely the Shanbei Kingdoms and the Shannan Kingdoms. Between the three mountains, several rivers stretch to the east, using the snow water of the three mountains to form alluvial plains of different sizes. These plains are the foundation of the countries of the Western Regions, and the countries live by water and grass. To the north of Beishan, there is only the Yili River. To the south of Beishan, there are four larger rivers: Tarim River, Congling River, Kizil River, Yutian River, and Cheerchen River.

In the Great Account of the Chinese Army, Hou Kang Moti, the newly appointed Protector of the Western Regions, pointed at a huge sand table with his sturdy fingers, explaining the topography of the Western Regions to the generals of the Guanxi Army. "The survival of the countries of the Western Regions is mainly dependent on the snow flowing down from the North Mountain. Without the North Mountain, there would be no Western Region countries. Therefore, the North Mountain is called the sacred mountain by the Western Region countries."

"There are two types of countries in the Western Regions. One is a country with a fixed capital, such as Khotan, Qiemo, and Shanshan, and the other is a country, living by water and grass, constantly migrating, and there is no fixed capital. For example, Wusun and Dawan. Dahan has two roads leading to the Western Regions. One is to go west through Hehuang (Qaidam Basin), cross thousands of miles of uninhabited areas and enter Shanshan, and arrive at Khotan and Shache. Dawan. Before reaching Shanshan, it was thousands of miles away from no man's land. It was almost impossible to get through."

"The other way is to start from Dunhuang County and take Jiaohe Road to the northwest, passing through Pu Lei Country, and arriving at Jiaohe City in front of Cheshi. Then you can continue westward along the Yili River, passing Weixu, Yanqi, From Qiuci, Wensu, Shule, and Wusun countries to Dawan, most of the countries that pass by along this road are the Shanbei countries." If you go to the Shannan countries, turn from Jiaohe City to the southwest and walk. Yanqi, Weili, Shanshan, Qiemo, Khotan, Shache, Dawulei, and then through Congling, is the land of Dayueshi (yinda gravy). This road has been the "Silk Road" since ancient times. "

"Fortunately for all the monarchs, I met the old man, an old horse who knows the way. The old man has walked on these two roads, and he has walked it personally. Along the way, he drew a detailed map according to Da Sima's "Six Methods of Cartography. After returning to Bingzhou, the huge sand table of the Western Regions was made by Cao Zhuan, the state worker, according to the old man's map. There is also a huge sand table from the Western Regions to the west to Daqin, which is even more lifelike, and the national city is in front of your eyes. The auxiliary sand table must be hidden, and you must not let Lu Zheng see it."

All of the Nine Masters were dumbfounded and dumbfounded by what Commodi said. Cheng Gongying touched his head embarrassedly, and said with a smirk: "The ancients said, listening to the monarch's words is better than reading ten years of books! Lord Kanghou, what you said, brothers listened to the sky like a book." "Haha Haha! I was like this when I first became a businessman." Kangmanty laughed loudly.

"You gentlemen, if you want to make great achievements, you still have to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. The old man is not talented, and I happen to have done it! If you want to become a hero like Da Sima, you need to study hard! It is Da Sima, studying for at least an hour a day, and he can't beat it! To dominate the country, the great cause of the Zhongxing Han Dynasty has not yet succeeded, you still have to work hard!

"Hey, we want to read, but as soon as I picked up the book, it was like a sleeper, and immediately fell asleep. It works better than any panacea! Are you weird?" Zhang Heng said embarrassedly . "Yes! That's right! We are like this too!" Master Babu nodded together. "It's okay, let's start with this Western Region!" Commotti smiled.

Commoty's stout finger pointed to a place name on the sand table: Puli. "Pulei country, Wang Zhitianshan, West Suyu Valley. Go to Chang'an 8,360 li, households 325, mouth 2,32, victory 799 soldiers. Auxiliary country, left and right generals One captain, one captain on the left and one captain, from the southwest to the Duhu Zhizhi, one thousand three hundred and eighty-seven miles away. Now Song Qian is entrenched there."

"In the east of Gaochang County, Xizhou, go to Dunhuang for 1,300 miles to the southeast, and the land of sand moraine. Water and grass are difficult to move, and the roads are dangerous on all sides. The roads are not allowed to be recorded. Pedestrians only use human and animal bones and camel horse dung as the standard. The road is bad, and people and animals do not make appointments. There were people who heard people calling when they were in the moraine, and they did not see them, and there were singing and crying. Sir, let's better prepare for how to travel six hundred miles and wipe out Song Qian."

"This remark is great!" As soon as he heard that there was going to be a war, Master Jiu Bu immediately opened his eyes.

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