National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 523 The Evil God Charlotte Linlin

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Three Cthulhu Charlotte Linlin

Charlotte Linlin, who has the title of Big Mom, is a talented and powerful character. When she was only five years old, she once destroyed the giant village by herself and killed all the strong giants in the village. It's gone, you must know that he was only a five-year-old child at that time.

"Giant Village? What is that place? Why have I never heard of it?" Qin Yang asked in surprise.

"It's a village with a very long history. I wanted to carefully investigate the information about this village, but now I can't find any relevant information. I only know that the place is Charlotte Linlin's hometown, but since she After destroying that, she was sent to other places at 12. Nico Robin said slowly.

Because of Charlotte Linlin's destruction of the village, he was exiled to an area inhabited by giants called "Elbaf", a place full of giants.

The aunt who lived in Elbaf was not very happy, but she was very fortunate that she later met a woman who changed her life, and that woman was just an ordinary nun.

Seeing Charlotte Linlin who was in a very difficult situation, the nun felt pity and brought Charlotte Linlin to the shelter she founded. With Charlotte Linlin in the city hall were other children who had lost their families to the tragic war.

Because Charlotte Linlin was born with supernatural powers, she could not reasonably control the huge power hidden in her body when she was young, and injured other children in the shelter many times.

However, the young Charlotte Linlin is still very kind in her heart. Although she is always very naughty and rash, she finally got everyone's understanding and accepted her.

But not long after the ordinary life, an accident suddenly appeared. Charlotte Linlin has a very rare disease in her body since she was a child, it is a disease called eating sickness. This disease also causes Charlotte Linlin to love sweets very much. If he does not eat enough sweets, he will So crazy.

Elbaf has a special holiday called Fasting Day, on that day. Everyone is not allowed to eat anything, and it is said that this is to show respect for the dead. It was on that day that Charlotte Linlin's eating disorder suddenly occurred, and Charlotte Linlin, who possessed great power, directly destroyed Elbaf, the hometown of giants.

Because Charlotte Linlin's temperament will change instantly when he goes mad, and he has a very terrifying divine power, the 200 elders of the giants finally regarded it as a terrifying evil god, and they wanted to make Charlotte Linlin directly to kill.

But this group of elders is too underestimated, Charlotte Linlin's strength, after the battle, they were killed by Charlotte Linlin instead.

Later, on Charlotte Linlin's sixth birthday, because she was eating too much, when he regained consciousness, he found that the nun and the other children had all disappeared.

A very accidental chance, Charlotte Linlin suddenly ate the Soul Soul Fruit, and since then, she has become the Devil Fruit's ability.

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