Chapter 669 The wedding begins

Sanji was wearing a white dress today, her hair was combed abnormally neatly, and her brows revealed a noble look, and finally she looked like a child of the Vinsmoke family.

On the other side, two figures suddenly appeared, and a long red cloth was pulled out, and this piece of red was not directly spread to the stand.

At this time, a very beautiful music suddenly sounded at the tea party. This music is usually released when getting married in the pirate world.

A woman in a white wedding dress slowly walked on the red cloth. The woman was walking on a pair of red high-heeled shoes, and her head was covered with a white hijab.

In this sweet music, the groom and the bride greeted the eyes of countless people and slowly walked to the top of the stand. They were the most dazzling existences in the tea party.

"Next, we have asked our groom to lift the hijab for the bride." Perrospero said in a very calm tone.

Sanji stretched out his right hand very gracefully, gently pinched the corner of Pudding's hijab, and then slowly lifted it up.

A girl with orange hair appeared in everyone's sight. Today's Charlotte Pudding seems to be more beautiful than before. Her skin is flawless and she has thick lipstick on the corner of her mouth. She is very elegant and beautiful, as if Like a fairy descending to earth.

"You are so beautiful today 々||." Sanji said sincerely, looking at Charlotte Pudding so beautiful.

"You're also very handsome. 35 Charlotte Pudding smiled.

"It's really talented and beautiful. Although there is a huge gap between their families, these two young people are such a good match. Someone shouted loudly from the audience.

Afterwards, many people followed along, but the two parents, Judge and Charlotte Linlin, were the most silent in the whole scene.

In fact, their two parents are not particularly optimistic about this marriage, and the reason why such a marriage is held is only because both of them have ghosts and have what they want.

"Mr. Vinsmoke Sanji, are you willing to marry Miss Charlotte Pudding? In this life, no matter whether you are poor or rich, whether healthy or sick, you will always be by her side, love her, cherish her, and protect her." Perrospe Luo looked at Sanji in front of him calmly and asked.

"I do," Sanji said firmly.

"Ms. Charlotte Pudding, are you willing to marry Mr. Sanji and make her your legal husband? In this lifetime, whether poor or rich, whether healthy or ill, you will always be by her side, take care of him, take care of him, Love him. 35 Perrospero looked at Charlotte Pudding on the other side and asked slowly.

"I do," Charlotte Pudding said.

"The bride and groom are asked to exchange rings below." Perospero shouted loudly again.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Sanji and Pudding, the two of them took the ring that was handed to them, and brought it to the middle finger of the right hand for each other.

"Kiss one, kiss one!" I don't know who it is, who is constantly booing under the stage.

Everyone followed this voice and shouted loudly. For a while, the scene seemed a little chaotic, and the chaos was so chaotic that even the presiding officer of the wedding, Perros Pero, could not calm down.

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