Mobilized soldiers are not afraid of life and death, like wolves, tigers and leopards, the former servants and the successive rush to the enemy!

The enemy opened fire and the bullets hit the body, but they failed to kill the mobilizers at the first time.

They are all wearing body armor!

Unless hit the same position multiple times, or headshot!

Mobilized soldiers will die!

In an instant, the screams kept coming! Rivers of blood!

“Aaaa Diamanti is furious and goes on a killing spree in tanks and crowds, his strength is extraordinary!

Soon more than ten tanks and hundreds of mobilizers were killed by him!

But he also gradually felt tired!

After he went crazy and killed a wave of fury.

When I looked up, I saw that I was standing next to myself and a few other small cadres!

Everyone was injured to varying degrees.

He is no exception!

“Second Squad Fights! Enemy units are too much stamina to prepare for harvesting! ”


So before Diamanti could breathe a sigh of relief.

He found that a batch of different tanks appeared in his field of vision, and the number was even greater!

“Grass!!” Diamanti couldn’t help but feel a little desperate.

“Demon Fruit ability, it seems that it is no more than that, continue to increase Mingge’s missiles, shell bombardment, drag him, first solve those cadres!” Wren looked at Diamanti’s screen and calmly continued to give orders!

Cut differentiation attacks to save more effort!

“Flutter!” Diamandy was surrounded by groups of tanks, and the Vietnam War became more and more ferocious.

The trapped beast fights, the blood is excited, and once again cut off five well-defended rhino tanks in a row!

But the knife in his hand also shattered with a click.

The hands holding the knife are also flesh and blood!

Finally, do not throw down the handle of the knife and activate the fruit ability.

The palm of the hand touches the tank, lightens it, and then the hands pick it up, throw it directly out, collide with other tanks, and cause a violent explosion!

From any point of view, Diamanti is one of the highest cadres under Mingo!

All are proper super-humans!

But at this moment, he also has many wounds on his body!

If it had been before, Diamante would have been glad and more confident.

But now he was silent, and his eyes were getting darker.

He saw that no matter how many tanks he flew, the enemy could quickly replenish them.

And the commander-like officer stood in the distance, quietly looking at him.

There are no mood swings.

It was as if the damage he had caused and the strength he had displayed were so insignificant!

That attitude of indifference made him feel more and more uneasy in his heart.

Where the hell did these guys come from.

Powerful weapons, well-trained, soldiers who are not afraid of life and death.

It’s like a natural killing machine.

And that uneasiness quickly turned into reality.

Whoosh! In the tank, several objects with protruding tops and resembling periscopes suddenly condensed into light.

Then the light was blazing, and several laser beams were played, easily penetrating the wall and several powerful small cadres along the way!

“What East…” A squad leader sensed the danger, turned his head, and his eyes were filled with a hot light, and then his head was penetrated!

“Army Flag!” Diamanti is mobilizing power on a large scale.

Let the nearby ground flutter like a flag, so that the enemy is unstable!

But at this moment, several laser beams hit at the same time!

His pupils suddenly condensed, laser laser?!

He didn’t have time to escape, and quickly blocked with a fluttering cloak!

Laugh at!!! But the extremely strong steel cloak failed to stop it this time!

The laser beam shot by the prism tank penetrated!

“How could it really be a laser laser, wasn’t that the ability of Admiral Yellow Ape…” Diamanti looked horrified, unable to believe that his defense would be so fragile.

Whoosh… And this laser beam is not just one, but several!

His steel cloak was shattered, and his abdomen and right shoulder were pierced again.

And the subordinates next to him were not as strong as he was, under the salvo of light ridge tanks.

Annihilated to ashes!

“The Young Lord has not yet become the Shanghai Thief King!” How could I die!!! Darn!! Which side of the world are you!! “Diamanti roared unwillingly!

He knew that he was probably doomed this time!

But he didn’t even know who the enemy was!!

It is too humiliating and unwilling to die like this!

But his rants were ignored.

Who cares about a dying man.

“Stop!! Diamante! Hold on!! But at this moment, a sharp male voice suddenly sounded.

It was other cadres who came.

Even Torrepol, which keeps sugar safe in underground ports.

This time the enemy invaded, too weird and powerful.

They had to fight with all their might.

Even the Young Lord is now entangled!

They had to unite so that they could not be broken by the enemy.

Speaking was Pika, one of the top cadres.

There are also BABY5 around you, Rao G.

Violet was still in the palace, unleashing his fruit powers, watching the whole of Dressrosa.

She doesn’t have much frontal combat power.

And these cadres do not fully trust her.

She saw Dressrosa, who was being invaded by millions of soldiers.

Also full of shock, her duty had always been to monitor all the suspicious ships that had landed in Dressrosa.

But this time she stared at the fruit, and the clairvoyance did not find it.

She didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing!

“Oops, how come Rebecca is around there, you have to tell her to leave as soon as possible.” Violet was suddenly shocked.

In a place where Diamanti is separated by a few streets.

Rebecca stays with a toy soldier.

All these years it was this strange toy soldier who took care of her.

Violet knew this.

I just don’t know why this toy soldier did this.

There was also no memory of the toy soldier.

“Soldier Sang, what’s wrong with that?” Behind the ruins of a building.

A pink-haired, beautiful, well-developed, adult-like teenage girl hid behind a wall and watched the rounded Diamanti.

And the tidal legion, trembling slightly, asked.

“I don’t know, but it seems that they are coming for Doflamingo, and you see they did not kill civilians!” Cyrus, a one-legged toy soldier, said in a deep voice.

How he had longed for Rebecca to remember who she was her father all these years.

But the fruit power of sugar made him forgotten by the world.

With his toy body, he didn’t even have the strength to avenge Rebecca’s mother.

Rebecca doesn’t remember having a father.

But later he learned that the murderer of his mother was Diamandy in front of him.

After the destruction of the country and the death of the family, her mother took her to escape, and she was hungry on the way to escape!

On her way to find food for herself, her mother was brutally murdered by Diamante.

Since then, she has never said a word that I’m hungry!

Those are the darkest three words in life.

And now that invincible thug seems to be dying too!

She suddenly realized that those soldiers were not terrible at all!

Instead, it was like a god descending from heaven!

“Fire!!” The appearance of Pika and the others could not change the commander’s battle plan in the slightest!

Whoosh… In an instant, a dense array of dozens of laser beams shot out, and the sky also flew over a group of bombers!

Dropped a high explosive bomb on Diamanti’s location!!

Thundered!!! A terrifying explosion completely overwhelmed Diamanti and reduced him to ashes!

(There are now more than 400 flowers, 800 before the end of today, 7 more tomorrow, and 15,000 words on the first day!) )

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