New Story of Lv Bu

: :Beauty plan plus absolute household plan

The night was already deep, and Wang Wei had already left. Wang Yun sat alone in the quiet room with tears on his face, crying silently. The assertion of the old father Wang Shu was like the last straw to the camel, which completely defeated him, and the great cause of the Zhongxing Han family that he had been fighting for. Suddenly, the highest ideal that had always inspired him to struggle for a lifetime suddenly collapsed and turned into a short-lived dream, with only 28 years of life left! This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

However, many years of Huahai experience and extremely high Confucianism have taught him that all this is true, and Lao Wang Shu will never bow his head to power! As time passed, Wang Situ finally calmed down. He wiped away the tears with his sleeves, and sat in the quiet room with his eyes closed and meditated. Now that there are only twenty-eight years left, can you get rid of the fog, find the most critical point in the chaos, and walk out of the dead chess belly to make the big man continue?

"The Han Dynasty should be Tu Gaoya!" "The number of four or seven." The father's assertion illustrates two problems, one is that Han Zuo is about to die, and the other is that Lv Dai Liu and Da Sima Lu Bu are the emperor. Wang Yun closed his eyes and meditated, and studied all the heroes carefully. Liu Yan, Zhang Lu, and Liu Biao were more than conservative but not aggressive enough. Not to mention Tao Qian, Liu Dai, Zhang Yang, and Zhi and his ilk, they are nothing but ants in front of the real heroes, who are driving away the thorns and opening up the way for the new emperor.

The heroes in the world are nothing more than Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Cao Cao, and Sun Wentai, the Jiangdong tiger, is also considered one, but he was born from a humble background and could not get the support of the family. General Baima Gongsun Zan was just a martial artist, Liu Bei Liu Xuande, who was personally praised by the Han Dynasty, was just a small plain county magistrate at this time, and he couldn't get into the eyes of Wang Situ at all.

From this point of view, Da Sima Lubu possesses the land of three states, and given time, he will have a three-to-five year recuperation and rejuvenation, thoroughly digesting Sili and Liangzhou, his strength will surely advance by leaps and bounds, and he will look forward to the world. Wang Situ counted the heroes of the world in his heart, only then was surprised to find that Lao Wang Shu's assertion was at least 70-80% reliable.

Whether it is territory or military strength, Dasima Lubu is a leader among the princes in the world. If you count the war horses and the millions of soldiers on the Xianbei grassland, no one of the princes in the world can really compare with Da Sima's Bingzhou Army. From this point of view, Lu Bu's great cause of hegemony is like a clear chess game, at least seven to eight points out. Isn’t it the end of watching the Han Dynasty? Wang Situ lowered his gray head in disappointment.

Suddenly, a thought came to his mind, since the world's major events depend on Lu Fengxian, why don't I start with Lu Fengxian himself? As long as Lu Fengxian didn't mention proclaiming emperor throughout his life, even if it was repeatedly urged by the civil and military officials, it would be in vain. Drag him back for 20 or 30 years. When the emperor gets older and regains power, isn't the Han Dynasty reviving again?

Just as Wang Situ was overjoyed by this idea, a voice like an oriole rang in his ears. "Foster father, it's already late at night, why are you still restless?" The sixteen-year-old Diao Chan opened the door of the quiet room and appeared in front of him beautifully. Maybe it's because of getting older and growing out, Diao Chan bulges forward and curls up, and her two big long legs are getting longer and longer.

She stood there quietly, like a plum blossoming in bud, blooming quietly without knowing it. People can't help feeling pity, and can't help but want to hold her in his arms, and pity her well. Such a stunner, overwhelming the country and the city, just like Yu Ji of the Overlord of Chu! An idea suddenly rushed into Wang Situ's heart, and he made a decision in an instant. Among the thirty-six strategies, there is a beauty strategy. Why don't I let Diao Chan tie Da Sima Lubu's heart?

"Diao Chan, I have something to ask for, it's about the Han Dynasty, please promise me." Wang Situ knocked down heavily.

It was also late at night, and Li Ping was ordered to sit in a car that was solidly covered by a blue cloth, and looked nervously at the two sturdy men who were holding him up. A little half an hour ago, seven or eight people broke into his home, and the one who took the lead was the short fat man last time. "Li Pingzhun, take your paperwork and follow me, nobles please!" Humpty Dumpty said with a smile without a smile, and he was kidnapped into this car, turning around and turning around. How long has it been.

The car finally stopped, and the two big men murmured and covered his eyes with a piece of green cloth. Then the two jumped out of the car dexterously, supported him, walked hundreds of steps, and then stopped. The blue cloth on his face was taken off, and there was a ray of light in front of him. He closed his eyes and settled, opened his eyes again, and saw clearly this time.

This is a huge house. He is sitting in the middle, with a faint candlelight beside him, and the surrounding situation is not very clear. Only know that there are eight or nine people sitting around twenty or thirty steps away, their figures are hidden in the darkness, silent and seem to have merged with the darkness. In the darkness, you can only hear their long breathing, these people are the nobles in the mouth of short fat people.

After a while, a grim voice rang, and the voice was full of harshness and frost, as cold as the icy north wind. "Li Pingzhun, don't panic, take you here, but I have a few questions to ask you. If you understand, I will send you home immediately. If you answer honestly, all our previous agreements are still Effective."

"Excuse me, I must tell you everything I know." Li Ping suppressed the fear in his heart and answered as calmly as possible. He knew that in front of these people, he was nothing more than an ant, and he would settle down if he came, answer the questions honestly, and strive to pass the test. When the matter is over, it's a big deal to resign and go into hiding and find a place to take care of her life.

"How much is the total food stock of the Binzhou Army?" a calm and graceful voice asked. "I only know what I saw. As for whether there are so many in total, I'm not sure." Li Ping took out a paper document from his arms, looked at the numbers on it, and then raised his head and said. "There are a total of fifteen thousand shi, which is the number as of today's noon. According to Zhao Qi, the chief farmer, five thousand shi will be transported to the Liangzhou front line tomorrow as military rations, which is said to be shipped from Mao Shi."

"Where do these grains exist?" The harsh and solemn voice rang again. "Here is a picture, all painted on it." Li Ping took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it over. "Besides, is there any grain? Also, how much grain will arrive in Chang'an City in the last half month?" "The grain in Bingzhou has always been transported directly from Jinyang City by big ships, I think There is no food in the delivery schedule for the last month, but there is a batch of five baht in the state, the amount is 100 million."

"Okay, you can go back. Whenever there is a turmoil, report it to us immediately." Li Ping was blindfolded by several men in black and led away. "Hold the candle!" said the harsh voice. Suddenly dozens of giant candles burst into light, illuminating the room like daylight. These eight or nine people were Tai Wei Zhao Qian and the eight major grain merchants in Chang'an City.

"This is what Li Ping said right. I also got news from various government offices that there is indeed so much food in stock. If Lu Bu does not plan to live, he will put all the rations on, there will be at most eight thousand stones. He said at the court meeting. The 20,000 shi did not go in or out." Taiwei Zhao Qian looked at the few documents in his hand and said. "These are all original documents, you all have a look."

The sound of reading the documents sounded in the room immediately, and after a while everyone had read it. The hiring elder first spoke: "In the opinion of the old man, the grain of the Union State Army does have 20,000 shi, plus 100 million yuan of the Union State five baht. It seems that they intend to use this money to collect food. It is so good. So we ate the 20,000 stones of grain, and spread rumors to cause panic, causing the price of grain in Chang'an City to rise steadily. If Lu Fengxian didn't want to starve too many people to death, he had to collect grain from us at a high price."

"Hiring old man, now the food in Chang'an City is no longer 20,000 shi, but 15,000 shi. I just sent someone to light one of the granaries! Nuo, it is the one in the west of the city! At this moment, everyone ran out, I must be able to see the fire in the sky!" Xiao Weng, the short fat man, said loudly, with a smile on his face.

"The big thing is not good! A fire broke out in the west of the city!" A burst of stern shouts suddenly broke out in the darkness, piercing the dark night sky. Several people stood up quickly, put on their shoes in a hurry, and walked out of the room to watch. I saw that the west of the city was red, and the sky was full of fires. It seemed that the fire was not small. The shouts and shouts continued to come, and teams of firefighting teams rushed to the west of the city. The sound of horses' hoofs and the knocking of pots and pans disturbed the entire city of Chang'an.

When I returned to the house again, everyone's faces were grinning. With this fire, the rumors of tomorrow will be more convincing. A fire broke out in the city of Chang'an, and all 20,000 stones of grain were turned into ashes, and no grain would arrive within a month. When this news spreads out, the place where it is bound to the state army’s rations will be crowded.

"You princes, tomorrow's grain price will definitely return to Dou Mi Wan Qian, Zhu Jun insists on a few days, waiting for Lu Bu to beg us. It is not impossible that the grain price at that time was 20,000 yuan!" Xiao Weng said loudly. Brilliant golden mountains appeared before his eyes. "Xiao Weng's words are extremely true! After we have eaten fifteen thousand stone of grain, how does Lu Fengxian respond?"

"Yes! Yeah! Lv Feng will fight first, but this economy is far behind us!"

Hahahaha! Everyone burst into laughter, and in their hearts, this battle was undoubtedly won.

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