Necromancer and Super Cemetery

Chapter 246: Pale catastrophe

  Chapter 246 Heavenly Calamity

   At this moment, Nikolayevich didn't know that he was going to face an ancient dragon of natural disaster grade. He was very confident in the strength assembled in his opponent, and immediately ordered to set off for Faerun.

  Green was not recruited because he was studying at the Santa Academy, and he stood high on the Santa. This is an observation deck that only seminar students or college teachers can come up to. Standing here overlooking the entire city of Fredenburg, you can also see the Knights marching in the distance, as well as thousands of agents of the Special Bureau.

  Green looked at this scene expressionlessly, he didn't know how many of these people would survive.

Others may not understand what it means to send these people to the ruins of Faerun at this time, but Green has information from the Shadow Red Dragon. According to the situation of the gate of time and space, these people will arrive at the ruins of Faerun around noon tomorrow. Before, the ancient white dragon of natural disaster grade, Angdaragon, would pass through the gate of time and space.

   This troop, which has assembled the most elite forces from the three northwestern provinces of the Lorenzo Kingdom, will collide head-on with the violent and ferocious ancient white dragon!

  Green can almost imagine what kind of expressions these nearly 20,000 people will have when they see that 200-meter-long behemoth appear in their field of vision...

   The next afternoon, an explosive news shocked the entire continent!

   Not only the Lorenzo Kingdom, the Loen Federation, the Condor Empire, the West Thorne Kingdom, the United Grand Duchy of Decanos, the Free City Alliance…

   Almost at the same time, newspapers from more than a dozen countries printed the issue: The ancient dragon appeared in the sky, and the 20,000 army of the Kingdom of Lorenzo was turned into an ice sculpture!

   As the initiator, the ancient white dragon Angdaragon also got the nickname of "The Pale Calamity". As for the army led by Nikolayevich, except for a few legendary transcendents who fled back in embarrassment, the rest of the army was wiped out. And the whole battle only lasted three minutes, the whole process is very simple, but even more frightening.

   That afternoon, at 2:10, the ancient white dragon Angdalagon passed through the gate of time and space.

At this time, Nikolayevich and his troops were still 63 kilometers away from the gate of time and space. Hearing the dragon roar from the ancient white dragon and feeling the palpitating dragon's might, Nikolayevich cautiously ordered to stop advancing, And used the detection spell for the first time.

   Two minutes later, the ancient white dragon rose into the sky, and a terrifying body that was two hundred meters long appeared in everyone's field of vision.

  Fifteen seconds later, the ancient white dragon stared at it with cold and cruel eyes, and gliding gracefully with its wings spread out...

   One minute later, the ancient white dragon flew over 60 kilometers, like a heavy bomber breathing dragon breath at an altitude of one kilometer above the ground.

   A mass of white mist with a temperature comparable to liquid nitrogen was ejected from the huge dragon mouth, forming a huge fan-shaped area, and in an instant, everything froze.

   In the blink of an eye, an area two kilometers wide and five kilometers long turned into a crystal clear world of ice and snow.

  The shocked and terrified people's expressions were distorted and sealed by permanent ice, and they could even see their fearful eyes before death through the highly transparent ice layer. Some people raised their guns and fired in despair before dying. The flames spewed from the muzzle and the bullets fired at high speed were also frozen by the breath of the ancient white dragon, and everything at that moment was vividly preserved.

   The breath of the ancient white dragon of natural disaster grade contains not only extremely low temperature, but also a law of freezing, stillness, and ending everything.

So far, the 17,394 people who departed from Fredenburg City yesterday, except for Nikolayevich and the two directors of the special bureaus of neighboring provinces, found something wrong and escaped in advance, and the remaining 17,300 Ninety-one people were wiped out!

In an instant, everyone in the Kingdom of Lorenzo was stunned. The king was stunned for a minute before he recovered. The Prime Minister confirmed the situation three times before believing that the situation was true. People were in a panic all day long, for fear that the terrifying white dragon would come to the city where they lived.

   Among them, the closest big city to Faerun, Frydenburg was the most affected. It was already chaotic enough, and this time it was even worse.

   The failure to attack the noble mansion in the Fredenburg district has caused many poor people to be severely hit, and some even fear the nobles' revenge. However, with the advent of the terrifying pale catastrophe, the most elite extraordinary powers of the three nearby provinces were instantly destroyed, causing these poor extraordinary people to move again, creating chaos and plundering wealth.

Faced with this situation, the Special Bureau of Fredenburg City, who was killed by Mrs. Silgai, was helpless and had no choice but to withdraw the remaining staff back to the Fredenburg area and cooperate with the military and police who entered the city to maintain order, at least. Guard these noble masters, and they can't control the rest.

  The top floor of Santa College, in the Dean's Office.

   Nikolayevich was sitting behind the huge wooden desk with a pale face, and in the depths of his eyes there was an inexorable fear of the ancient white dragon. Although he has returned to Santa Academy and the other party has not pursued him, he is still unable to control it. Every time he closes his eyes, the white behemoth will appear in his mind, gliding gracefully and stretched in the sky, and then slowly Xu spit out a white dragon's breath...

   He couldn't even forget the twisted and hideous expressions of the more than 10,000 people who were frozen into ice sculptures.

More importantly, the power of the ancient giant dragon from another world made him stunned, and the confidence and pride he had accumulated in the past was lost, and even at a certain moment, the idea of ​​​​he wanted to kneel to the giant dragon. begging.

   As a high-level legendary mage, Nikolayevich knew that there was a big problem in his heart. If he could not adjust himself and find a solution, he would not be able to make further progress, and he might even decline from a high-level legend back to an intermediate-level legend.

   "Damn four-legged reptile!" Nikolayevich sat alone in the dark office, gnashing his teeth, sullen, hoarse but not daring to curse loudly.

   However, what happened next was beyond everyone’s expectations.

The ancient white dragon, which made the entire Lorenzo Kingdom tremble and named it the [Bright Calamity], after wiping out nearly 20,000 troops with a single breath, did not wantonly destroy and slaughter, but kept flying towards the north. It was as if he had escaped the cage, and he was very happy along the way, and from time to time he let out a dragon roar that shook the sky.

   A few days later, according to the news from the kingdom of Asgar in the extreme north of the mainland, the pale disaster flew over 24,000 kilometers in one breath, and finally built a nest on the highest peak of the extreme arctic ice field-Andris Peak.

   After the ancient white dragon left, the remaining thousands of coalition forces who came to the main world from the foggy world were dumbfounded. This was completely different from what they planned!

   Including Green was also unexpected. According to reason, this natural disaster dragon came to the main world, and he had to kill the Quartet to match his notoriety! Even if the kingdom of Lorenzo is not destroyed, several cities must be destroyed, causing millions of casualties and countless tragedies.

   But this Highness Angdalagon just spit, patted his **** and flew away as if nothing had happened!

   Originally, Green planned to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and seek the greatest benefit, but this time he also failed, which made him a little depressed.

And ten times more depressed than Green are the gnoll shaman and the legendary mage Murray. They originally planned to let the ancient white dragon take the lead, and they followed behind to pick up the cheap, occupy the city land, reproduce offspring, and expand the ethnic group. Now all the plans are aborted, making them so angry that they want to vomit blood.

But from the very beginning, they and the ancient white dragon have used each other's relationship, there is no covenant or friendship at all, and to be more specific, the white dragon is not too pitiful, at least before they left, they helped them eliminate the three nearby provinces. The assembled superhero army.

If the Kingdom of Lorenzo wants to mobilize such a scale of knights and elites from the special bureau, at least from two central provinces and three eastern provinces, which are thousands of kilometers away, don't even think about assembling them in a month or two. Finally, enough time was left for the coalition to prepare.

  At this time, the jackal shaman, the legendary mage Murray and others could only accept the reality, and five legendary transcendents from five forces gathered together.

  In a huge tent that was just built enough to accommodate the Cyclops, the five people representing their respective forces all looked bad. After losing the most powerful natural disaster grade ancient white dragon, they have differences, and there are three main points of view.

  As the earliest initiator, the gnoll shaman advocated a quick decision, using the portal as a fulcrum to quickly capture the nearby human cities, plundering tens of thousands of local people as slaves.

   The gnoll shaman and the legendary mage Murray both have the means of forcibly controlling the slaves. They can reorganize a large number of plundered slaves into a cannon fodder force and quickly make up for the shortage of the coalition army. Moreover, as a superhuman species of humanoid, the reproductive isolation of gnolls and humans is not very strong. As long as a trivial shaman spell is assisted, more gnolls can be reproduced with humans, and the reproduction and growth rate of gnolls are very fast. As long as you persist for a few years, you can pull up an army of tens of thousands of gnolls with extraordinary abilities.

   However, Murray, the legendary mage who is a human, does not agree. This time the human city-state sent the most troops and had the greatest voice in the coalition.

Murray believes that we should find a way to negotiate with the human kingdom in the main world. Although the ancient white dragon of the natural disaster level has left, they still have five legends, so they may not be able to calm the scene. As long as the conditions proposed are not too outrageous, I believe this master The human kingdom of the world will consider it carefully.

   In fact, according to Murray's idea, he hopes that his city-state can integrate into this rich world dominated by humans. After all, they are human beings themselves, and it is not difficult to integrate into it.

  The remaining Cyclops, Centaurs, and Rat People retreated. Like the Gnolls, they advocated capturing the nearby human cities, but they did not want to occupy them for a long time, but planned to grab a vote and leave. They think that there is no natural disaster-level ancient white dragon sitting in town, and they can't keep it here with just their few troops. When the human kingdom of the main world reacts, it will continuously mobilize troops to encircle and suppress them.

   (end of this chapter)

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