Chapter 750 Falling to the ground

"Although I admire the courage of the two of you, courage alone is not enough." Sanji said bluntly.

"The two of us join forces, and we will have to try if we can beat you." Cracker said with a gloomy expression.

"Then I'll let you two see how strong I am?" Sanji said slowly.

Afterwards, Sanji moved very fast again, such a fast speed could no longer be captured by the naked eye, and the eyes of Katakuri and Cracker kept looking back and forth.

When the two of them were constantly searching for their tracks, Sanji first appeared behind Cracker and stretched out his right fist to hit the opponent's back.

Although Sanji usually uses his own feet as a means of attack, but with the blessing of the god-like Jailin Jin, the strength of his arms has also been greatly increased.

With a punch, Charlotte Cracker immediately showed a very painful expression. Then, his mouth opened unconsciously, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out. The next second, he fell heavily to the ground, and the sword in his hand fell off. .

"Cracker々||!" Katakuri shouted with great concern.

But before he had time to observe the sudden situation that Charlotte Cracker encountered, he suddenly felt a very terrifying threat.

In an instant, Sanji came to Katakuri from behind Charlotte Cracker again, and Sanji quickly raised his fist.

Facing the sudden appearance of Sanji, Katakuri, a former strong man, subconsciously stretched out his arms to help each other's head.

"Aunt's three generals are so embarrassed? Such scenes are rare." Sanji couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

However, Sanji didn't actually mean to ridicule Katakuri, he just suddenly felt that the other party's actions were a little peaceful.

However, Sanji didn't wave his fist in the end, but unexpectedly stretched out his right foot and kicked towards Katakuri's abdomen.

Sanji didn't use much power this time, because he didn't want to kill this man who seemed to be connected to his own life at once.

However, even so, Katakuri shouted out with a very ferocious expression, and then fell towards the back.

After that, Sanji kept moving on both sides of Katakuri and Charlotte Cracker. Under Sanji's offensive, none of the two three-star members could stand up.

After about five or six minutes, Sanji finally stopped his attack, stood aside with a calm expression, and looked at the two people who fell to the ground in pain.

"."I wonder how the two of you are feeling now?" Sanji said calmly (okay, okay), but then Sanji also started to take a few breaths.

Although such violent movement does not consume much of Sanji's physical strength, the armor of the underworld god that Sanji is wearing is heavier than ordinary armor. In addition, the magic of the gods to suppress prisons also consumes a lot of his physical strength.

No matter how strong Katakuri was, he didn't even have the strength to speak at this time. Not to mention Charlotte Cracker, who was already in a coma.

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