"In the input, it is called the Holocene sunspots, and it has been entered as the first sequence. "

World Tree Lori's eyes flickered with data, and she soon recorded the name taken by Luo Ye in the core of the database.

For her, Luo Ye's words are the first directive, which must be carried out.

"Kuroko, based on your analysis of the digital world, can you figure out what's going on over there, and how long will it take for the real world to be infected?"

Looking at the white-clothed Lori in front of him, Luo Ye smiled at the corner of his mouth and asked in a low voice.

"Data analysis, modeling, analysis..."

The Niocene sunspot let out a mechanical murmur and quickly gave the answer.

"At present, the digital world of parallel time and space is in the early stage of infection, and it will take at least three months to completely break the barrier between the digital and real worlds. "

"During this period, the 'Taiyi' in the Master's mouth can rely on the power of the Dark Divine Plan to send some Digimon to invade reality, but it is dangerous and it is recommended not to act in person. "

Is it in the early stages of infection?

Luo Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he typed slowly.

Blackened Group Master: @真爱是亚古兽, your idea is very good, but now is not the time for a large-scale invasion, the gate of the real world is not stable, and a rash invasion is likely to wipe out the entire army.

True Love is Agumon: Boss of the group, I know, but now I only have twelve Dark Towers under my command, radiating thousands of mature Digimon, less than a hundred fully formed Digimon. At most, I can conquer one country, which is far from my ambition.

Taiyi's eyes were cold, and his temperament already had a hint of hegemonic style.

Thief Cat: Agumon is mighty, Agumon is domineering!

Young Master of the Demon Sect: Hmph, this is a bit of a group member.

Blackened Group Master: However, even if the main base is in the digital world, there is no way to temporarily intervene in the real world.

The corners of Luo Ye's mouth hooked up a touch of arc, and he said bewildermently.

True Love is Agumon: What's the solution? Right now I can only watch the Digimon randomly enter reality, and I can't control them through the Dark Wheel.

Blackened Boss: Use the power of the Dark Divine Plan, the Vengeance Emblem, which gives you a quota of up to 100 Digimon to invade the real world for a limited time.

According to the calculations of the Niocene sunspots.

With her current computing power, she can withstand the realizations of up to 100 Digimon.

True Love is Agumon: Really? Thank you, Boss, Bullnose!

Taiyi raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth hooked up a cold arc.

He did not forget the matter of revenge for a moment.

The first thing you have to do to send Digimon to invade the real world is to do that

Naturally, he slaughtered Ah He and Suna, a pair of dog men and women.

Blackened Leader: I'm going to give your Vengeance Badge power now, but remember, you have three months to prepare, and that time must not be wasted. At the very least, it is necessary to build hundreds of dark towers and rule over a few Digimon in the ultimate body before there is capital for invasion.

True love is an agumon: Remember the teachings of the group leader, and now I am no longer the reckless little kid I used to be.

The scene returns to the digital world.

Taiyi looked at the revenge badge in his hand, and gradually flashed a deep light.

The digital power of Shinsei Kuroko can unleash the power of the badge through the tool of group chat.

"A hundred places? Heh, I'm looking forward to seeing those Digimon. "

The corners of Taiyi's mouth hooked up a wicked smile.

With a wave of his hand, countless Digimon armies in front of him took a neat step.

Over here.

He is the chosen one and only!


At this point, the real world.

Mitsukoro sat in a café, anxiously tapping on the keyboard in his hand.

A week ago, Taichi Yagami suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.

Upon hearing this, Ka'er Yagami almost collapsed.

Fortunately, she reacted and contacted her brother's best friend as soon as possible.

and the childhood sweetheart who has always had a crush.

But what I didn't expect was.

In exchange, the two of them replied indifferently.

"It's ridiculous that people who are all in high school still play the childish trick of running away from home, can he be a little more mature. "

Ah He sneered and replied with a disdainful expression.

"Jia'er, I know you feel sorry for your brother, but it's useless, even if you persuade him, I won't like him. "

Su Na took Ah He's arm with a sweet face and said mercilessly.

The two of them had cold faces.

Let Jia'er fall into the ice cellar and leave there resolutely.

With the mindset of giving it a try, she reached out to a group of other children who had been drafted.

Most of the replies I received were "not available", "busy with further education", "I have more important things to do", and so on.

Only Mitsukolang, this science and engineering man who has been silently supporting Taiyi.

Willing to help investigate, Taiyi's whereabouts.

These three days.

Mitsuko searched most of Tokyo's databases and retrieved countless surveillance videos.

Still haven't found a trace of Taiyi.

"What the hell went wrong, what the hell am I missing?!".

Mitsukolang gnawed his fingers, looking at Taiyi's photos back then, anxious.

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