New Story of Lv Bu

: : Runan Yuan Family (2)

After the death of Emperor Han Zhang, the young Han He succeeded to the throne, and Empress Dowager Dou came to the court to listen to politics. The queen mother's brother, a relative, Dou Xian, became a powerful figure for a while. Dou Xian has always acted boldly. After taking power, he assassinated Liu Chang, the son of King Qi, who was a threat to his position, and tried to blame Liu Chang's brother. Later things were revealed, and the Queen Mother was furious. In order to make atonement for himself, Dou Xian requested the Northern Expedition to the Huns and contribute to the country.

At that time, the Northern Huns were weak and had not committed a crime for many years. The Han Dynasty had no reason to send troops. Moreover, the big fight, the cost is huge, and it is detrimental to the country and the people. So the three men played together and opposed the sending of troops. But there was no response from the Queen Mother. Taiwei Song You, one of the three gongs, was afraid of offending Dou Xian, so he withdrew and stopped participating in the remonstrance. Other ministers also gradually withdrew. Only Situ Yuan An and Sikong Renwei were unswerving, and they had written more than a dozen times, requesting abandoning the Northern Expedition. But the Queen Mother always refused. Everyone is worried that Yuan An will offend the Queen Mother and Dou Xian. But Yuan An has always been calm and self-conscious, and doesn't care about it.

After Dou Xian led troops out, Dou Xian's two younger brothers, Dou Du and Dou Jingjiao, were domineering. Their doormen openly robbed property in the capital. Dou Jing even privately ordered the border counties to draw warriors from the border troops and send them as his personal soldiers. The border prefect was afraid of the Dou family, and he dared not refuse. Regarding such daring behavior, the supervisory department did not dare to intervene in the slightest. Only Yuan An submitted a letter to impeach Dou Jing and the border prefect to dispatch border troops without authorization and should be executed in accordance with the law. And to impeach the chief of the supervision department, he is irresponsible and should be removed. But Yuan An's impeachment has all fallen to nothing.

Brother Dou Xian became increasingly arrogant. Their party members served as prefects everywhere, oppressing the officials and amassing wealth. Officials from the ruling and opposition parties have also turned to the Dou brothers. Yuan An and Ren Kui jointly impeached these illegal officials of A Fu Dou Xian, and more than 40 Dou Xian Dangyu were demoted. Dou Xian and others hated Yuan An and Ren Wei. But they are very prestigious, and Dou Xian can't help them for a while.

Dou Xian is a narrow-minded person. Many people who offended him, and those who hindered him from being in power, were eliminated by him. This is Yuan An once again risking his life to uphold justice and be loyal to the country.

Later, Dou Xian defeated the Northern Huns and the Northern Expedition was successful. Shan Yu escaped without a trace. Dou Xian wanted to establish his Zuo Luli king as Shan Yu. Like the Southern Huns who had returned before, the Han Dynasty sent Zhonglang to guard them. The Minister of Public Secrets Du Fu Dou Xian thought it was feasible. Only Yuan An and Ren Wei objected. After the Southern Xiongnu surrendered, they guarded the frontier for the Han Dynasty. The Eastern Han Dynasty gave them land and rewarded them with billions of valuables every year, which was very expensive. The strategy before the Han Dynasty was to let the Southern Huns return to their homeland after pacifying the Northern Huns. In this way, the Han Dynasty can save a lot of expenses. If another Beidanyu is established, it will cost them money to feed them, and it will not benefit the country. Moreover, the Southern Huns returned to the Han Dynasty for more than 40 years, and made great contributions to defending the Han Dynasty. After pacifying the Northern Huns, it is natural that Nan Danyu should rule the entire Huns instead of establishing another one.

The opinions of Yuan An and Ren Wei were supported by a small number of ministers. But the Queen Mother was noncommittal. In order to prevent Dou Xian's proposition from being implemented, Yuan An wrote to the Queen Mother alone, trying his best to analyze the improprieties of establishing a separate Beidanyu. The Queen Mother issued an edict and asked the ministers to discuss the matter in the court. Yuan An and Dou Xian had a heated debate. By virtue of his status as a relative, Dou Xian was domineering, slandering Yuan An in the court, and even threatening to kill him. Yuan An is always undaunted and unwavering. But in the end, Yuan An's suggestion was not implemented. Dou Xian established Beidanyu separately. Later, Bei Danyu rebelled and once again became a side issue of the Han Dynasty.

At that time, the Han and Emperors were young, and Dou Xian and other brothers were domineering and domineering. Every time he met with the emperor, or discussed state affairs with ministers, Yuan An was sentimental about the current situation and often wept bitterly. From the emperor to the minister, they all rely heavily on Yuan An. In the fourth year of Hedi Yongyuan, Yuan An died of illness. A few months later, the eunuchs of the Han and Emperors jointly launched a coup and regained power. Brother Dou Xian was forced to commit suicide, and the officials who had previously attached to Dou Xian were removed. He Di remembered Yuan An's merits, appointed his eldest son Yuan Shang as the collaborator, and vigorously rewarded his descendants, so that they were successful in their official career and became famous. After Yuan An died, he was able to bless his descendants, making the Yuan clan of Runan the first famous clan branch of the Yuan clan in history.

Yuan An has three sons, the eldest son Yuan Shang, the second son Yuan Jing, and the third son Yuan Chang. The Yuan Jing branch is the most expensive.

The eldest son Yuan Shang was awarded the title of Lang Guan, and he gave birth to Yuan, who was once a Lang Guan.

The second son, Yuan Jing, named Zhong Yu, learned from Meng's "Yi" and wrote "Difficult to Remember" with 300,000 words, which caused quite a stir at the time. He first worshipped the doctor, soon moved to the attendant, and later became the prefect of Shu County.

The third son Yuan Chang, whose name is Shuping, is a professor of "Book of Changes", and his father was appointed as the prince and he was highly regarded by the royal family. Yuan Chang is strong and honest, not a powerful man, and has a good reputation in the scholars. During the Hedi period, he served as a general, a doctor, and a servant. He served as the prefect of the East County, and worshipped Taipu and Guangluxun. In the third year of the Yuan Dynasty (116 AD), he was promoted to Sikong. This is the second Yuan family of Runan. Three males.

Yuan Chang gave birth to Yuan Xu, who was once Guangluxun. Yuan Xu, Sun Yuan Yi, was the prefect of Shanyang at the end of the Han Dynasty.

Yuan Jing and his descendants are the most developed authors of the Yuan family in Runan. Yuan Jing gave birth to two sons, the eldest son Yuan Peng, and the second son Yuan Tang.

The eldest son, Yuan Peng, was born in the name of Bo Chu and passed down his father's career. He respected himself by learning. He was reputed to have clean beauty when he was an official. Served as prefects of Guanghan and Nanyang, and Guangluxun at the beginning of Emperor Shun.

The second son Yuan Tang, whose name is Zhonghe, has been in the family environment since he was young. At the time of Emperor Huan, he was Sikong, named Anguotinghou, had 500 households in Shiyi, and moved to Situ and Taiwei. He was the third third of the Yuan family in Runan.

Yuan Peng gave birth to Yuan He. Yuan He, Zi Yuanfu, on the day Yuan He was born, An Emperor was holding a Yuanfu ceremony, and all officials rushed to congratulate him. At this time, grandfather Yuan Jing heard that his eldest grandson had been born. He was glad that his birth coincided with the Jiahui, so he named him He, from Yuanfu. Yuan He later went to Pengcheng as the state minister.

The three sons of Yuan Hesheng: the eldest son Yuan Hong with the word Xiafu; the second son Yuan Zhong with the word Zhengfu; and the third son Yuan Hong with the word Shaofu, all with integrity.

Yuan Hong is called Xia Fu. When he was a child, he had a good character and grew up to earn a living from farming. When the Yellow Turban attacked, the counties and counties were captured, and the people dispersed. Yuan Hong sat there chanting without moving his buttocks. The Yellow Turban thief was shocked and prevented each other from entering his house. The people who hid in his house were saved from disaster.

This branch of Yuan Tang is extremely expensive and prosperous. His uncle Yuan Feng and Yuan Wei often helped the gentleman's cousin, but they were rejected by him. Yuan Hong saw it very clearly that the middle officials used things, the emperor was faint, and the people's grievances were boiling. These are all signs of chaos in the world. He said to several of his cousins: "The descendants of the Yuan clan of Runan can no longer defend their ancestors' blessings by virtue of their virtues. They specialize in extravagance and fight for power in troubled times. They are really like the three tribes of the Que clan who manipulated Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period. ."

He planned to go back to the mountains, but his mother was too old, so he dug a basement around the courtyard. After he entered, the exit was blocked, leaving only a window for his family to deliver food. Later, let his family let out the wind to say that he had returned to the mountains and forests. Eighteen years later, Yuan Hong died in the basement.

Yuan Hong's prophecy was fulfilled more than 20 years later. He dug his own grave, buried the disaster and buried himself.

Yuan Zhong, whose name is Zhengfu, is friends with Fan Peng in the same county, and they are all implicated because of the party's misfortune. He was appointed as Peixiang in the Chuping reign, and even took a very simple car to take office. He was known for his integrity and self-preservation when he was in office. When the world was in turmoil, Yuan Zhong was working as an official in Shangyu, Kuaiji. He went to see Wang Lang in a small boat covered with bamboo mats. He saw Wang Lang and Tong Cong wearing all blue and purple dresses. They were not extravagant. Get ill, withdraw immediately. Later, when Sun Ce breached Kuaiji, Yuan Zhong ran to Hainan by boat, and from Hainan to the handover site. When Emperor Xian moved his capital to Xuchang, he was enlisted to be a Weiwei, but he did not go and died the same year.

Yuan Hong, whose name is Shao Fu, was ashamed of being born into a wealthy family, so he changed his name and walked to school on his own. He should not be enlisted in his life, and he died at home.

Yuan Zhong has a son, Yuan Mi, whose name is Yongning, who is a student of the county sect. From the Yellow Turban, the secretary followed the prefect Zhao Qian to attack the Yellow Turban and was defeated. Seven people including Yuan Mi and Gong Cao Fengguan rose to self-defense, and they all died in Chen Jun, and Zhao Qian was saved from death. The emperor's edict was awarded the title of "Seven Sages" by Yuan Mi and other seven people.

Yuan Peng in the Yuan family of Runan has abided by Yuan Liang's ancestral precepts, long-standing classics, honesty and self-discipline.

This branch of Yuan Tang is completely different. Zhongming and Dingshi is already a kind of wealth.

Yuan Tang gave birth to three sons, the eldest son Yuan Cheng, the second son Yuan Feng, and the third son Yuan Wei.

The eldest son, Yuan Cheng, succeeded in being a general in the left, died early and had no children, and Yuan Feng, the concubine of Yuan Feng, adopted Yuan Shao as his son.

Yuan Feng, the second son, served as Sikong in the Lingdi Dynasty, and was once the third elder, receiving special treatment from the imperial court.

The third son, Yuan Wei, preceded Yuan Feng and served as the third official.

Yuan Feng and Yuan Wei did not do things like their cousins. They were good at dancing with long sleeves, and they mixed well in court. Zhong Chang servant Yuan She and Yuan Wei recognized the same clan, and the two became party aids, and they exchanged views with each other. Even Da Changqiu Caojie gave Runan Yuan a three-point thin noodle. The two parties in the dynasty caused the disaster, and the eunuchs persecuted countless famous ministers and magi. But not only did the Yuan family not be implicated in the slightest, on the contrary, it became more and more prosperous because of the troubles of the Yuan Feng Brotherhood.

Yuan Fengsheng's three sons: Yuan Ji, the eldest son, was killed by Dong Zhuo. Yuan Shu, the second son, was also one of the vassals of the late Han Dynasty. The third son Yuan Jun.

Yuan Kui gave birth to three sons: the eldest son Yuan Manlai, the second son Yuan Yida, and the third son Yuan Zhongda.

Yuan An was able to achieve the position of San Gong completely by relying on his own iron bones and righteousness. He passed this family style as a family method to later generations, but when he got to the Yuan Feng brothers, the sutra was distorted. The two star brothers are good at dancing with long sleeves, facing Qin Muchu, and they can do anything as long as they can keep their position. So much so that Yuan Peng's people didn't have much contact with them. They inherited the family tradition of farming and reading heirlooms, and looked down on what the Yuan Feng brothers did.

But the court couldn't lack such veterans as the Yuan brothers. The current situation is that the middle officials cover the sky with one hand, and Wang Fu has also set a precedent for the internal conflicts of the middle officials. Da Changqiu Cao Jie had something to tell Wang Fu, but because the face of his close comrades was not easy to talk about, it was certain that he was angry. After all, after so many winds and waves together, it's not funny to turn a face for a few small characters.

The party members who are imprisoned at home have completely lost their right to speak of state affairs and can only watch with wide-eyed eyes. He Jin's role is not significant, he is limited to walking through the back door to sell a few small officials. A few surviving seniors competed for some soup in a small area. Under such circumstances, the Yuan brothers' long-sleeved dance has become the lubricating oil among several big forces, and quietly became the climate. The protégés are all over the world, and every call is for party support.

After clearing out the genealogy of the Yuan family in Runan, one problem was discovered, that is, the internal fighting between the Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao brothers. In the eventful autumn of Xiping's six years, Yuan Feng and Yuan Wei were at the helm of the Yuan family of Runan, the fourth generation and five masters. The next generation were the four brothers Yuan Ji, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Yuan Jun. Yuan Ji is handsome and gentle, and is the key training object of the Yuan family. Yuan Jun is still young, and the rest of Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao are at odds. This is the biggest problem of the Yuan family in Runan.

Yuan Shao is a concubine, and his mother's status is very low. After adopting Yuan Cheng, he became a concubine. It smells like a crow flew on a branch to make a phoenix. Fortunately, Yuan Ji has a good temperament and takes good care of Yuan Shao. But Yuan Shu was different, he despised Yuan Shao from the bottom of his heart. Yuan Shu once scolded Yuan Shao, saying that he was the seed of our slave. But Yuan Shao's quality and abilities are indeed much better than Yuan Shu, and his popularity is even better. Even a butcher like He Jin, Yuan Shao can behave like a buddy. In Luoyang City, Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu, Cao Cao Cao Aman, Zhang Miao and Zhang Mengzhuo are good buddies who can wear a pair of trousers.

Yuan Shu is more embarrassed. His popularity is not very good. There are not many good buddies. The friends who often mix with him are friends. When the three Yuan Shao punished the strong and helped the weak in Luoyang City won praise, Yuan Shu hated his brother even more. His friends and friends all know that at this time, Yuan Gonglu can only vent his anger if he confronts Yuan Shao.

Because of this problem, Yuan Shu made a big mistake.

Yuan Shu's weather has not been so smooth these few days, his face is always stern, and his mouth is pouting. It is conservatively estimated that tying three donkeys is not a problem. "My son, let's accompany you on a walk." "No!" "Then let's accompany you to see the corner." "No!" Recruited. "The son, the second son seems to be visiting a scholar." "Where? Take me to see!" Yuan Shu's eyes flushed immediately and his face was flat, his mouth was not pouted, and a sickness appeared on his face. Pale.

At this time, only by adding a bit of blockage to the domestic slave, Yuan Gonglu, who was suave, could feel very comfortable. Regardless of Yuan Shao's young age, he has made more friends. This time he went to visit scholars to win people's hearts. If you pick up someone Yuan Shao is fond of, and often sway in front of his eyes, presumably that guy's face won't be so calm, right? Hahahaha, Yuan Shu couldn't help but laugh, so there is only one word to describe revenge, and that is: perfect!

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