Chapter 322 Sengoku's Decision

Following Sengoku's words, the Marine officers beside him all looked towards the battlefield below, and countless Marines fell to the ground covered in blood.

Some warriors who were not dead were lying on the ground helplessly, looking into the distance in despair, how much they hoped that someone would come to save them.

But they weren't the worst, because there were many Marines who lost their limbs on this horrific battlefield.

Looking at the ground from a distance, people can see a broken arm on the ground from time to time, blood is still showing freely, and all kinds of cruel scenes are overwhelmed.


"I don't want to die yet..."

"I miss my family so much.

Unlike the Marine soldiers who were full of fighting spirit on the front line, these fallen Marine soldiers had no desire to fight at all. They kept crying for help in a low voice, eager to regain safety.

But this war will only bring them pain and death, and there is no one who can save them.

"We Marines should not be cruel fighting machines, and we should maintain peace, not endless killing. What's the difference between us and those vicious pirates now! 35 Marshal Sengoku shouted loudly.

These words shocked the hearts of the surrounding Marines, and even Garp nodded silently.

"I will now pass on my latest order to draw out some Marine soldiers to clear the battlefield and rescue the seriously wounded and dying soldiers. As for this war, it is only necessary to fight against the pirates who are still in Naval Headquarters.

"If the pirates leave this place, let them go. What we need to do now is to minimize the casualty rate of Marine soldiers." Marshal Sengoku shouted loudly.

Through the handy phone bug, the order spread among Marine warriors, and Kirby naturally received the message.

After recalling the agreement with Luffy just now, Kirby plucked up the courage to block the way to the execution platform with his flesh and blood. After that, he was punched by Luffy and fainted to the ground.

After waking up, Kirby suddenly found that Ace had been rescued by Luffy Qin Yang. Although he was Marine, he felt very happy for Luffy in his heart.

Kirby wakes up and sees so many people killed in this war, and his heart rejects Marine's actions. That doesn't appear to be Kirby's original intention for joining Marine.

So when he heard Marshal Sengoku's latest order, Kirby was very excited. It seems that there are other sober people in this world, and Kirby is also quickly entering the medical work, saving Marine soldiers who are full of scars one after another.

Although Marshal Sengoku had issued an order that meant a truce, there was still fierce fighting in the square, especially in the interior of the square, where the sound of explosions continued to rise and fall.

"Look at the Whitebeard Pirates, those people have already started to retreat, it seems that they have abandoned you as if they have abandoned you 々||. 35 Akainu said lightly.

This Marine Admiral wants to use this method to make the formidable opponent in front of him lose his desire to fight. Among the three Admirals, only Akainu would think of such a rude method.

"Hahahaha, this is obviously our victory, and we have already started to retreat. And I am just a person in charge of the rear of the palace, because as long as I am here, the three of you will not be able to move forward." Qin Yang said lightly, this In other words, he didn't scare people anymore, but he really had such strength.

Qin Yang, who just used the Spear of the Underworld God, was unable to continue his strength for a long time, so he used more powerful tricks. It also kept him at a disadvantage against the three Admirals.

But now Qin Yang, after a long period of recovery, has reached his best state. Now he has enough confidence to face the three Marine Admiral team up with ease.

"Although the main targets of this war are Whitebeard and Ace, I think you will be more of a threat to Marine than the two of them in the future. As long as we can kill you here, then the victory of this war belongs to us. "Akainu said as he began to elementalize.

Countless magma began to infiltrate from his body, and even a few drops of magma fell to the ground, and the strong high temperature instantly eroded the ground.

"Meteor Volcano." Akainu suddenly aimed his fully elemental arm at the sky, and countless magma shells rushed into the sky, these magma balls

"This is a trick that children only use when playing at home. You wouldn't think that such a trick would be of any use to me, right?" Qin Yang said with a slight smile.

"I can only play tricks, but I can't stop my attack." Akainu said dismissively, in his opinion, Qin Yang was just forcing it here.

But Qin Yang ignored him at all, and slowly thought about what kind of tricks he would use to resist.

"." Talisman, Heavenly Shield Spell. Qin Yang said lightly, and with his voice, a yellow charm suddenly appeared out of thin air.

This yellow charm kept flying towards the sky, about ten meters above Qin Yang's head, and then stood still there.

In the next second, this yellow charm suddenly began to glow continuously, and layers of light gradually began to materialize, forming a huge shield.

At the same time, meteors were falling from the sky at a very fast speed, and the targets of these meteors were all Qin Yang.

Akainu once used this trick in the surrounding wall. At that time, the whole sky became abnormally dim, as if the end of the world was coming, and countless huge magma meteors attacked the ground indiscriminately. (of the king)

But in fact, Akainu can lock the target very accurately. Now there are no other pirates here, so Qin Yang has become the only attack target.

Huge magma meteors collided with the huge yellow shield that had just appeared above Qin Yang, and there were explosions, but the shield didn't seem to be broken at all, and it was floating there solidly.

"Damn it, he was actually blocked. The two of you don't just watch the show here, and besiege him from other directions." Akainu said loudly to the other two Admirals by the way.

Although the other two Admiral had no strong desire to fight, since Akainu said such words, the two of them had no choice but to join the fight immediately.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu." Kizaru once again used his signature trick, and countless small balls of light were released from Kizaru's hands and flew towards Qin Yang in unison.

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