Chapter 680 Caught Pudding

"As for whether it will be difficult to deal with after the toxins in their bodies disappear, I don't think it is necessary to answer this question? If solving them is still a problem for us, let's go home and farm as soon as possible. ! Aunt continued to add.

"Mother, I understand." Perospero replied very respectfully.

"By the way, have you seen that guy Katakuri? I just heard a loud noise over the hill. It stands to reason that he should have completed the task by now and came back to report to me. Aunt is very asked suspiciously.

"I don't know about this, I haven't seen him yet." Perospero replied slowly.

And at this time, the Straw Hat Pirates had come to the periphery of these houses, and their movements were very cautious.

A very familiar figure suddenly appeared in their sight.

"Isn't that woman Sanji's wife々||?" Nami whispered to the crowd.

Charlotte Pudding, at this time, was walking with eyes on the path, the path he had just walked with Sanji just before the banquet started.

"She looks a little weird," Robin said slowly.

"Robin, can you catch her without knowing it? We can draw some information about the Vinsmoke family from him." Qin Yang said lightly.

"Okay, leave it to me!" Robin said confidently, then walked in the direction of Pudding.

After that, Charlotte Pudding was absent-minded and did not notice that someone was slowly approaching her.

Suddenly, a few pairs of white arms suddenly appeared on Pudding's body, covering Pudding's mouth firmly, and a few more arms suddenly appeared on the ground, which directly controlled Pudding.

"Miss Pudding, we meet again." Robin said slowly as he walked towards Pudding.

Qin Yang and the others saw that Robin had controlled Charlotte Pudding, so they also walked over there.

"We are all Sanji's partners. We were on a boat before. I have a few questions that I want to get answers from you. I hope you can cooperate with us. 33 Qin Yang asked slowly.

"If we let go of your mouth and you won't shout loudly, then slowly nod your head." Robin said very gently at this time, without the slightest hint of holding someone hostage.

Pudding was shocked when he saw the Straw Hat Pirates again. Because she just heard auntie say that these people have been locked in seastone's cage by him.

After hearing what Qin Yang and Robin said, Pudding nodded his head very firmly.

The hands that had been covering Pudding's mouth also slowly released (to Nuo Zhao), but the other hands still held onto her body tightly, restricting her movement.

66 "You can ask whatever questions you want." Pudding's tone of voice was very lonely, and his eyes were full of endless regret.

"How is the Vinsmoke family and Sanji now?" Qin Yang asked slowly, this question is quite critical to them, and decides what actions they should take next.

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