None of them thought of it!

Draco people who have never been interested in controlling their forces!

He even pulled out such a dangerous thing with him!

“Can’t let him launch the Order of Slayer!!” Gion said nervously.

With her strength, although she could not resist the firepower of the slaughter demon order head-on.

But if she wanted to leave, the average admiral alone could not stop her.

Once the Demon Slayer Order is launched.

For any island.

Definitely an extinction disaster!

The Slayer ordered the warships to launch indiscriminate bombardment attacks.

Bomb until there are no living creatures on the whole island!

The whole island will be erased from the map!

It is a war that requires at least an admiral to be qualified to wage.

If it is really launched, the inhabitants of this island may be completely wiped out.

How the world government gave this kind of thing to the Draco!

It’s not that Dracos aren’t qualified!

It’s in terms of military operations.

More professional combatants should be put in charge!

Therefore, this telephone worm is generally held by a general or a marshal.

But now Williams has it in his holy hands.

Is war such a child’s play?

What the hell did the old guys of the world government think?!

Gion rushed towards Williams St. John.

But no matter how fast she was, she couldn’t be faster than Williams St. Push’s move!

With a click, the golden telephone worm rang.

The golden telephone bug is not only different in appearance.

It has super anti-interference.

And can send signal coordinates to the silver telephone worm that receives the signal!

Even in a hurry.

Failure to explain the situation to Navy headquarters.

It can also be successfully launched.

“Oops.” Han Cook didn’t expect himself to just stay curious for a little longer.

Just get involved in this kind of incident.

The Demon Slayer Order was successfully launched!

Wren just watched, didn’t stop.

It’s just the Slayer Order that is launched.

The admiral didn’t seem to be coming.

What kind of threat is that?

Firepower?! Hehe!

After taking Gion.

He’s going to take a shot at these navies.

Now deliver it yourself.

I also save myself a few more runs.

“I am Williams St. and launch an immediate attack on Victoria Island!” Kill all these untouchables! “The golden phone worm dialed it.

Williams Saint said impatiently.

“Could you please explain the details?”

“What do you mean by Navy!?” I let you attack and attack, what right do you untouchables have to ask me!! Williams was full of anger.

“Yes Yes!”

The Sengoku Marshal could not stop it.

The five old stars have acquiesced!

Just less than ten seconds.

The Sengoku Marshal ordered the naval base closest to Victoria!

Draw 5 vice admirals, 10 top warships, more than 8,000 elite navies!

Execute the Order of the Slayer!!

Several naval bases where the new world is located!

The command was also received!

The two lieutenant generals at the G5 base, Virgo and Stierrez, were the first to receive orders.

The army is at war with Whitebeard at hand.

Worried that Whitebeard would strike.

And in order to rush to the naval headquarters in these days.

They are always on standby!

Now as soon as he receives the order to slaughter the demon, he will launch the order.

With a dignified look, he sounded the alarm of the base for the first time.

Gather your forces quickly!

“Little Lord… Are you really gone? “Lieutenant General Virgo is standing at the bow of the ship.

The look in his eyes was filled with sadness and madness.

“What do the people above think about launching the slaughter order at such a time, although the whitebeard is old, it does not mean that it can be despised!” Lieutenant General Stokaberry of the New World was talking to himself expressionlessly.

Only they are guarding the new world.

Only to know how old this guy is with the white beard.

Never to be underestimated!

Before the war with Whitebeard.

Every effort should be made to avoid extraneous branches.

Didn’t expect it at this time.

But he launched the order to slaughter demons.

But as soon as he got the order, he was relieved.

Before they launched the order to slaughter demons.

The Dracos must be rescued first on Victoria Island.

Since it is related to the Draco.

That’s easy to understand.

Other naval bases have also received orders!

They communicate quickly and build a fleet of demon slayers!

“You’re done!” Hahaha! It’s all over! Williams said triumphantly!


The light ridge tower began to pressurize, and the laser beam shot out did not hit it at the first time!

Instead, hit the other pyramids.

Make an enhanced fusion!

“Are you an idiot?” Wren’s face remained calm.

Gion was originally a little flustered.

See Wren’s expression.

Not only why, but also a little reassuring.

“What do you say?!” Williams saw that someone dared to talk to him like that.

So angry that I almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage!

“Even if the Demon Slayer Order is launched, no matter how fast it is, it will take a long time, and you can’t hold out until then!” Wren smiled contemptuously.

This group of guards is not weak!

But that’s not weak!

There wasn’t even a lieutenant general-level strong person inside.

He wins in minutes!

“Whoops!!” The Ridge Tower suddenly emitted more than a dozen enhanced laser beams!

Faster!! The beam is thicker!

The terrifying temperature emitted can melt hundreds of refined steels in an instant!

“That’s…” Several Men in Black Dracobo guards quickly mobilized their armed domineering spirits!

But it didn’t work!

The laser beam directly penetrated their bodies.

Even the rear admiral couldn’t dodge in time!

I was pierced in the shoulder!!

He also wanted to stand up, his body gradually changing towards the beast!

He is an animal fruit power!

Tenacious in life, excellent in defense, and failed to hit the point!

So he hasn’t fallen yet!

But the next second….

Syllable!! But behind him, a faint gunshot rang out.

A sea tower stone sniper bullet waited for a long time.

Shot into his thighs with precision.

He cried out in grief and fell down in response, his whole body weak!

The entire conflict erupted in just a few minutes! It’s over!

“You see, now you’re left alone.” Wren said lightly.

Step by step towards Williams St.

“Get up, get up!” Protect me! …… You can’t do anything to me, I’m the queen of this world God…”

“Noisy! It is precisely because of you, a mentally handicapped person who has been corrupted by power, that peace cannot be brought about in this world! Wren listened to him.

It’s irritable and disgusting to hear!

Go over and stomp his head under your feet!

Gion saw it, and his heart suddenly jumped!

An ominous premonition welled up in my mind!

“How dare you…”

The holy face of Williams, who had been trampled under Wren’s feet, was distorted.

But the mouth is still very hard!

“I’m not interested in torturing and killing you, but I’m very interested in destroying your will, and anyway, I have to wait for the Slayer Order Warship, so I’ll kill you time!” Wren has seen many families and nations torn apart by heavenly gold!

The death of the old man is also partly because of these superiors.

Completely unconcerned about people’s lives.

Caused by the failure to put in place the right system.

Wren took out his pistol and fired two shots in a row, breaking Williams St. ‘s legs.

Blood immediately soaked the ground.

“Are you crazy?! You’ll bring disaster to the whole island! The Major General was strongly dissuaded from the sidelines.

Although he had been tied up by the Allies.

But think of the consequences of doing something to the Draco.

His whole body was trembling!

If the Dracos were dead!

The world government will go crazy!

“Ahhh… What a pain, asshole!! I make sure you have to die, and when reinforcements come, you will be my slave for the rest of your life! I’ll be sure to torture you!” ”

“I can’t tell the situation clearly yet, but it means having fun.” Wren looked down on him calmly.

Two more shots were fired, piercing his arms.

Wren then stepped on the wounds on his feet.

Williams immediately let out a scream like a slaughtered pig.

Wren calmly took out his communicator and said to the Allied commander who was now moving his army to the nearby seas: “Open your pockets, wait for the arrival of the navy, and let them see what firepower is!” ”


“By the way, I almost forgot about the right thing.” Wren looked at Gion and said suddenly.

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