Chen Sheng returned to his headquarters ten years ago.

Nothing has changed, it seems that someone has been cleaning the house for the past ten years.

Domino was the only one who disembarked with Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng knew that someone would come soon, so he asked Domino to buy some vegetables and planned to make hot pot at home.

Sure enough, not long after Domino left, someone knocked on the door.

Qing Pheasant and Garp came together

"Hahahaha, boy Chen Sheng, you are finally back. I have been waiting for you for many days."

Qing Pheasant also echoed:"Aha, blah, blah, that's right, we haven't seen each other for so many years."

I've only been separated from the old man Garp for a few days, but I haven't seen Qing Zhi for many years.

"It’s time to call you General Qing Pheasant."

"Don't belittle me, you are the one. So much has changed in the past ten years that you actually killed the Golden Lion yourself."

With that said, the two of them sat down familiarly.

After a while, Domino came back from buying vegetables, Chen Sheng prepared the pot, and the four of them started to eat.

Not long after eating, the knock on the door rang again.

No need to guess. I knew it must be Zefa.

Sure enough, a vigorous old man with purple hair stood at the door.

"What, am I not welcome in?"

"How can I? Even if I don't welcome the two people in the room, I can't help but welcome you. Come in, come in."

There were five people eating.

After eating for a while, Domino saw that they were done, so he found an excuse to leave the house.

At this time, only four of them, Chen Sheng, were left in the house.

Qingzhi was the first to speak:"In the past ten years, What are you doing in the East China Sea? With your talent, you should have been promoted to the headquarters long ago. I heard that you refused promotion several times. Are you following the example of Lieutenant General Garp?"

"Of course not, I just feel comfortable staying in Donghai"

"Stop talking nonsense, do you really think it’s the first day we met you? Zefa interrupted Chen Sheng.

Zefa knew his disciple fairly well. The biggest change between Chen Sheng and ten years ago was not the change in strength, but the change in mentality.

Garp and the others may not feel it so obviously, but Zefa knew very well that when he taught Chen Sheng ten years ago, Chen Sheng gave people a feeling of being out of place, as if he had nothing to do with the world. Although his talent was amazing, he seemed to be always on guard against something, with a sense of caution.

But this After coming back for the first time, the first thing Zefa saw when he saw Chen Sheng was that this man seemed to have let go of some burdens or figured out some things. He was no longer confused and had completely integrated into the world.

Zefa's judgment was very clear. To be precise, although Chen Sheng owned the system ten years ago, he always regarded himself as an outsider and treated everyone like an NPC. During the past ten years, as his strength improved, Chen Sheng gradually integrated into the world, and he also No matter how afraid you are, you never know when you will die suddenly.

It can be said that ten years ago Chen Sheng wanted to live, but now Chen Sheng wants to enjoy life. His mood is different, and the feeling is certainly different.

"Teacher Zefa, it’s really like this. Ten years ago, I was very confused, so I went to the East China Sea to hide in peace. Isn’t this figured out now?

Zefa drank a glass of wine,"No matter what, as long as you can be sure of the justice in your heart." You are my disciple, I support you in whatever you do."

Chen Sheng was also a little moved. Chen Sheng could feel that this old man really treated him as his own disciple.

"Of course, Teacher Zefa, I am a disciple of General Black-Wand Zefa, hahahaha."

After hearing Chen Sheng's words, the four of them laughed.

Qingzhi spoke again and said:"Let's get down to business first. I came to you this time to say hello to you in advance. Tomorrow's meeting is basically about personnel appointments. You should know that Sakaski, Porusalino, I, and I will be promoted to generals. The former general Sengoku has already been promoted to marshal, and Teacher Zefa has officially retired to the second line.

Chen Sheng nodded:"I know all this." Qing Pheasant continued:"

The other problem is yours.""

"What questions can I have?"

"The World Government hopes to establish a general alternate position so that it can take over the position of a general when there is a problem at any time. This position is larger than a lieutenant general and smaller than a general, and is directly led by the marshal."

"Understand, this is my position, right?"Chen Sheng interrupted.

"That's right, besides you, there are also Momo Rabbit and Gion, and Tea Dolphin and Kake."

Chen Sheng looked at Qing Pheasant in confusion,"So?"

Garp said from the side:"What an idiot. You have to have a title. General and general's back-up are both colors and animals."

Chen Sheng suddenly realized what he thought was happening. It turned out to be this

"Hi, let me think about this.

After thinking for a while, Chen Sheng said,"How about the Golden Demon?""

"Why is it called this? Zefa asked.

Chen Sheng thought for a while and said:"Secret"

"As long as there is no repetition, then you can say so tomorrow."

Garp suddenly said:"Zefa, do you want to test the strength of your apprentice? I feel that he may have surpassed you."

Garp's sudden words stunned everyone present.

Zefa was not angry, but raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said,"Okay, let me try you. If you can really surpass me, that would be great."

Everyone just had time to digest after eating, and they simply came to the training ground together.

Chen Sheng and Zefa stood in the middle of the field, and their momentum began to clash.

It was obvious that Chen Sheng was better.

This battle was a competition, so Chen Sheng He didn't use sword skills or devil fruits, and planned to fight Zefa with his body.

Zefa was happy to see this. Suddenly, the two of them rushed towards each other at the same time, and their arms covered with armor collided heavily. There was a dull crashing sound.

This sound spread very far, and even Warring States and others heard it.

They also rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

Seeing that Zefa and Chen Sheng were sparring, they started watching at the scene. It happened to be Look at the strength of this young man who killed the golden lion.

The two of them seemed to have not seen anyone coming, and they attacked each other at a very fast speed. In just a few breaths, the two of them had already exchanged hundreds of punches.

This is pure Physical battles, armed confrontations, the fight is about who has stronger physical strength and whose will is stronger.

Maybe in terms of will, Chen Sheng is still young at this time, entering Zefa, but after all, Zefa is also old, in the end Defeated.

At a certain moment, the fist that did not catch Chen Sheng was knocked away.

There was no injury, and both of them stopped.

But this also means that with only domineering and physical skills, Zefa, the former general, has already He was no longer Chen Sheng's opponent.

Everyone present, including the lieutenant general who came later and Akainu and Kizaru who were about to be promoted to generals, all witnessed Zefa's defeat.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. It's really scary."Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

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