Naruto, uncle, I am really invincible

Chapter 568 Spirit and Faith

Such scientists are not easy to cultivate, and such scientists need more than answers when they are confused.

More is to cultivate their self-confidence, to cultivate their doubts about the world.

Let them dare to question everything in this world, let them dare to challenge the seemingly unreachable truth of the world, and let them dare to explore the truth of this world, the essence of this world.

To train such scientists, and not only train one or two, but train a large number.

This large group of scientists is the precious wealth of the entire ninja world, and it is also the source of Uzumaki Qiyun's countless scientific preparations for future generations.

These scientists are likely to be the founders of countless scientific schools and scientific research directions in later generations.

He is the forerunner of their school and the founder of the whole school.

And their spirits will also have a continuous influence on this school, but as time goes by, this influence will become more and more profound.

Now every scientist who can be recognized by him is an extremely important forerunner for the future scientific development of the ninja world.

Uzumaki Qiyun15 hopes that these scientists can have the spirit of questioning everything and daring to challenge everything.

Use the science in their hands and their scientific knowledge to solve the mysteries of the world, to explore the mysteries of the world, and to find out the laws of the world's operation.

And their scientific spirit of daring to question everything and challenge everything will spread far and wide in their school, and it will also become an important spirit of their school.

This spirit is not the spirit of one or two scientific schools, but the spirit of the entire scientific community.

These scientists in the Chi Kingdom now are the scientists of the entire ninja world in the future, and they will also be the main researchers in the scientific community of the ninja world for countless years to come.

It can be said that their current state of mind and their current scientific spirit will determine the scientific spirit of the ninja world for countless years to come, and the main scientific exploration direction of the ninja world.

Uzumaki Qiyun hopes to cultivate their spirit of daring to question everything and dare to challenge everything from the very beginning.

Because now they represent the mainstream scientific view of the future ninja world.

Uzumaki Qiyun hopes that the mainstream scientific view of the ninja world in the future will still dare to question everything and dare to challenge everything.

Because only in this way can science go deeper, farther, wider and longer.

Although scientific research requires absolute rationality, in the final analysis, we must have firm beliefs.

This belief is your spirit to move forward, and it is also your important help.

With such a strong mental will, it will help you keep moving forward on the road to your goals.

And this spirit will become more profound and memorable as time goes by.

That's why the current Uzumaki Qiyun attaches so much importance to cultivating real scientists.

Because they are not just one person anymore, they represent their respective future school of ninja.

From the perspective of Uzumaki Qiyun, at his current height, he has long stopped focusing on a single person.

More on the public, more on the overall situation.

What he considers is the mainstream scientific view of the ninja world for hundreds of thousands of years in the future.

What he considers is the future development direction of the ninja world, not just a temporary event.

Because Uzumaki Qiyun has absolute confidence, he believes that he will be able to rule the entire ninja world, unify all the countries of the ninja world, and achieve the goal of great unification.

Those who do not plan for the world are not enough for a moment; those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough for one area.

The current Uzumaki Qiyun is in a certain ninja world, and he is in the overall situation of a certain ninja world.

What he needs to consider is not only the growth of personal strength, but also the future development trend of the entire ninja world and the mainstream spiritual direction of the entire ninja world.

Most people think that it is useless to say too much, it is better to bury your head and work hard, saying that these spirits, beliefs and so on are too false and false.

The most important thing is to be able to do things.

Uzumaki Qiyun does not object to this idea, and he also thinks that it is better to do one thing than to say too much.

But Uzumaki Qiyun is different in that he also believes that it is also important to shout loud slogans and shout the right direction.

This slogan represents their overall forward goal and their strong spiritual will.

And Uzumaki Qiyun attaches great importance to the spiritual will of the individual.

Because he knows how much influence a person's spiritual will will have on his actions.

A positive spirit will make you do everything like a god, and it will be a huge help to your success.

And the negative spirit, even if your goal is very easy, but there may be all kinds of accidents due to the lack of your personal beliefs, and even direct failure.

Spiritual will is very important when everyone does everything.

Especially when completing the goals of some difficult ancestors, it would be very difficult for the current self.

In the face of such difficulties, you are likely to slack off and want to give up.

At this time, you need your belief to stick to it, and you need to use your own spiritual will to overcome this slack.

Allow yourself to persevere and keep moving forward.

Using science to study the mysteries of the world, to answer the truth of the ninja world, and to find the truth of the world, this process has always been difficult and arduous.

Even in many cases, it will make people feel hopeless, and even for decades, they can't find any hope of moving forward.

At this time, you have the belief behind you as the support and your own spirit as the support.

This will provide a powerful boost for your future success, and it will also allow you to go through times of despair, hoping to help you overcome challenges again and again.

There are countless clear examples to prove this.

Uzumaki Qiyun understands this point, that is why he attaches so much importance to the spiritual cultivation of scientists.

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