Naruto's Strongest Master

The strongest dominant chapter 141

In particular, the rear is still unstable, the big snake pill can only do it intensely from the front line every day, but it can't go to the front.

Because it is so important here, I will give it to my father's disciple of my father's disciples.

This is already a kind of recognition and value, but the big snake will not think so.

He hopes to go to the front line as soon as possible, can build a job.

Especially when he heard Unexpello Fuqiu, he also had a success.

After receiving the report, the big snake pill is slightly revealing the color.

"I didn't think that this kid actually had such strength, and the agency actually came to receive such a good apprentice, it was really enviable."

The big snake pills pondered, immediately ordered the hand around him: "Give the day to the cold sky to the captain, order him to die with other four captains!"

"How will adults suddenly promote the little child?"

The hands around the big snake will ask.

The big snake pill is not awkward: "There is nothing, but the strength of the little ghost is a little out of ..."

For the big snake pills, the most important thing is to solve the rest of the trouble, since the cold day performance is excellent, then do the best, remove the hidden dangers as soon as possible.

However, the big snake will not report too much hope, the battle report says that this time can have such a big result because it is because the other party deliberately appeared, I want to surround Sato and others.

Since this battle, I believe that the ninja in the rain is never dare to find the door, and in the enemy environment of the rain, the other party can find hidden places everywhere.

What's more, after entering the rain, the traces of the rain will soon be scored quickly.

The big snake pill has changed the task of cold days, so that the cold sky led one of the squads to start to search for the rain, the command, soon, it will come back to the rear.

After receiving a new order, cold day, showing a touch of smile.

It seems that the big snake pill has also begun to admit his strength, but this is not enough, he will use the advantage of the wind and ear as soon as possible, destroy the hidden dangers, like the big snake pill, and the heart of the cold day is also in the front line.

Just like the apeer, the fastest to enhance strength is always in battle, and it is in the battle of life and death.

He wants to use the fastest speed to find all hidden rain, let the big snake pill really look at him.

He wants to tell the big snake pill, you are not an ordinary ninja, and then so contemptuous, he went to the eyes.

Chapter VIII Chapter

When the cold day tells the mission order, the three people of the rope tree expose the excitement.

"Haha seems to have realized our strength!"

"Hey, it is to realize the strength of the captain, not you!"

After Uchimagin heard the words of the rope tree, the color of a face.

"Hey, no matter what we can, we can get a bigger range!"

When I heard the rope tree, the cold day was a point: "It is possible to get out of the patrol range, where to go farther, but this also means more dangerous, and if you express my satisfaction, I will not count you! "

If you hear the cold day, the three people in the rope tree are low.

Compared with the strength exposed to the cold day, they are simply the same as those who just learned to walk.

Even the rope trees also collected a despise heart, understand that the battle is not as simple as he imagined.

"But your training has made me very satisfied, I believe that inong you can go to the front line with me!"

At this time, cold days suddenly gave a trip.

When you hear the captain, the three people of the rope are quickly nodded.

"Captain! We will definitely let you look at it."

The rope tree is a bloody guarantee.

I saw the face of the rope tree, and the cold sky shook his head, and he said solemnly.

"It is a good thing, but there is a little, you must calm and cool, especially the rope tree, if you are in this way, you will stay in the back of me, remember, even if you can find it in a disadvantage. opportunity!"


These days are more and more supplies from leaves.

Cold day analysis, it seems that the battle between the front line leaves and the rock should be more intense.

With the arrival of materials, the restraint behind the wood leaves.

The captain of the four squaders is anxious to discuss how to protect these materials.

At this time, I saw the cold sky and patrol it. Sato immediately called the cold day and wanted to listen to him.

After all, no one is doubting that cold days is the strongest ninja behind.

"It is too difficult to prevent it in the end, we have to take the initiative!"

Cold sky said on the spot.

"We know the strength of the cold sky, but the enemy can't find it, we have no way!"

Another captain said.

When you hear them, the cold day smiled.

"As long as you listen to my command, I will let the ninja of the rain, you will appear!"

It is also a batch of materials from the wooden leaves and started to go to the rear of the country of the rain.

From the news, the cold day will lead the people in advance, and reduce the human hand of the escort, only seven or eight ninja escort, it is also the level.

"Coldtian, this strikes this, can you really make the rain to endure?"

Sato asked quietly around the cold day.

They have followed the material team.

At this time, cold days suddenly looked at it, and then sent a secret number to the surrounding companions.

Seeing the gesture of the cold day, Sato is happy, these days they have already learned a lot of dark numbers in cold days, and the dark number of cold days is to tell them the enemy information.

From the wind, cold days have heard the enemy is quietly close.

"The head collar is the material of this team. I have observed, and several are the level, there should be no combat ability!"

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