The shadow has not been finished yet, and Logan on the other side is slamming and throwing it to the ground, and it is dangerous to escape a pair of strong hands.

The shadows looked back in amazement. The saber-toothed tiger stood there and fluttered around, still squirming, and tried to hug his both hands. He was still licking the blood, and some of the white bones were bare.

“The trough! Is the sandstorm funeral really so waste?”

There are countless cnm in the shadows, and the sword-toothed tiger in front of the eyes is waiting to be counterattacked. The saber-toothed tiger suddenly fell to the ground.

At this same time, Zhang Lan, who was not far away, also received a tone.

“Hey, congratulations to the host killing the b-level expert, get the b-level Rule fragment *1”

“Drop, System upgrade, consumes b-level Rule fragment *1”

“Drip, Rule fragmentation is insufficient, please host the collection of Rule fragments as soon as possible. If the Rule fragmentation is insufficient after 24 hours, the System upgrade will be aborted.”

How is it dead?

Is it because the millennium kills interrupted the energy cycle, is it a slower self-healing?

This is a cumulative of two b-level Rule fragments, not enough?

Zhang Lan is not only not in the slightest dissatisfaction, but is very uplifting.

The pay and return are equal. System has previously absorbed about 10 million energy points, and now absorbs a lot of Rule fragments, indicating that this upgraded function is very expensive.

The side also shows that this time there must be a big change!

“Ah! help! Logan, save me!”

Above the head, Mary’s cry for help interrupted Zhang Lan’s thinking.

However, Zhang Lan did not immediately start, but was waiting for the opportunity, and now is not fully sure.

From his point of view, you can see Logan spinning to Torch in the whirlwind of Orolo, with the power of the piano to escort, accurately parked directly above Zhang Lan, under the view of the perspective, Zhang Lan has no way to see it.

On it, Logan and Eric fought, and Eric didn’t have time to give Ability to Mary, so the machine hadn’t started yet.

Zhang Lan headed to the shadows at the at the right, and the right hand half stretched out in front of him into a Hollow grip, so it was there.

On the top of the head, Logan’s snoring is endless. Scott has fired several lasers in the distance. Unfortunately, from Logan’s still screaming, the results are minimal.

Zhang Lan was unmoved, still keeping this action, and motionless, Magatama turned and waited, he was waiting.

Not far away, the shadows released a fireball to the unmanned sky.

This scene Zhang Lan naturally saw it.

[Eight armor, wounded door, open]

With the opening of the four doors, a silver-gray Tang Heng knife appeared in his hand. The two-meter-long blade made the Space crowded.

At the moment when Tang Hengdao appeared, Eric, who was extremely sensitive to Metal, immediately discovered its abrupt appearance and appeared at the core of the key instrument!

Ric 笅 笅 Eric 灏 槸镒忚瘑鍒 槸镒忚瘑鍒 槸镒忚瘑鍒 笉瀵癸纴鎯 笉瀵癸纴鎯 埗鍞愭 埗鍞愭 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 杩 杩 杩 杩 杩 杩 镙 镙 镙纴浣嗘槸鍗存病链夊紑锲涢棬镄刏hang Lan 锷ㄤ綔蹇纴鍒峰埛锲涘垁镰嶅嚭锛岀洿鎺ュ皢琚悇绉岖嚎鏉°C敮鏋剁紶缁旷潃镄勬牳蹇冨垎瑙 e嚭鏉ワ纴杩欐椂 嬩腑镄勫攼妯垁浼犳潵涓 涓 涓 澶 澶 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑Hang Lan 閮 閮 槸闄╅橹镄勮劚 槸闄╅橹镄勮劚 屽嚭銆 屽嚭銆

Zhang Lan 镄勫搴攕tyle 寰堟槸绠€鍗曪纴鐩存帴灏嗗叾鍙堟槸鏀跺洖System Space 锛岃€屽悗鐬韩鍒版牳蹇冭韩杈癸纴镓嬭剼鍒╃储镄勫皢鍏篃鏀篃鏀繘 System Space 锛屾涓嶅仠鐣欑殑鍐嶆鐬韩鍑鸿伞镫殬镄凷pace 銆


鍦╖hang Lan 璺 嚭镄勭灛闂 嚭镄勭灛闂 纴鏂 墠镄勯偅涓皬 墠镄勯偅涓皬 Space 灏 槸钖戝唴镐ラ 熷帇缂╃潃锛岃缉涔媄 熷帇缂╃潃锛岃缉涔媄 镄勭爞鏆撮 镄勭爞鏆撮 镄勭爞鏆撮 镄勭爞鏆撮 镄勭爞鏆撮佽懔閮芥槸鐚涘湴澶氥


鈥滃彯锛屾娴嫔埌c绾ц秴浜虹杞寲浠纸杞寲浠 1锛岃嚜锷ㄥ厬鎹 negative c绾ule 纰庣墖*1銆傗€

鈥沧淮锛孲 ystem 鍗囩骇锛屾秷Key 梒绾 纰庣墖 X*1鈥

“Drip, Rule fragmentation is insufficient, please host the collection of Rule fragments as soon as possible. If the Rule fragmentation is insufficient after 24 hours, the System upgrade will be aborted.”

鍦ㄥぉ绌 腑 腑 氱潃镊︻敱钀 綋镄刏 綋镄刏 綋镄刏 Lan 锛屾湁浜涙棤濂堢殑鎽囦 sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh

[Shadow of the body]

Zhang Lan 鍐嶆骞冲垎涓€鍗奀hakra 锛屽埗阃犲嚭涓€钖嶅钖嶅鍒呜鍒呜涔嫔悗锛岃鍏剁洿鎺ヨ涔嫔悗锛岃鍏剁洿鎺ヨ涔嫔悗锛岃鍏剁洿鎺ヨ

杩欐槸阃氱煡杩 湪搴曚笅镄勫 湪搴曚笅镄勫 鍒呜 鍒呜 鍒呜 锛屽鏋 锛屽鏋 锛屽鏋 鍒呜 鍒呜 € € € € € € € €

涓嶈 鍗佺阍燂纴鍙堟槸涓 鍗佺阍燂纴鍙堟槸涓 阒礢 tem tem tem tem tem tem tem 澹 紶鏉ャ

鈥滃彯锛屾伃锽滃涓诲向鏉c绾xpert 涓€钖嶏纴銮峰彇c绾ule 纰庣墖*1鈥

鈥沧淮锛孲 ystem 鍗囩骇锛屾秷Key 梒绾 纰庣墖 X*1鈥

“Drip, Rule fragmentation is insufficient, please host the collection of Rule fragments as soon as possible. If the Rule fragmentation is insufficient after 23 hours, the System upgrade will be aborted.”

濡傛鐪嬫潵锛屽 鍒呜 鍒呜 鏄瀹氱憺 鏄瀹氱憺 鏄瀹氱憺 鍓嶆牴 鍓嶆牴 鍓嶆牴     

Zhang Lan chain


浣嗘槸锛岀幇鍦ㄦ湁涓 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 宄荤殑闂锛岄偅灏 宄荤殑闂锛岄偅灏 宄荤殑闂锛岄偅灏 槸 槸 槸 槸 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔

Zhang Lan 钀 湪娴烽 涓婏纴绔欑珛鍏 涓婏纴绔欑珛鍏 笂锛岄殢镌 娴 娴 娴 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬Chongzhen  orch 涓娿€

Sharingan 鍕夊 鍙 鍙 鐪嬭锛屾镞跺浜庢毚镐掔殑 鐪嬭锛屾镞跺浜庢毚镐掔殑 鐪嬭锛屾镞跺浜庢毚镐掔殑 鐪嬭锛屾镞跺浜庢毚镐掔殑 鐪嬭锛屾镞跺浜庢毚镐掔殑 鐪嬭锛屾镞跺浜庢毚镐掔殑 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪涔堬纴Zhang Lan 钖笉瑙侊纴浣嗘槸the next moment 浠栫煡阆揈ric 鍐嶈浠€涔堜简銆

杩 湪镊︻敱濂 湪镊︻敱濂 湪镊︻敱濂       锛屼粬鍒嗗嚭浜嗗彟涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 鍒呜 鍒呜 鍒呜 鍒呜 闄ゆ帀锛屼 闄ゆ帀锛屼 闄ゆ帀锛屼 闄ゆ帀锛屼 闄ゆ帀锛屼氱煡 chain綋涓€涓緢鏄碂绯旷殑娑堟伅锛宎t the same time 涔熷甫鏉ヤ 鎴樻湳瀹夋帓銆

鐩涙 掔殑 掔殑 ric ric ric ric 鎺夋鍦ㄤ 鎺夋鍦ㄤ 鎺夋鍦ㄤ 鎺夋鍦ㄤ 鎺夋鍦ㄤ 鎺夋鍦ㄤ 鎺夋鍦ㄤ 琛屽 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 浼 浼 浼 浼 浼

鍏冮宄 鍙堢 鍙堢 鍏浗宄 鍏浗宄 鍏浗宄 鍏浗宄 鍏浗宄 鍏浗宄 佹硶锲 佹硶锲 佹硶锲 佹硶锲 佹硶锲 佹硶锲 佹硶锲 佹硶锲 佹硶锲 佹硶锲 佹硶锲 佹硶锲棩 拰 凴 凴 凴 凴 凴 凴 锲 镄勮 Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan

杩栾鏄鏉 浜嗗摢镐曚竴涓﹄ 浜嗗摢镐曚竴涓﹄ 锛実 锛実 enius 瀛 櫌镄勪簨镐曞 櫌镄勪簨镐曞 櫌镄勪簨镐曞 櫌镄勪簨镐曞

鍦╖hang Lan 鎺ュ 鍒 鍒 鍒 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 欙纴褰卞垎韬 欙纴褰卞垎韬 欙纴褰卞垎韬 欙纴褰卞垎韬 欙纴褰卞垎韬 欙纴褰卞垎韬 欙纴褰卞垎韬 纸 纸 纸 纸 纸 纸 纸 纸 纸 纸 纸 纸 纸镄勮杩涳纴 孼 Lan chain

钁 琚 琚 鍒呜 鍒呜 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ 鍦⊿ ystem Space 涓€

鍐嶆鎶ご鐪嫔幓锛孍ric 绔熺劧鏄洿鎺ュ皢镊︻敱濂崇绔熺劧鏄洿鎺ュ皢镊︻敱濂忔暣涓嫈璧纴鍏跺纴鍏跺 ammonia纴鍏跺orch 澶勶纴骞舵Disease chain mites

镄勭 ‘涓嶉渶瑕佷粬锷ㄨ韩锛屾嫈鍦拌€岃捣镄勮嚜鐢卞コ绁炲儚宸茬粡寮€濮嫔悜镌€鍏冮宄鍏冮宄细镄勬浖鍝堥】宀涚紦缂挞琛岃 铡讳 铡讳 铡讳

杩欎 缂撶紦鍙槸阍埚镊︻敱濂 缂撶紦鍙槸阍埚镊︻敱濂 缂撶紦鍙槸阍埚镊︻敱濂     岃 岃 锛屽浜庢 锛屽浜庢 镐 镐 镐 岃 闾 闾 闾 闾 鏄栌绫 鏄栌绫 鏄栌绫 鏄栌绫 鏄栌绫 鏄栌绫 鏄栌绫 鏄栌绫

椤 笉寰楀お澶 纴 纴 纴 Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan纴 杩囦箣澶勶纴 杩囦箣澶勶纴 杩囦箣澶勶纴 hin hin hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang hang銆

闀挎椂闂寸殑寮 钖簩闂纴璁╁缑Zhang Lan 鍏堟槸鍒 揪浜嗗 揪浜嗗 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 満锛岀揣鎺ョ潃灏 阒靛 阒靛瘑 嗙殑鏋搷锛岃 嗙殑鏋搷锛岃 鏄湰娆 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 棣栧 浼氱殑璀 崼阒熷紑濮嫔厛鍙戝埗浜 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑

Zhang Lan 镶€”“签澶х殑镰傛祦锛岃鍏堕伄鎸”湪韬墠锛宎t the same time 钖戠潃镐荤粺锽婅瘽銆

鈥沧 荤粺鍏堢敓锛屾槸鎴 荤粺鍏堢敓锛屾槸鎴 纴 纴 Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan鐢卞コ绁炲儚钖椾 锛熸椂闂 锛熸椂闂 潵涓嶅 潵涓嶅 潵涓嶅

镐荤粺铡熷厛鏄湪鍏 笂鍙戣 笂鍙戣 镄勶纴 镄勶纴 镄勶纴 镄勶纴 镄勶纴 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏Hurricane

鍏剁洰镙回兘鏄湪浠栨墍鍦ㄤ箣鍦 兘鏄湪浠栨墍鍦ㄤ箣鍦 纴杩欎笉鐢 粬涓嶆厧 粬涓嶆厧 嶏纴宸茬粡鏄紑濮嬬枏鏁 幇鍦 幇鍦 幇鍦 汉 锻 锻 锻 锻 锻 锻╃幇鍦虹殑浜猴纴涓岖鏄摢涓 涓敹鍒 涓敹鍒 am amage 锛岄偅缇庡浗閮 涓 涓 涓 箣璐熻矗鍒 簳镄勩 簳镄勩

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