Naruto: I Will Never Go Offline

Chapter 748: run away! scared peach

In the air, the heads and high-level officials of the five great powers had just learned the whole story from Oh Yemu's mouth in the telegram.

Immediately, he received the truth of the matter from Neji's technique!

In the long-term unquenchable surprise, Neji clenched his fists and made this choice firmly!

"This world is not mine alone, it can only be guarded by everyone!"

Neji gritted his teeth. Of course, he wasn't someone who could say such silly things.

From the bottom of his heart, Neji wanted to use this technique to oppress the four countries and make them realize that at this moment they had to take refuge in Konoha Village!

Their union is not for tit-for-tat, but for dealing with enemies far away in outer space!

If you are entangled in the infighting between the ninja world, then the ninja world will not grow, and those desolate planets will be the final fate of this world!

"What is your purpose?" Neji asked.

Peach-style who fell into a dream, the corner of his mouth twitched, his bright red eyes widened and he said, "Of course it's the resurrection guy, Otsutsuki-style..."

"One style? Who is it?"

Neji asked knowingly, what he wanted was for the whole world to know about it!

This stupid world needs the baptism of information. They are too protected in the greenhouse. Only when they realize the horror of war can they cherish the peace in front of them!

"Kaguya's companion."


"The guy who started the fourth ninja war? No, it's the guy who resurrected Madara Uchiha. In the end, that guy brought Madara Uchiha into hell."

"Then, what does this Otsutsuki one-style mean? Peach-style, gold-style? Why am I dizzy?"

"Anyway, this time, is it Neji again?"

All over the five countries, there is a lot of discussion, and many people even know for the first time that this hero who once shined in the Fourth Ninja World War but chose to go into hiding - Neji Hyuga.

"I want to revive Yi Shi! Revive Yi Shi! Use the other ten tails! Complete the final plan of the Otsutsuki clan! The final... plan!"



Like shards of glass, completely shattered.

Everyone only saw the picture in the air and completely disappeared.

Until the clouds above the ruins of Tiemu Village completely dissipated.

Xiao Li and Tian Tian breathed a sigh of relief, blinked his eyes, and murmured, "The other ten tails? This guy... that kind of thing, I don't want to see it again!"

Xiao Li also said angrily: "It seems that this time, Neji is going to save the world again!"


Neji came out of the illusion, her lips were already white.

Although there is no substantial damage, the power is used too much, and it will take a long time to recover!

Therefore, what Neji is worried about now is, if the enemy intends to pursue the victory, what should he do?



Tao Shi came out of the illusion and regained his senses.

Next to his rapid breathing, Jin Shi hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Do you want me to kill these guys?"

Tao Shi, however, glared at Jin Shi in disgust, and said angrily, "I didn't let you talk nonsense! If you could kill this guy, you wouldn't be dragged on by these two guys for so long! Damn... Now this The guy is really bottomless, especially those eyes, it's terrible... What kind of existence is it?"

In order to frighten them off, Neji pretended to be calm and said, "Haha! It's also very interesting to say! The genius of the Uchiha clan named Shisui Uchiha, the illusion of his eyes is a power that your Otsutsugi clan can't understand at all. And I also have pure eyes, and it belongs to the power that you have abandoned in the bloodline. Then, it is time to decide the outcome..."

Ningci took a step forward, and Xiao Li, who was already behind him with obvious side effects, was supported by Tian Tian and couldn't move at all.

Next, it seems that it will be handed over to Neji.

"Damn! Let's go!"

Who knows, Tao Shi also does not turn his head, just turns his head and flies into the air.

It's as if this whole piece of ruins is not what he calls ordinary, just go with the wind.

And the speed of Jin Shi was also very fast, and Xiao Li and Tian Tian were both taken aback.

Tian Tian, ​​who was still in excellent mental state, asked, "Aren't you going to chase? Neji?"

Neji took a deep breath and sneered when he felt that the two were really far away, "No, let them escape. His plan has been completely stolen by me, and they don't even know it. things."

"What? It's not..." Tian Tian was taken aback. What they observed in the air just now was Tao-style's heart, and it was clear that the whole plan had not been exposed.

But Neji is so confident?

In other words... Neji still kept a hand, and only showed a part of it to the people of the whole ninja world, so this step...

"This is also in the plan?" Tian Tian asked in surprise.

Neji nodded and smiled: "Of course, I don't want every village to experience such a tense and meaningless incident in Yanyin Village!"


"That's right, the next step is to take advantage of this world and win over the five major countries! This should have been a disaster faced by the five major countries, and should not be borne by Konoha Village... After all, the enemy this time is not Uchiha, It's Otsutsuki!"

As soon as Neji finished speaking, he noticed something.

He immediately turned his head and looked at Tian Tian.

I saw Konoha Maru and Alan standing on the path, Konoha Maru looked towards Neji, and just finished reading all about Neji's deeds.

Alan, on the other hand, turned his gaze and looked around at a whole piece of rotten ruins.

"This... Temu Village... Sure enough..."

Neji walked over and said indifferently, "Sorry, no one survived."


Alan didn't answer, just stared blankly, then lowered his head.

Despair, endless despair.

Then came the expected weeping.

No one spoke, and everyone in Konoha Village understood the pain of losing their home.

But, Alan…

As an orphan of the original Konoha Village, this guy has lost his home for the second time.

The Kingdom of Wind, standing on a high platform, about the height of the 5th floor.

This place can't compare to Yunyin Village, which is different from the height of the Fourth Ninja World War when he gave a speech, but this time his identity is more noble.

No longer the captain of some kind of battle, but the fifth Megumi Kazekage who swore to think wholeheartedly for the Sand Ninja Village.

Gaara was wearing the robe of wind and shadow, standing upright and straight.

"Neji Hyuga is a close friend of mine. I understand him better than most people. He is someone who will never harm everyone for his own selfish desires!"

"Now, he is fighting against powerful enemies on behalf of Konoha Village! Not only the four major countries, but the five great nations! Even Konoha Village can't completely trust Neji, but Neji has been fighting against the power of darkness... "

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