Chapter 71: The Artificial “Four Emperors”! Strong wholesale era! 【Subscription! 】 】。

What does perfection stand for?

Represents Kaido’s physique, ability, and vitality. Gene research centers can perfectly reproduce it.

It was definitely a surprise that Wren didn’t expect! After he took Dressrosa.

Although genetic research has also been conducted. Especially for those with fruit ability.

But because the Allies had a deep study of the self-detonators. The first genetic factors developed.

It is the popping fruit gene.

Others, like the thread fruit of Doflamingo, were in the short time of Mingo’s death. It was immediately studied.

Nothing was found. And the longer a person dies.

The fainter the traces of the presence of the demon fruit. At present, although he is constantly engaged in the study of soul ore. But the results have not been great.

So Wren killed Kaido just now.

It wasn’t even sent to the Genetic Institute in the first place. Instead, it continues to deal with the affairs of the giants.

Only after handling it was the body that people got it back to study. I thought I could develop it.

Can’t and okay mentality. I didn’t expect this study to just start. There was such a huge gain. This is equivalent to within the Allied forces.

Immediately, there will be one more “Four Emperors” level strongman.

“Go to the lab!”

Wren teleported back to the lab. It is also in the territory of the Wano Kingdom.

It was built on the spot.

Of course the researchers were teleported from Dressrosa. This was the first batch of engineers.

Brought after the successful construction of the laboratory. They followed Wren from the beginning. At the time of the harvest of Mingo heritage in Dressrosa. Many research materials were found in the SMILE factory. Wren let them absorb and learn.

Their abilities can be enhanced.

In a flash of silver, Wren came to the laboratory. The laboratory is spacious and bright.

There are many containers filled with green liquid. Each container contained a corpse. Kaido, Embers, Quinn…

At this moment, Kaido’s container was surrounded by many engineers. Wren arrived.

Engineers give way automatically.

“Lord Wren, lol…”

A ghost-like researcher came forward. It’s Caesar Courant!

After the Dressrosa incident.

Many of Mingo’s external forces were swallowed up by Wren. And Caesar Curran was the one who surrendered the fastest. Wren looked at him with some ability.

Brainwash with a mind controller. Thrown to the lab.

Caesar this guy is also very servile. After being controlled by the mind.

Every time I saw Wren, I always looked flattered.

“Can Kaido’s genes really be extracted perfectly?”

Wren asked.

“Yes, just now we found that Kaido’s body has traces of genetic modification, and we have restored it from the microscopic to the whole, and we can refine it now!”

“But because the Demon Fruit Factor in it is unique, it cannot be re-responsible, only the only one.”

“After extraction, can you continue to develop powerful warriors on Kaido’s body?”

Wren asked.

Can fully extract the full range of Kaido’s abilities. It has far exceeded Wren’s expectations.

Even if it’s only one copy.

Also a huge bonus.

“Yes, but how much powerful gene liquid can be developed, it is not clear for the time being, at present, the Demon Fruit Factor has gradually become unstable, whether to extract it first.”



The green liquid boiled, and Kaido’s abilities and genetic factors evaporated along the boiling liquid. Gene liquid after evaporation and purification.

Only a small bottle. But absolutely clean and hygienic. This is concentrated energy.

“In addition, there are some genetic components in it, and the energy of the sea or similar to the sea, has a rejection reaction, and you can choose to remove this part of the gene liquid!” Do you want to remove it? ”


Of course, this does not have to be thought about, although it is afraid of the sea and the sea floor stone this weakness. Putting Wren on is not a weakness.

After all, he had all kinds of weapons and Iron Curtain devices. Even if you fall into the sea, you can be safe and sound.

But the weakness that can be removed is naturally removed. That’s right!

This bottle contains all of Kaido’s abilities in the Gene Enhancement Solution! He plans to use it himself!

Because after squeezing Kaido, there is only one bottle! It’s not that he doesn’t trust others.

Nor is he going to be a stormtrooper. Instead, he had previously fought Kaido.

Face off with the giants again. Wren understood a little.

Their own troops were against the previous one or even two of the Four Emperors. It is possible to do continuous combat.

Until they are consumed. But these strong people are not stupid. After realizing the problem.

Surely a beheading will be carried out on oneself. And many important wars.

Wren wants to build various military buildings in the same place! Must be there!

This gives the enemy the opportunity to kill himself! Take Kaido’s punches at that time.

When he is alone, he can naturally use the Iron Curtain device to defend. But if it is two four emperors strong.

Or even more?

After all, it is impossible for every strong person to fight for himself. They constantly alternate with attacks.

Once one’s mind is slightly distracted. The Iron Curtain device could not be reconnected in time. That’s dangerous.

Their strength to kill themselves, easily!

In addition, when he is sleeping, he may also be assassinated. Some assassins with special abilities and strength comparable to those of the Four Emperors. Wren guessed that the CPO had such a person.

Once touched to your own room. With your current strength, can you react?

If it weren’t for this, Wren wouldn’t have just said that he would have let the king go straight to the silver axe and they were gone. Once chosen to do it on them.

They joined forces.

Wren was not sure. And start today.

Their entire Allied forces gradually moved from the shadows to all the powers. And the stronger it is.

The faster the reaction speed is.

It can be at a time when they think they must kill themselves. Give them an attack you can’t imagine.

The enemy thinks he is a sheep. When it comes to killing.

Only to find out that he is a dragon! Such a surprise attack! It must be very effective!

It can even rewrite the outcome of a war.

Personal strength has always been the short board of Ren’s existence!

But now that shortcoming will no longer exist.

“Gollum… 【…”

Wren opened the bottle of gene fluid and drank it. Just for an instant, Wren felt every cell of his being burned. It is as if you are in a hot furnace and are repeatedly hammered.

Every cell becomes stronger.

Cyrus, Caesar and the others looked nervously at Wren. They watched with their breath.

Can it really fully reproduce Kaido’s strength? They weren’t quite sure.

Even Caesar was involved in the project. But not much involvement.

If only I could. Then this is too anti-heaven!

Because in addition to Kaido’s genes can be refined. Ember and Quinn are okay too.

They have also been caught by the Naval Science Department for research and transformation!

Quinn needless to say that he and Caesar had been colleagues and had worked under Becca Punk. It has long been modified not like normal creatures.

This special race of embers has also been tested for durability by the Navy. Genetic traces, quite obvious.

This is equivalent to completely reproducing the high-end combat power of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment! This is absolutely amazing genetic technology!

Wren felt a terrifying energy all over his body! It’s as if you can crush a mountain with your hands and feet.

“Is this the power that Kaido has, how powerful it is?”

Wren couldn’t help but sigh. There was black thunder and lightning running on his body.

Horrible flames erupted from the pores.

Just a clenched fist, and a sonic boom exploded.

Many memories of domineering and combat skills also flooded into Wren’s mind! Overlord color domineering, deterrence, entanglement, substantial damage.

Armed color domineering, winding, flowing cherry blossoms. See and smell domineering, explore, foresee… Gymnastics, stick skills….

“Wonderful feeling! Block around, I’ll test it! ”


Soon the neighborhood was cleared.

Clouds of smoke rose from all sides!


Wren stands in a clearing and unleashes the Fruit Ability! The body immediately changes, dragon horns, dragon scales, dragon claws, dragon torso….

One by one, one by one, a hundred meters, the mighty and domineering green dragon appeared in the sky!

This scene made Cyrus and Caesar immediately recall the fear and oppression that Kaido had brought not long ago!

“Nice gesture!”

Wren poked out a claw, and a cloud of flames emerged from under the claw.

Let him take off easily.

This dragon is more in line with Wren’s aesthetic than the Western Dragon.

“Dragon’s Breath!”

“Bad wind!”

“Destroy the tornado!”

Thundered!! The power unleashed is no weaker than Kaido’s! This is the time to initially control this force.

Wren wasn’t fully in control yet! Accuracy is much more adaptable. A matter of proficiency.

But this only needs to take a little time to get used to. Then Wren turned into a dragon man!

Compared to Kaido’s wild gesture. Wren has a little more grace and sharpness!

“Thunder gossip!!”

A mountain peak was directly smashed by Wren with a wooden stick he had picked up with his hand. The sticks were also crushed!

“Overlord color entanglement!”

“Armed color!”


Wren experimented with Kaido’s various skills one by one! Until the whole mountain range is flattened. Wren came out of this power pleasure. Previously, Wren’s strength was evaluated by S+.

But in contrast to the reality of the strong.

Probably the degree of star of the strong point.

Personal force has always been his shortcoming!

But now fully fused with Kaido’s abilities. Rennes’ combat power rating has reached SSS+! Its strength gap, the difference between the world.

The stronger the number. The more you can contain the strong.

So that the Demolition Corps can play a greater role.

All along, Wren had been a little worried about those who mastered the power of the natural system! After all, they were clearing the army too quickly.

One doesn’t matter. But suppose three generals unite. Three natural natural disasters threaten at the same time. Kill millions of people, or even more. It shouldn’t be hard.

Even millions of people, tens of millions of people can not take them down is unknown. But now take the country of peace.

The explosive force will at least break through 100 million! Plus there are high-end combat power involved! Can divide the power of their union! Your chances are greater.

After the test. The engineer told Wren. Except for Kaido.

Embers and Quinns, as well as many man-made fruit capables, can also extract gene fluids. This made Wren more and more satisfied.

This is equivalent to the high-end combat strength of the entire Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment. They are all copied by themselves.

Even stronger.

Wren intended to put Quinn and Ember in the gene fluid. All for the use of the strong under their command.

In this way, they are already powerful. You can make a big leap in a short period of time!

For example, Embers’ racial talents and ancient pterosaur abilities. What if it were for Gion to use?

Gion is just a step away from the Admiral! This gene fluid for her.

Can you get past that step!?

Wren doesn’t know, but if he can! That would be a huge surprise!

The power of the New World Navy.

Wren must be firmly in his hands.

Although Gion is strong, in the new world, many admirals are also very strong. In case it is recognized.

Capsizing in the gutter, that wasn’t what Wren wanted to see.

This is one of the reasons why Gion tried to ambush the naval base as much as possible. She wasn’t strong enough.

If you can reach the Admiral level. That’s different! As for Quinn’s gene fluid.

It was intended for Cyrus’s use.

He is currently a strong man with high loyalty. His strength was not weak at the Three Plague Level.

If you add Quinn’s strength.

So is there also hope of reaching the rank of general?

“Cyrus, Quinn this you use.”

Wren threw Quinn’s genetic fluid to Cyrus.

“Ah, I am… May I? ”

Cyrus panicked and took the gene fluid and said flatteredly. You know, Wren didn’t use mind control over him.

Logically, he should still be vigilant.

But now he is giving himself such a precious thing! Just now he and Caesar watched the kind of power that Wren exerted! I was already shocked beyond words!

Although proficiency is still a bit of a problem.

But there is no doubt that it is the power of the Four Emperors Kaido. This Quinn was also quite scary before!

Ancient breeders with ability, transforming people, can create viruses… This caused the Allies to lose a lot of troops.

This power is in hand.

Cyrus is expected to take his strength even further!

“You are the most suitable person at the moment, the other, I have other uses, powerful forces, you have to try to be controlled by strong people, in order to adapt as quickly as possible, and put into actual combat, after all, the war of Marin Fando is just around the corner.”

Wren said calmly.

He had never exercised psychic control over a strong man like Cyrus.

In addition to knowing him personally. I hope that with his potential, he can become stronger one day!

Because of mind control, although it has little effect on the human brain. But in the end, there are some effects.

Just in case one day he needs to become that kind of strong after that.

It is because of this influence that it is impossible to move forward. That would be a pity.

Just Wren didn’t expect it.

The opportunity for him to break through came so quickly.

“Take it and try it.”

Wren said with some anticipation.


But Cyrus hesitated.

“What’s wrong?”

“That Lord Wren, the little girl is now King Dressrosa, but the strength is still very weak, and if you allow it, I want to give this to Rebecca to use.”

Cyrus said stiffly.

Wren was immediately aware.

Sure enough, pity the hearts of the parents of the world.

In fact, Rebecca’s strength is OK.

As long as you don’t compare with the four emperors, the emperor’s vice-president, and the stars. Not weak, and only 14 years old!

There’s plenty of room for growth.

But Marin Fando was crucial to the battle. This one for Rebecca.

In less than two days, can you master it? I’m afraid it’s hard.

Otherwise Wren wouldn’t have thought only of Cyrus and Gion. They are strong enough, and this power is in their hands.

Adaptation is in full control in the shortest possible time.

“You use it, Rebecca will personally pick a good gene liquid for her after that.”

Wren insisted that Cyrus use it. After all, this method of making strong people is now known!

Next, just let people go to the underworld to gather intelligence. Look at which strong ones have done similar genetic modifications before. The kind that has traces to be found.

Then go and lay siege to take them. Stripped them of their power. This is better than dark fruit.

Body genes, domineering, physical skills, life force… Everything can be perfectly distilled! Wren has seen a mighty old army rising!

Cooperate with the Legion of Blasters!

The victory rate against the world government is a few points higher. Think about when facing the strong.

The strong people on his side, each with a million, tens of millions of troops to besiege a strong person of the same level! Wave after wave of soldiers go up to consume!

Powerful mend knives! It’s unbeatable!

“Thank you!!”

Cyrus heard this, and was grateful to Zero’s one knee and bowed his hand. Then I got up and looked up and took the gene fluid.

[This update is a little late, feel the earthquake, run downstairs to stay for a while before coming back to the code, the number of chapters is not much, but the update volume is more than fifteen thousand every day, please support the subscription! 】。

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