National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 755 Entering the Research Institute

Chapter 755 Entering the Research Institute

"You old bastard has been lying to me since the beginning! What the hell are you doing?! 35 Charlotte Smoothie charged in Judge's direction and said fiercely.

Judge also fell to the ground very cooperatively at this time, pretending to be very worried and fearful, an ordinary staff member would never have a very good psychological capacity.

"Judge is the patriarch of the Vinsmoke family, so naturally I'm going to protect him..." Judge said weakly.

Although this acting seemed a little clumsy, Smoothie didn't think too much, and took it for granted that the guy in front of him wanted to replace Judge and die.

"Hurry up and take us to the research institute to find Judge now, or I will kill you two right now." Charlotte Smoothie said very gloomily.

"Let's just do it, and maybe the head of the family has already escaped 々||." Franky also echoed at this time.

For the two of them, standing outside in a very wide place like this is very difficult to escape. And if you come to a narrow research institute, maybe there is still a chance to escape.

So, Judge and Franky came to the front this time, followed by a group of Biscuit Soldiers and Smoothie Pudding.

"Who is the person who rescued you?" Charlotte Smoothie was obviously very curious about this matter.

"I don't know who that person is? But he was really nice to me, but after I was rescued, he left in a hurry," 35 Pudding said ambiguous.

"Well, it doesn't have to be an intersection with the mother, maybe it's the Vinsmoke family or the enemy of the Straw Hat Pirates." Charlotte Smoothie said thoughtfully.

"Both of these possibilities exist, but he has no intention of staying here to help me rescue my mother." Pudding said with a look of sadness.

"It's okay, this time we sent a lot of people here. Basically, all the brothers and sisters have arrived. We must be able to bring the mother back home safe and sound, and we must let these self-righteous guys experience the wrath of our family." Charlotte Smoothie said angrily.

When the two of them were having a conversation, before they knew it, they were about to arrive at the door of the research room.

There are many rooms with different functions in the research institute. Judge naturally won't bring these people to the research room where he usually spends the longest time, because Guysa is also in that room. If he encounters Guysa, maybe It's all revealed.

Judge led the crowd towards a very small room, which was an experimental material accumulation room, and various materials were stored in the room.

(Good Li Zhao) There is also a more important reason, that is, when Judge was building the research institute, in order to facilitate himself, no matter what room he conducts research in, he can quickly get the materials, so he designed the materials in the material storage room. There are many partial doors, this room is also the most changeable room, obviously it is the most suitable room for the two of them to escape.

"Is this the room where your head of the Vinsmoke family is in?" Charlotte Smoothie asked curiously.

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