: Taking charge of Miaomu Mountain


The giant Toad Immortal, who had grown extremely large, fell into the crowd of Ten Thousand Snake Immortals and was immediately bitten and entangled by the snakes, unable to move.

At the same time, a small white snake quickly sprang out from the group of snakes and got into the clothes of the Great Toad Immortal.

Being entangled tightly by the snakes, the Great Toad Immortal said with a gloomy face:

“I have obviously blocked your view, why are you still being attacked?”

His body was so big that he was as big as a mountain, so huge. Although his size will bring an attack bonus, it will also reduce his speed, making him uncomfortable to move around. This is why he was caught by the snakes.

Because although he anticipated the attack of the snakes, he was unable to react in time.

Zhixiang pointed to the Rinnegan Reincarnation Eye between his eyebrows and said with a smile: “My eye has the see-through effect of the Byakugan. How can you stop it.”

Seeing the Rinnegan Reincarnation Eye between Zhixiang’s eyebrows, the Great Toad Sage fell silent.

The aspirational look reminded him of Kaguya Otsutsuki, the goddess of the moon, and Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the Sage of Six Paths.

A Yin-Yang Escape Black Rod came out from the palm of Zhixiang’s hand. He broke it and threw it out. It was inserted into the body of the Great Toad Immortal, disrupting his chakra.

Not long after, the little white snake came out of the clothes of the Great Toad Immortal, transformed into Bai Ling, and came to Zhixiang.

Bai Ling held up a piece of green talisman paper, knelt in front of Zhixiang, and said respectfully:

“Master, this is Toad Maru’s Immortal Talisman, which has special magical effects.”

Hearing Bai Ling’s words, Toad Immortal’s face turned ugly.

He was originally accumulating strength, preparing to break through the venom paralysis of the snakes and use the Immortal Talisman to restore the magical energy he had just consumed. Unexpectedly, he was overtaken by Bai Ling.

This time, he may be in danger.

“Well done!”

Zhixiang took the Immortal Talisman from Bai Ling’s hand and nodded with satisfaction.

This Sage Talisman is full of magical energy and has the power to bring a dying person back to life. It is an extremely rare treasure in the ninja world.

After hearing Zhi Qi’s praise, Bai Ling respectfully stepped back behind him.

Putting away the Immortal Talisman, Zhixiang turned to look at Miaomu Mountain, and found that the big toads had been killed one by one by Bai Ling, and they were lying on the ground in a mess.

It has to be said that Bai Ling is really very suppressive in dealing with animals with magical energy.

Arriving in front of the Great Toad Immortal, Zhixiang reached out and put his hand on the head of the opponent who was paralyzed by the snakes, and used the ability of the human world to read the opponent’s memory.

“Wait…” The Great Toad Immortal was about to say something else.

But the powerful Samsara Eye in Zhixiang’s eyes instantly crushed the head of the Great Toad Immortal.

Seeing the giant toad immortal who died tragically at the hands of Zhi Xiang, Bai Ling’s face turned pale, and his attitude towards Zhi Xiang became more respectful.

Bai Ling discovered that although Zhixiang was compassionate towards humans, he was really ruthless towards non-human races like them.

The big toad immortal died, and Zhizhi unleashed the phosphorus bad bugs and began to devour the opponent’s flesh and blood.

After that, Zhixiang once again used a bunch of phosphorus bugs to devour the toads that had been killed by Bai Ling, and sent clones to block the entrance of Miaomu Mountain, preparing to empty Miaomu Mountain into his own territory.

While the phosphorus bad bugs were devouring flesh and blood, Zhizhi went to the other party’s living room based on the memory of the Great Toad Immortal and began to search for the magic scrolls and useful things in Miaomu Mountain.

As a holy land of celestial arts that has been around for thousands of years, Miaomu Mountain should have no fewer secrets than those of Senju Uchiha and other wealthy clans that have existed for thousands of years. It is worth searching.

Arriving in the room of the Great Toad Immortal, Zhixiang pressed something under his seat, and a door opened from the wall, revealing a secret room.

Zhixiang walked into the secret room and nodded with satisfaction.

I saw that there were not only many senjutsu or ninjutsu scrolls in the secret room, but also many treasures and gold and silver similar to the Kusanagi sword.

I have to say that Miaomushan is really a great family and a great business.

He took out the scroll of Miaomushan’s celestial arts from among the scrolls and looked at it carefully.

As he looked at it, he frowned.

Because the practice of immortal arts in Mount Myoboku must rely on the two-life technique, that is to say, if he wants to practice the immortal arts in Mount Myoboku, he must do the same as Jiraiya and let one or two toads squat on his shoulders.

“I want to practice the magic of Miaomu Mountain, but I don’t want toads. Come and improve it.”

He threw the scroll to Bai Ling and continued to watch other magic scrolls.

The prophecy skills possessed by the Great Toad Immortal after he turned on the Immortal Mode made Zhi Xiang very interested, so he also wanted to try whether he could practice it.

According to the memory of the Great Toad Immortal, if you want to practice prophecy, you must learn the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Art.

“Yes.” Bai Ling took the scroll and answered respectfully.

Zhixiang once again took out a magic scroll from the scroll pile and looked at it at will.

After all the toads in Miaomu Mountain were devoured by his phosphorus bugs, Zhixiang led Bai Ling out of the secret room.

Separately storing the phosphorus bugs that had devoured the giant toad-sage and the phosphorus bugs that had devoured the toads of Mt. Myoboku, Zhixiang glanced at the surrounding environment and told Bai Ling:

“From now on, the bases of Mt. Myoboku and Orochimaru will be yours.” In charge.”

“And you need to raise senjutsu animals for me, teach these animals to extract chakra and senjutsu energy, and collect these energies regularly.” “At the same time

, Uchiha Madara clones cannot relax.”

Since He has already prepared to bring Tsunade and the others to practice in the Shiqiu ecological circle where the energy of senjutsu is more intense, and his ambition is to build the three major senjutsu holy places into his own fairy beast breeding base.

Firstly, the psychic beast can be regarded as a bit of combat power, and secondly, it can also provide chakra and energy for him to cultivate the sacred tree in the future. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

Hearing that Zhixiang actually assigned Miaomu Mountain to himself, Bai Ling was very excited and said respectfully: “Bai Ling will do his best to help the master share his worries.”

Zhixiang nodded and removed the clone blocking the exit of Miaomu Mountain. , disappeared in place.

After Zhixiang left, Bai Ling raised his head, looked at the environment in Miaomu Mountain, and smiled happily.

Miaomu Mountain is much better than Ryūchi Cave…

Seeing the toad statues everywhere, Bai Ling decided to transform them first.

The other side.

After the clone with ambition to block the door disappeared, a small green-skinned toad emerged from the ground and quietly jumped out of Miaomu Mountain.

“I will definitely come back.”

After leaving Miaomu Mountain, the Great Toad Immortal looked back and made up his mind.

The moment he was turned around and killed by the power of ambition, his soul escaped from his body and escaped into the ground, seizing the body of this little toad.


A figure instantly appeared behind the Great Toad Immortal. The Great Toad Immortal, shrouded in shadow, felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was as cold as ice.

Zhixiang grabbed the big toad immortal and said with a smile:

“I knew you wouldn’t die that easily.”

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