There will be people who will attack next, but whether you are Kami-Shinobu or Naka-ninja, they will only desperately block and kill Konoha’s people, and Muji and Uchiha Itachi, these ninjas who have been selected through the Naka-ninja level, although they are all elite in the Naka-ninja strength level, but after all, there is still some gap with Kami-Shinobu, and Kakashi must ensure that everyone can safely reach Ghost Lantern City.

Under such an arrangement, everyone also continued to move in the direction of Ghost Lantern City and continued to gallop on the sea.

Perhaps the people of the other ninja villages went to attack the teams of other ninja villages, and during the march in the middle of the night, they did not encounter the enemy again.

After the first rays of sunlight appeared in the morning, after Hinata Tenyou, who was in charge of probing the surrounding situation, found a desert island, Kakashi led everyone to the desert island, ready to rest for a while.

One. The rush at night, but also the way of treading water, such a rushing method, not only will consume physical strength, but even Chakra is also consumed sharply, not to mention that there was a battle halfway before.

Kakashi was obviously afraid that everyone would be attacked by other ninja villages after consuming too much physical strength and Chakra.

And in fact it is also true, a. In the rush of the night, even the Shinobu Kutono was tired, so when they landed on the desert island, everyone immediately sat on the beach, either recovering their strength or recovering Chakra.

Wujian has the physique of a thousand hands and a super strong recovery ability, even if he experienced a battle before, and even opened the eight-door dunjia, but while hurrying, he gradually recovered, so now there is not much fatigue.

However, in order to keep himself at his peak at all times and deal with the battle at any time, Wuxian still found a place and closed his eyes against a rock on the beach.

“Guys, now Inuzuka-san and I go to the island to catch some wild beasts for food, you continue to rest here, Uchiha Shisui, Kutono, Hinata Tenbless you three are responsible for guarding, if you encounter enemies, you must protect everyone!” After resting for a while, Wu Wu, who was closing his eyes and recuperating his mind, heard Kakashi’s voice, and when his eyes opened, he saw Kakashi standing in the middle of everyone.

“Kakashi, you and Inuzukasan be careful yourself, and we’ll leave it to us here!” Kutono, who had been resting, stood up and nodded.

The other two places did Uchiha Shuizu and Hinata Tenyu, who stood up from the beach and tapped Kakashi’s head in understanding.

Seeing this, Kakashi turned to greet Inuzuka-san, and walked towards the desert island with Inuzuka-san and his ninja dogs, quickly disappearing into the woods.

Kutono and Uchisui and Hinata Tensui, who were in charge of guarding, did not continue to rest, but each found a place and scanned the four directions.

Seeing this, Wujian also continued to close his eyes and recuperate, but it seemed that he would not let Konoha rest so easily, and not long after Kakashi left, a low voice made everyone nervous.

“There is an enemy attack!” Hinata Tianyou, who had been probing the surroundings with his white eyes, suddenly looked at the calm sea, and then his face changed, and he immediately drank low.

Almost at the moment when the voice sounded, as soon as everyone stood up, Wuxian also suddenly opened his eyes, rolled over, held the hilt of Kusanagi’s sword in his right hand, and scanned the four with cold eyes.

“Where is the enemy!” Kutono heard Hinata’s words, and immediately asked with a low drink while being vigilant.

“There are five people in the sea ahead, and three people on each side of the beach are sneaking towards us!” White eyes are worthy of being one of the three major pupil techniques, and they have an absolute advantage in probing, and hearing Kutono’s words, Hinata Tenyou immediately said the location of all the enemies that were approaching.

“The front five people will be handed over to me to solve, and the two of you will be responsible for both sides!” And at this time, Uchiha stopped the water and pulled out the small knife on his back, walked out from the crowd, and said calmly.

As soon as Uchiha’s words came out, everyone present looked at him, although they did not know the specific strength of the five people in the sea, but dared to fight the five alone, which shows Uchiha Shuishui’s confidence in his own strength.

Hinata Tenyou looked at the depth of Uchiha Shisui who walked out, and his eyes showed a strong jealousy, although the two are now in the same camp, but the two giants of Konoha are already in a state of hostility, and Uchiha Shisui is absolutely necessary for anyone of the Hyuga clan.

“.~ Okay, I’m in charge of the left!” Kutono didn’t have much thought, and after hearing Uchiha’s words to stop the water, he immediately walked to the left.

Although Hinata Tenyou was jealous of Uchiha’s strength to stop the water, the great enemy was also immediately on the right side to guard against the enemy’s attack.

At this time, the three upper ninja form a triangle to protect these middle ninja level people in it, but each of them also has to face at least three enemies.

Wuji’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked directly to Kutono, he didn’t like to hide in the back of others, but liked to kill enemies himself.

When Uchiha saw Wushui’s action, he also silently walked behind Uchiha Shuishui, and also took out Kuwu in his hand, obviously to help Uchiha stop the water to meet the enemy (Qian’s Zhao) together.

As for the remaining three, they looked at each other, did not help like Wuji and Uchiha, and in the event that they might encounter Shinobi, all three chose to keep themselves safe.

“Kutono-sensei, how about I make a move later, if I am defeated, you will strike again!” Muji walked up to Kutono and suddenly laughed lowly.

Killing a middle ninja can get one hundred value points, while the elite middle ninja is two hundred value points, if it is an upper ninja…

After killing that Mist Shinobu before, he secretly opened the door of truth on the way to hurry, and found that he had increased his value by a thousand points.

For Wuji who needs a lot of value points, killing enemies is also a good way to get value points.

【8th upload】_

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