Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 189: Voyage on the Endless Sea

But even if the ropes are freed, it does not mean that the four pirates will reach the island safely.

The Black Fantasy is about 800 meters away from the pirate. Even if Andy wants to swim over, it will take about ten minutes, and Andy's water ability can be said to be his best skill. as flexible as a fish.

Most pirates are not as watery as Andy.

Although they can also swim, they don't deliberately train this skill. After all, pirates only need to make sure that they don't die in a short time when they fall into the sea.

The same is true for the remaining four pirates. They swam to the island with difficulty, begging in their hearts that no giant sea beast would notice them.

Faced with the threat of death all the time, the pirates' swimming can be said to have exerted their limits. Seeing that they were about to reach the beach of the island, the four pirates breathed a sigh of relief, and even relaxed, their speed was not as fast as before. almost.

"Hopefully there are no murderous indigenous tribes on this island."

The pirate prayed in his heart, and he couldn't wait to lie down on the golden sand to enjoy the sunshine and relax.

Unfortunately, this is the endless sea.

A huge black shadow passed under the surface of the sea, and Andy, who was standing by the deck, saw it very clearly. He took a few steps back and said to Bibab, "Let's go, it seems that God did not bless them. "

Bibab walked up to the bow without a word, Sid directed the pirates to pull up the anchor, and the Black Fantasy left in the direction of the Sacred Sea.


The sound of the waves bursting came from far behind, Andy's footsteps stopped, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and returned to the captain's room.

The pirates on the deck looked at the surging sea behind them and looked at each other. They put down their work, took off their pirate hats, put them on their chests, and lowered their heads.

"Hey guys, our captain isn't as innocuous as he looks, he's a good captain!"

After a few minutes, Asha put the hat back on his head, looked at the pirates on the deck, and shouted loudly.

"The captain has forgiven our greed and faults, and has given us rewards, so...for the sake of the captain's kindness, for our lives, guys, speed up! Get out of this dangerous sea earlier, pirates of the Storm Sea, Go to the waters of the Roman Empire and leave a legend that belongs to the Black Fantasy! A legend that belongs to Captain Andy!"



I have to say that Asha, the bosun, did quite a job, and the pirates quickly got busy with their work. They buried today's events deeply in their hearts. As for the eight pirates who gave their lives to the pirates Be role models, they'll pray for it in their spare time.

Andler arrived at Bibab's side. He looked at the nautical chart and said thoughtlessly, "How is it?"

"Andy is still too immature, and his means are not sharp enough. Amanda has already shot, but he is still soft-hearted in the end." Bibab said, bumping Ander with the shoulder, "Let him know the world of pirates. How cruel it is."

"How to do it?"

Andler frowned, he couldn't think of a way.

"Asha has ambition and ability. Sid is not his opponent. One day, the pirates on this ship will listen to Asha. Once Andy exposes his weakness..."

"Then I get rid of him?"

Andler's eyes suddenly aroused cold killing intent, and he put his hand on his waist, where a sharp dagger was pinned.

"Relax, man." Bibb patted Ander on the shoulder. "In this case, Andy will never grow up. Don't worry too much. Andy's strength is stronger than Captain Zach."

"He will grow up after going through something..."

Andler put down his hands helplessly. He took a few steps to the side, put his hands on the railing, and looked at the blue sea.

"You said Roger, where is that idiot now?"

"Maybe drinking rum in the central sea area, maybe he's better off than us now, after all, he's now a member of the legendary pirate ship..." Bibabu sighed and touched his chest A scar on his face, remembering the days when he and Roger fought side by side. "Our lives were saved by Roger. Since Roger regards Andy as his own brother, we must help him as much as possible."

"Andy still lacks a few confidants on this ship. Those two women are not bad. If they grow up, they will be very powerful characters."

Andler thought for a while and said that he knew Anna's swordsmanship and marksmanship, and that Margaret was studying witchcraft recently.

"Don't worry, Andy is so young, there is still a lot of time, enough for them to grow up."

A melodious sound of bagpipes spread from the bow to the deck, drinking the sound of the waves, the pirates felt relaxed and peaceful.

Upstairs on the bow, Andler was playing his little bagpipes, and the golden sunlight fell on his long golden hair, making people feel inexplicably warm.

Because the destination of the Black Fantasy is the Sacred Sea, they did not go deep into the endless sea, but kept swimming on the edge of the endless sea, which also caused the Black Fantasy to not encounter other pirate ships, and their luck was really good Yes, there are no sea beasts to harass them.

After dinner, the pirates in twos and threes returned to the cabin. They didn't need to watch the night or stay on the deck. Today, the pirates were rewarded with two gold coins. They decided to gamble a few times and try their luck.

The happiest is undoubtedly Buck. He has itchy hands for many days, and he can finally enjoy it today.

As for those pirates who need a vigil, they can't enjoy this kind of fun. They need to keep an eye on the surrounding in the icy sea breeze of the night to ensure the safety of the Black Fantasy.

This is an unfamiliar sea area for them, and they should not be careless.

In the captain's room, Andy accompanied Anna and Margaret to dinner. Three goblets were filled with Anna's collection of red wine, and the golden plates were filled with the best bread and roasted meat, as well as some cut fruit.

Andy ate a piece of grilled meat expressionlessly, chewing it mechanically, seeing Anna looking at him, he immediately made a look of enjoyment.

“The roast tonight was really good.”

Andy ate another big piece, wondering why he was doing such a waste of food.


Anna smiled with satisfaction. It was the barbecue he cooked for Andy himself.

"Hmph..." Margaret stabbed the barbecue a few times with the fork in her hand, mumbling in a low voice, "Shameless, can't you see Andy's expression..."

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