Chapter 344 Ace suddenly realized

Relying on Observation Haki with strong perception, Ka Er moved quickly, but the attack range of this rain formation was too huge, and Ka Er was still hit by a few small raindrops.

When the raindrops passed through Ka Er's body, a sharp pain spread all over his body, it was a kind of piercing pain, and Ka Er immediately fell to the ground.

"I didn't expect the power of this Water Style ninjutsu to be so powerful. Jinbei has just mastered the first layer of the mind, and the first layer has such a powerful destructive power." Qin Yang said with a sigh when he saw such a scene.

"On the basis of our old friendship and my respect for you, I won't kill you today. But I don't want to meet you again in the future." Jinbei walked to Ka Er's side step by step-, said coldly.

Now Katakuri's expression is very ferocious, and he doesn't have the extra strength to reply to Jinbei's words. If Jinbei wants to take his life now, it's just an easy task.

But Jinbei just slowly picked up Ka Er, walked to the side of the boat, and threw Ka Er to his pirates and to Carl's pirate group.

Those pirates hurriedly sent Ka Er to the infirmary in the middle of the ship, and soon, Ka Er's pirate ship drove away in the direction of returning.

"Jinbei, I didn't expect you to be so good now." Ace came over and patted Jinbei's shoulder.

"Don't you know how strong I am? We were evenly matched before. All thanks to Qin Yang." Jinbei looked at Qin Yang gratefully.

"Is this the newest mind trick?" Luffy asked.

"It looks like it should be, every time a new crew member joins us, they will master a trick." Zoro said lightly.

After listening to everyone's conversation, Ace felt very puzzled. After a while of explaining, Ace figured out what the hell was going on.

"No wonder the strength of your pirate ship has grown by leaps and bounds. It turns out that there is such a mysterious secret. It makes me want to join your pirate group." Ace suddenly realized.

"It's not because of the benefits our captain brought us. Each of us has at most two minds, but Qin Yang has all of us," Luffy exclaimed.

"No wonder!" Ace said in shock, Qin Yang was like a monster in his eyes at this moment.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Naval Headquarters, Marine Fodor.

At this time, Marine Fodor was already riddled with holes, and after such a major war, the place has been destroyed beyond recognition.

According to the latest meeting of Marine executives, the Marines will soon be heading to a new island to establish the Naval Headquarters base. But for now, they still need to rest here for a while.


"Admiral, there is the latest news. The dignitaries of the World government have just come to our Naval Headquarters." Akainu was sitting at his desk resting at this time, and a Marine soldier rushed into his office in a panic.

"Okay, I'll go see him now." Akainu picked up his hat from the table and took it on, all the way out the door.

Entering Marine's reception room, Akainu saw the official sent by the government at a glance, and he was talking to Aokiji there.

After seeing Aokiji, Akainu's expression was obviously a lot ugly. Marshal Sengoku was going to retire, he already knew the news, so the purpose of this official's visit here should be to appoint the next marshal.

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