National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 633 The Significance of Partners

Chapter 633 The Significance of Partners

"Oh? This is the first time I've heard someone say that the profession of pirate is so high, so what is your dream?" Judge asked very calmly.

"Although my dream is to find the legendary blue sea, a place full of all kinds of top-quality ingredients." Sanji said slowly after pondering for a while.

"No, no, as a member of the Vinsmoke family, you shouldn't have such shallow ideals. Your dream should be to hope that the Vinsmoke family will have a stronger power and expand a more terrifying force. Judge corrected slowly.

"But 12, it's just my father, it's just your own dream, everyone should have everyone's ideals." Sanji said eloquently.

In fact, many years ago, Sanji's dedication to his dreams was not as firm as he is now. After consulting some books, he was only very interested in that blue sea.

But in the face of the doubts of the people beside him, Sanji gradually lost himself a little bit, does that sea really not exist? Even Sanji did not get the correct answer to this question at the beginning, and even then For a while, he was about to forget this dream of his own.

But at that time, Luffy and others appeared in his sight. It was the first time that Sanji saw a man who could tell his dream in front of so many people so happily.

Luffy's dedication to dreams deeply moved Sanji, and Sanji began to decide to ignore the doubts of the people around him and believe in the existence of the blue sea. This is a huge change for Sanji himself.

So when Luffy invited him to join the Straw Hat Pirates on an adventure, Sanji accepted the request very decisively. Because at that time, looking for blue waters had completely become his lifelong pursuit.

As for everyone else in the Straw Hat Pirates, everyone has their own ideals, and these dreams are all kinds of strange. Luffy wants to be One Piece, Zoro wants to be the world's number one swordsman, Nami wants to draw a complete world map, and Usopp wants to be a brave sea warrior.

Chopper wants to be the best doctor in the world, Robin wants to find out all the history, this article, to find the 100-year blank history that was buried by the World government. Franky wants to be the best boatman in the world and build the most luxurious warship in the world, Brook wants to be a master of music, wants to follow in their footsteps and find his partner Laboon from many years ago again, Jinbei wants to Maintain the safety of the murlocs 263.

As for Qin Yang, the current captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, he did not tell anyone about his ideals, but repeatedly emphasized that he must overthrow the World government led by Celestial Dragons, and under his leadership, they are constantly being put into practice.

In an atmosphere where everyone is very persistent in pursuing their dreams, Sanji has naturally become a very determined dream chaser.

Even if his dream is opposed by his father, Sanji will never back down this time, he will defend his dream.

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