Chapter 338 Sabo's Memories

"Miss Robin, can you tell me what color of underwear you are wearing today? 35 Brook has been lying next to Robin for some reason.

"I can't agree to this request." Robin said with a smile.

"You pervert! The idea of ​​hitting Miss Robin's panties, although I'm also very interested... No! You are being unreasonable to the lady!" Sanji rushed towards Brook angrily.

"Hey Luffy, you seem to have a very interesting group of people on board." Ace said with a smile.

Then Ace and Luffy, the brothers, ran to a corner and began to catch up.

The two brothers just stepped forward, and Nami walked over with one foot behind, with helplessness written all over their faces.

"What's wrong with you, Nami? Is it because Sanji said something offensive to you? Qin Yang couldn't help asking when he saw Nami's appearance.

Nami shook his head.

"Is that because Brook wants to see the color of your panties again?" Qin Yang asked again.

Nami still shook his head.

"What's the matter? Just tell me no!" Qin Yang shouted loudly.

"Ahhh, what did 060 say just now! How do I know where the route to the Revolutionary Army base is? Are you asking me to draw it with my imagination?" Nami said helplessly.

"Oh, it's my fault, I suddenly forgot about this. I thought I went to Revolutionary Military with everyone before." Qin Yang said apologetically immediately.

Then Qin Yang had to come to Nami's room and marked Nami's position on the world map.

But this marked position made Nami feel very strange, because there is no small island in this place, but a huge sea area.

"Are you sure the location of the Revolutionary Army base is here? They can't build the base in the sea, right?" Nami asked curiously.

"Definitely not, but do you think that if you can easily see their bases on the map, wouldn't the revolutionaries be besieged and suppressed by the World government?" Qin Yang asked rhetorically.

At this moment, the revolutionary army base.

A group of revolutionary cadres are constantly coming and going in the staff room. Each of them is very busy, but no one chooses to be lazy, because they are doing their own special passion (bcdj) career.

Sabo slowly sat in his seat. He had just completed a very dangerous mission recently, and now he finally completed the mission and sat here drinking hot tea.

"Sabo, have you heard about Summit War?" Klar suddenly ran over and asked.

"Is it the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and Naval Headquarters? I've asked about this for a long time, but I didn't pay attention to it later because I was on other missions at that time. How did which side win? ' Sabo asked.

"I thought Marine would be the winner of this war, because Sengoku is a man that even our leader admires, but I didn't expect this war to be a victory for the pirates!" Claire shouted, very happy.

Although the Revolutionary Army is different from the pirates, they and the pirates have a common enemy, that is, Marine and the World government behind them.

A newspaper that had just been printed was thrown heavily onto Sabo's desk by Klar.

Sabo slowly put the teacup in his hand on the table, and reached out to pick up the newspaper, which still had a little residual heat left by machine printing.

"Shocked! Ace, captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, was rescued by Qin Yang Luffy, and Marine was in chaos."

These large characters are printed on the newspaper, apparently a title specially extracted by a certain media in order to attract buyers.

Below the title, there is a black and white photo. The photo is exactly the scene of Qin Yang Ace Luffy jumping from the execution platform.

"Why do these two men feel so familiar?" Sabo looked at the photos in the newspaper and was a little taken aback.

"Hey, did you know? It's really big news to hear that this Ace is actually the son of the Pirate King Goldo Roger! Klar continued to say to Sabo.

But at this time, Sabo was staring at the photo in the newspaper with all his attention, and he didn't hear what Claire said at all.

"I look so close to these two! It's like my relatives!" Sabo shouted, and suddenly burst into tears.

Klar was shocked all of a sudden, because he had never seen such a gaffe before with Sabo for so long.

Suddenly, a series of childhood memories rushed into her mind, and countless images flashed, three little boys drinking and worshipping on a branch.

"What the hell happened to you? Sabo!" Klar said worriedly.

But Sabo couldn't hear anything at all now, he slowly fell to his knees on the ground, his mind was cluttered, and the influx of countless memories made him exhausted.

"Sabo!" A man's voice came over, the man walked in front of Sabo and touched Sabo's head with his hand. After a while, Sabo finally calmed down.

"What the hell is going on?" The man who suddenly came over was the leader of the revolutionaries, Monkey D. Dragon.

"I don't know. I showed him a newspaper just now, and he suddenly became like this." Klar was also very puzzled.

"Newspaper?" Long picked up the newspaper on the table with one hand, saw the news above, and couldn't help but light up when he saw Luffy.

"Chief, your son also took part in the battle, but he appears to be fine," said 39 Klar.

The dragon nodded, then helped Sabo up and shook Sabo's body.

"Sabo? Can you hear me now?" Long said slowly.

"I can, the one in the paper...the two are my sworn brothers!" Sabo said.

"What?" Long was a little surprised.

Ten years ago, Long once led the cadres of the revolutionaries to the Goya Kingdom of East Blue to assist the disaster victims. There, he met Ace and Luffy, but he did not appear by their side.

Later, the dragon rescued little Sabo under the cannon of Celestial Dragons. Could this Sabo's sworn brothers be Ace and Luffy? The dragon slowly analyzed.

"Are you suddenly able to think of the past?" Long asked slowly.

"Mmmmm! I remember, I remember everything!" Sabo shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, you can tell me slowly." Long patted his shoulder and said.

"I suddenly saw what happened when I was a kid, I met Luffy and Ace, and the three of us played together very quickly." Sabo said slowly.

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