New Story of Lv Bu

: :Liu Bu's handwritten "Lun Hou"

"The sinking of the grain transport fleet happened very suddenly. At that time, I was busy trying to find a way to transport grain and grass, considering the overall situation, and filling up this huge hole. I didn't have time to talk to you in detail, just to take care of Cao Yong to pay close attention to you. In case of accidents. Later, Cao Yong told me that you two had decided to apologize for yourself and he had taken all precautions. I immediately decided to block the news from both of you and give you a lesson. Act like a big show."

Lü Bu sat at the head, and the case in front of him was piled up with hundreds of official documents, all of which he needed to read and sign his opinions in person. He looked a little tired, but he was in good spirits, and his big eyes were piercing. Cao Yong sat on the side of the case table, Zhao Qi and Wang Wei sat upright on the lower heads, holding their breath, listening to Lu Bu's words, at this moment, they had mixed feelings in their hearts, and they didn't know what to say for a while. . Admit it? Stick to your own opinions? It doesn't seem to be right.

"The clear-flowing habit of this dynasty emphasizes faith in words, resoluteness in deeds, courage to be responsible, and regards'righteousness' and'name' as more important than life, and the starting point is good. If today you die by yourself, you have achieved it. Your loyalty and reputation, you will be recorded in the shining history, a certain year, a certain month, a certain person died of suicide because of something, so that you have become you."

"But, have you ever thought about it? Where will your move put the court? Where will you put the people? Where will you put me? Now that you have been recorded in the shining history, someone must come and bear the burden of killing you. The charge, is it the court or me, Lu Bu? From this point of view, you have cleaned it up yourself, and dumped the burden and the black pot on me and the court. This is not the work of the loyal minister!"

Hearing this, the sweat on Zhao Qi and Wang Wei's body was brushed off, and they hadn't really thought about the twists and turns inside. "What Da Sima said is extremely true! The truth in this is really unthinkable for both of us. Alas! Scholars accumulate habits, it is not a superficial harm!" The two people quickly apologized without a crown, and couldn't afford it. "Get up, today we are just arguing and do not mean to blame you."

"For me, officials who can do things, can do good, understand the world, and can tolerate humiliation are the good officials in my mind. You two think about it, until now, to stabilize food prices and implement the new currency system. Have you done the thing? Have you done it? Have you done it? Have you been able to bear the humiliation? If you understand the world, you will not apologize."

Lu Bu's words sounded like drums and hammers, banging into the hearts of Zhao Qi and Wang Wei, their heads dropped lower, and they really wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in. Yes, there are two things. The second thing has not been done yet. The first thing is just to open the porridge shed and distribute food stamps. The rest are done by Da Sima. A small official can do things like issuing food coupons and opening porridge sheds.

"So, you two have to think carefully about where you are, what you should do, and what you shouldn't do. Don't sit in the position of two thousand stones, but you are doing the work of a small official. Minister, It requires the minister’s vision and tolerance, and the minister’s vision and wisdom. This is the pattern. Without a pattern, the more things you do, the more outrageous you will be."

"Next, let’s talk about patience. As long as you do something, someone will scold you, no matter how well you do it. The more you do, the more people scold you. The world is full of fame and slander. That’s it. Reason! At this time, you must be open-minded, as long as you do the right thing, let him scold him! Maybe it will take decades before he understands your original painstaking efforts."

"Heroes and heroes are all born out of the world. How can people like Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Zhang Liang, and Li Si think in their minds that the ordinary people can understand? That's why, those who want to become big things in ancient times must be moved first. Patience, gain what you can't. For the lofty goal in your heart, to endure humiliation and feel wronged for a while, what harm does it make him three feet?"

"The so-called heroes in the ancient times must have a time to excel. There are people who can’t bear to be humiliated, and everyone sees insults, pulls out their swords, stands up and fights, this is not brave. Don’t be surprised, don’t be angry for no reason. The hostage is very big, and the ambition is far-reaching. I hope you will keep this paragraph in your heart and use it to spur yourself all the time."

Hearing this, Zhao Qi, Wang Wei, and Cao Yong were all moved. They didn't expect Da Sima to say such insightful words. "The so-called heroes in ancient times must have a special festival???" The three people silently remembered this paragraph in their hearts, and when they returned to the official office, they immediately wrote them down, framed as a banner, melon seeds. on.

"Let’s talk about the ordinary people. They are not bad people or good people. They are just ordinary ordinary people. They have advantages and disadvantages. There are so many advantages and disadvantages. But most of the people are still in their hearts. People with steelyards know who is good and who is bad, but they may not know it right away. Maybe they will be able to understand you after 20 years. The limitation of the structure prevents them from seeing very far, but their life is passing. Whether it's good or not, they know it themselves."

"The ancients said: Canglin knows the etiquette and knows the etiquette, and can't live anymore. Who will talk about the etiquette? At this time, the ordinary people will become bad people, burned, killed and looted in order to survive. When the day is better, everyone will be in harmony. Why? You can't care about the three buckets and five liters of rice. Here is the mentality of the ordinary people."

"Since the ages, all rebellions and killings have been forced by the world! Who wants to put his head on the belt of his pants to rebel if he can make his way to survive? This is the charge of the Jiu Clan. But if you see corrupt officials Officials are rampant, wives are scattered in the house, and life is as cheap as a pig or dog, so you have to rebel. Therefore, the official must always be in awe, the way of heaven is magnificent, and careless. You know the suffering of the people, and respect the people, Respect them as parents, will they rebel?"

"So, the people who govern the country must first let the people live, and their lives will get better and better, so that they can see hope. They have their homes together, and then they will be restrained by the law to let them know, understand, and fear the law. Only in this way can there be a peaceful scene. The next step can be to persuade farmers, rule out officials, cultivate military preparations, gather ten years of lessons in ten years, strengthen national strength, and store wealth in the people."

"When the family is together and the country is ruled, we can talk about peace in the world. When the people are rich, the court is rich, other princes and other countries will be jealous, they will use their brains, and they will send large soldiers to fight. If they want to fight, we will do it. I have to fight back three times five times! Those who commit a strong man will be punishable even if they are far away! This is my idea, my good officials. The Qing history, the common people, the Qi family's idea of ​​ruling the country and the world!"

"In my opinion, this is what a good official should do, instead of thinking about apology at every turn! You have killed yourself, died, and someone has to do the errands. It's better to leave a useful body. Endure the humiliation, and wait for the mountain to rise again! Only when the coffin is built can the conclusion be made. For example, how many people in the world can understand what they think?"

After Lu Bu's words, Zhao Qi and Wang Wei were already sweating profusely, and there were tears in Cao Yong's eyes. The three leaned over and bowed together and said in unison: "The teachings of Da Sima have enabled me to enlighten me, and all my faculties will be opened! When I think about what Da Sima said today, I always dare not forget or learn from the country. Qingliu, should be a good official of the court!"

Seeing that the three people finally understood what he was thinking, Lu Bu nodded in relief, and suddenly felt that the resentment accumulated in his chest was much less. If it is true that as he said, a team of good officials will be established, and Binzhou, Sili, and Liangzhou will be built in ten years, and the day of dominating the world will not be far away! "Okay, all of you go down and do things!" He waved his hand softly and told the three of them to retreat. Then, he picked up the brush, and went over the desk again.

The three people walked out of the Da Sima Mansion and looked at each other. Everyone was in a cold sweat. "Master Cao has followed Da Sima for the longest time, but have you ever seen him have such a long story?" Zhao Qi wiped the cold sweat on his face and asked in a low voice. "No, at that time, Da Sima was busy fighting all day and had no time to study. He started to read, still after he took over as Bingzhou Shepherd."

Cao Yong thought about it carefully and replied solemnly. "For the past ten years, Da Sima has not read books every day. He has read a lot of books and is very complicated. I have read all the sub-collections of classics and history, and even read music, agricultural books, and laws." Wang Wei sighed and said: "Da Sima reads a lot and reads intensively. His structure is very big and his ambitions are far-reaching. It really makes my generation of scholars embarrassed."

At this moment, a tiger army hurried out from the Mansion of Da Sima. As soon as he saw the three of Zhao Qi, he hurriedly bowed his hands and said: "Fortunately, the three adults are still there, so I won't go to the mansion of the three adults one by one. Da Sima With order, he wrote an "Liu Hou Lun" today and gave it to three adults to see. He said that the three adults are invited to savor the taste of it."

"So, the three of me have thanked them!" Cao Yong and the three people hurriedly returned the salute, and respectfully accepted the documents in the hands of Hu Benjun with both hands. The three of them took a closer look and found that there was a powerful and heavy Wei stele on it. The characters were written with swords drawn, very powerful, but the lines in the characters were integrated, with a degree of radius. "Good writing! Good writing! This book is more lively than the seal script, heavier than the official script, and more powerful than Feibai!" It was the first time that Zhao Qi saw Lu Bu's handwriting. When he saw it, he was overwhelmed and couldn't help but blurt out!

Cao Yong and Wang Wei are used to seeing Lu Bu's handwriting. The two of them hurriedly unfolded their documents and read them carefully.

"The so-called heroes in the ancient times must have a time to excel. There are people who can’t bear to be humiliated, and everyone sees insults, pulls out their swords, stands up and fights. This is not enough for bravery. There are great heroes in the world, and they suddenly come upon him. Don’t be surprised, and don’t be angry for no reason. The people it holds are huge, and its ambitions are far-reaching."


"The reason why the ancestor Guanfu won, and the reason why Xiang Ji was defeated, was only between being able to bear it and unable to bear it. Xiang Ji was only unbearable, so he was victorious in a hundred battles and used his front lightly; the ancestor tolerated and raised him. All the front and the evil, this ovary teaches. When Huaiyin breaks the Qi and wants to be the king, the ancestor is angry, and it is seen in the color of the word. From this perspective, there is still a strong and unbearable temper. Who is not the ovary?"

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