National Voyage: Joining the Straw Hats at the Start

Chapter 429: Little Fan Brother Appears

Chapter 429: Little Fan Brother Appears

There is nothing special about Dressrosa's morning, but the morning sun is particularly dazzling, and the streets are full of people.

"Hello, do you know where the arena is?" Luffy has been out of the hotel for an hour and still hasn't found a place to play.

The man who was asked by Luffy for directions was very fierce, with a grass-green cockscomb head, an eye pattern under his right eye, and a nose ring that was very deadly.

"Do you know who Laozi is? You dare to come and ask me for directions." This very irritable man turned his head to look at Luffy.

When the eyes of the two of them collided, it seemed that the world stopped and the air became frozen.

"emmm, do you know the way to get there?" Luffy was the first to break the silence and said slowly.

"You are... you are... Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates, right? 々||!" the man opposite suddenly shouted in shock.

"Ha? Are you mistaken? I'm not Luffy, Luffy is much more handsome than me!" Luffy felt very frustrated at the moment. In order to get the golden helmet, he had to hide his identity. But they didn't expect to be recognized as soon as they went out.

Luffy quickly turned his head and ran into the distance while arguing there, but couldn't he still run?

"Master Luffy, don't run! My name is Bartolomeo, I'm your fan, I adore you! 33 Bartolomeo immediately chased in the direction Luffy ran away.

Bartolomeo used to be an underworld boss in East Blue Logue town. Back then, in Logue town, he saw Luffy's unparalleled aura on the execution platform, and immediately started to worship Luffy from the heart.

It is precisely because the object of his worship, Luffy, is a pirate, that Bartolomeo also recognized his hometown and began to sail as a free pirate.

And during this voyage, Bartolomeo's reputation grew, as he was dubbed the crazy newcomer after Luffy's gang. In the past two years, he has been chasing Luffy's footsteps, always inquiring about the movements of his idols, but every time he is one step behind.

Not long ago, he heard that Luffy had come to Naval Headquarters for Summit War. Bartolomeo, who had just learned the news, immediately rushed towards Naval Headquarters with his pirate group.

However, when Bartolomeo and his crew came to Naval Headquarters, they found that it had become a ruin, and in the fortress area of ​​the port, there were only a few Marines stationed there.

(Okay) Quietly caught a Marine, and after a series of cross-examinations, Bartolomeo knew that the Dingshan War had ended for more than ten days.

So Bartolomeo, who was very disappointed, could only return in loneliness. Before they sailed on this sea for a long time, they received news from Dressrosa. After discussing it with the pirate crew, everyone decided to rush to the island to participate in the ring competition.

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