New Story of Lv Bu

: : In what capacity was the young emperor buried?

As soon as this remark came out, the civil servants immediately scolded their mothers in their hearts! This old immortal has come out to be a demon again! The first emperor had two sons, the young emperor Liu Fen, and the present Liu Xie, Liu Fen frivolous, and Liu Xie smart. The first emperor loved Liu Xie very much and often took him with him. He wanted to pass on his throne to Liu Xie several times. Before his death, he entrusted Xiaohuangmen, who had mastered the eight lieutenants of Xiyuan, and the captain Jianshuo to take care of Liu Xie. Jian Shuo understood this as having to help Liu Xie to help the gods, so he started a series of plans.

However, the general He Jin was in charge, together with the Queen He in the inner palace, Liu Bian's wings were completed. In the end, He Jin killed Jian Shuo and helped Liu Bian into the throne. After Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, on the night of Xiaopingjin, Liu Xie was found to be unusually intelligent, calm and calm, compared to the younger emperor Liu Xie, and the sun and the moon to the candlelight. Later, Dong Zhuo abandoned the young emperor Liu Bian and went to Liu Xie now.

Dong Zhuo's move caused legal problems for the princes of the Kwantung who had rebelled against Dong. The ban on Dong Zhuo and the Zhongxing Han Dynasty was bound to deny Dong Zhuo's actions. Naturally, the act of abolishing Li Li was Dong Zhuo's biggest crime, but now only one of the first emperor’s biological sons is left. If Liu Fan is abolished, how should the imperial reign of this dynasty continue? This is a huge problem.

Therefore, Yuan Shao and others tried to find another way to support Youzhou Mu Liuyu, which is also a no-brainer. Since there is no legal basis, it is better to establish another emperor. In the history of this dynasty, this situation is not uncommon. However, Liu Yu regarded himself as a great Han loyal minister. Not only did he reject the suggestions of the princes of the Kanto area, but he also cursed them so badly that the matter had to die.

The reason why the emperor chooses to go to Liu Yu's is because of this, even the emperor is unwilling to do it, so does he need to worry about his loyalty? In Jinshang's heart, he is probably the emperor's uncle Liu Yu who he trusts most among the princes.

It has been more than a year since Young Emperor was killed by Dong Zhuoyu. There are two reasons why he has not been buried. First, because Dong Zhuo is still in power, he will never agree to bury the young emperor. Secondly, the legal problem was not resolved, so he was buried in what capacity. If he was buried as King Hongnong, he would be admitted to Dong Zhuo's abolition. In this way, he would be dissatisfied with the princes of the Kanto. If he was buried as an emperor, where would he be placed today?

Although the young emperor is dead, he can still choose a person for the young emperor in the clan and become the emperor's heir. In this way, this person has the possibility of becoming the emperor at least in theory. For Jinshang, this is a potential threat. For the officials and princes, this is naturally a good thing. They can lie between Jinshang and the emperor's heirs.

The question Matthew often raised is indeed a major issue, and it is also a question that must be broken down clearly. However, it was a bit untimely to raise this question on the first day Lu Bu entered Chang'an City. Nowadays prices are soaring, and the people are struggling with death. Han Sui and Ma Chao’s Xiliang rebels are about to come to Chang’an, and the remnants of the Xiliang Army need to be mobilized. This matter should be put aside. Righteousness.

"Ma Taichang, this matter is a major matter. It must be carefully considered and handled carefully. A little carelessness will cause an uproar! According to the old man's opinion, it is better to postpone the treatment. Since there has been no burial for more than a year, then It doesn’t matter if it’s delayed for a month or two. I think the spirits of the first emperor and the Hongnong king will understand us. I think it’s better to let it go."

"Da Sima has just entered Chang'an City. Today is the first day. Internal and external troubles abound. There is really no more energy and time to deal with this matter. Besides, prices are soaring and people's livelihood is difficult. Han Sui and Ma Chao The soldiers will come to Chang'an city soon, these are urgent tasks. It is better to deal with these matters properly, and then calm down and study the matter?"

As the head of the civil servants of this dynasty, and a heavy minister, Si Kong kind of had to come out to make a round. To be honest, what he said is right. Now there is a lot of mess, everyone is so busy with their heads, who has the leisure to study the question of the burial of the dead? King Hongnong has been dead for more than a year, what's the big deal after waiting for another month or two?

Unexpectedly, Ma Riquan would come back with a word. "This statement is ridiculous! If the name is not right, then the words are not smooth. If you can't clarify the legal and imperial order since the first emperor, how will you face the scholars of the world? How will you face the son of today? If the son of today escaped from Chang'an city privately, once What happened to him, how will the imperial and legal system of this dynasty continue?"

This old guy dare to say it! The civil and military officials were in an uproar, and Matthew opened the treasure box and explained the hidden worries that everyone had always hidden in their hearts. At this moment, everyone was like a gambler who was in a hurry to lose, and had no choice but to throw all their bets.

"In the opinion of the minister, when the king of Hongnong is buried in the rite of the emperor, the funeral can be simple or thin, and there is no need to build a tomb, but it must have the name of the emperor and be buried in the rite of the emperor!" There were crystal tears in Ma Riyun's eyes, and his voice was a bit suffocated. It seemed that the young Emperor's cunning face appeared in front of his eyes again.

"King Hongnong is the heir appointed by the first emperor, and he is in a very upright position. Although he was abolished by the power minister Dong Zhuo, this will not obliterate the fact that he was the heir appointed by the first emperor. If he was buried in the tribute of the emperor, the princes of Guandong would have no legal principle. According to the evidence, they can boycott Dong Zhuo, but they absolutely dare not say anything bad about the young emperor."

"Also, to leave the palace privately today, his idea is good, that is to get out of Dong Zhuo's clutches. However, he is only around him, Huang Wan, the school officer of Sili, Zheng Tai, the school of Shangshu, Yang Zan, the guardian of Qiang, and Wu Shi. Sun Rui, and at most a few entourages, if something happens, how will I face the first emperor? How can I bury King Hongnong with the gift of the emperor, and then choose an heir for him in the clan for succession? The first emperor’s incense. If there is nothing wrong today, so be it. If there is something wrong today, the emperor will succeed the emperor as the emperor of Hongnong, and the emperor’s legal system is still there.

Ma Rixiong's words fell like a pebble in the calm and waveless lake, causing waves of ripples. The hundreds of civil and military officials immediately made a big uproar, and immediately began to debate loudly, causing the whole hall to be full of people, like a vegetable market. Ma Taichang's words were too straightforward, without the slightest concealment, he lifted all the fig leafs that had been hidden under the coat of justice, and presented all the idiots inside in front of everyone.

After the chaos for a while, under the loud scolding of Sili Xiaowei Hou Cheng and Cheng Huangfusong in Yu Shi Zhong, the civil and military officials stopped talking and gradually calmed down. "The veteran has something to say!" Taiwei Zhao Qian came out of the class and said: "Ma Taichang's argument is definitely not feasible! Why? If the king of Hongnong was buried in the ritual of the emperor, and the emperor heir was established for him, if someone intends to abolish it again Li, secretly kill Jinshang, or encourage others to assassinate Jinshang, won't I be reduced to killing Jinshang's accomplices?"

"Ho ho! Let me make it clear for you! You might as well say it directly. You are afraid that you will establish an emperor heir for King Hongnong. In order to control the court, Da Sima will send someone to assassinate Jinshang, isn't it?" Although pedantic, he is extremely clever, and one sentence puts through Zhao Taiwei's intentions. "Prince Zhao, you don't have to worry, I propose this for the safety of today!"

"Since I left Chang'an on the second day of May, six days have passed. I must have arrived outside Sili. Although Da Sima's subordinates cast a large net to find them, they still found nothing. Yuan Shao and others supported Liu. From the Yu incident, it seems that the real danger is to reach the territory controlled by the princes of the Kwantung region today. What about it? If it’s ridiculous today, they will support another person! Liu Yan in Yizhou and Liu Biao in Jingzhou are all Han people. Shi Zongqin is Liu Xuande who weaves the mats, isn't it also after Zhongshan Jing Wang Liu Sheng? The two sons of the first emperor are gone, and the law and the emperor's unity are cut off. It is a good time to support!"

"If you bury King Hongnong with the gift of the emperor at this moment and choose an emperor heir for him, you will indirectly warn the princes of the Kwantung that if you are slandered today, someone will inherit the throne! Don't think about it! It's a strange thing to live in, compared to the emperor we established, from a legal point of view, it is more tenable today!"

"So, you are Yuan Benchu, so do you choose to go today? Or choose the emperor we established?" Ma Taichang turned around, facing the hundreds of civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and asked loudly. "Naturally today! We are not fools!" Everyone responded in a sudden. "Emperor Zhao, they are not stupid, it seems you are the stupid!" Ma Taichang turned around and gave Zhao Qian a contemptuous look.

Zhao Taiwei's face immediately swelled to resemble pig liver, but Matthew's common sense was reasonable, and he was also the former Taiwei, regardless of his fame and seniority in the world, he was firmly overwhelmed. However, he couldn't do it with force, so he smiled awkwardly and went back to his seat by himself. Ugh! All right and wrong are due to strong prominence!

"From this point of view, Ma Taichang's move is to protect the safety of today, so he has taken so much pains! Ma Riyi is in the position of being too permanent, and such handling is also his duty, and it is the meaning of the question! I don't know what the monarchs think. "Zhong Sikong tried to assess the situation, and had to come out and finish. Taichang is one of the nine princes, specializing in sacrificial rites and royal affairs, and the emperor's legal system is exactly what he is responsible for.

"I have no objection to wait! I agree with what Matthew said!" The civil and military officials all arched their hands and said in unison. Ma Taichang has said so clearly, whoever disapproves is conspiring to assassinate today, but no one can afford this big hat. The law of this dynasty, this is the crime of Zhu Jiu.

Seeing that everyone’s opinion was hard to violate, Lu Bu had no choice but to make a decision in court: "Since the civil and military officials have agreed, then we will inform the world and bury the young emperor with the gift of the emperor, find Tang Ji who will accompany him to the end, and become the queen and choose for the young emperor. An emperor heir. But how should this posthumous name be drawn up?"

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