The moment the tornado-shaped wind appeared, the huge fireball that followed it instantly merged into it perfectly.

Wind fuels fire, fire fuels wind!


The roar resounded through the lake, and a huge flame tornado swept the sky, and the powerful air wave made the water surface shake violently.

“It’s actually compound ninjutsu!” The moment the Flame Tornado appeared, this thought came to the minds of any ninja with some knowledge, and at the same time, it was full of wonder about the imperfection of ninjutsu.


Flame tornadoes and falls. The falling sparks collided together, and the moment the two terrifying flames collided, it was as if a large number of detonators exploded, emitting a deafening roar, and also set off a huge wave of qi, and the entire sky seemed to be covered by flames.

“How is it possible, the other party can actually use compound ninjutsu!” In the air, watching his fire being blocked, Uchiha was full of shock.

Compound ninjutsu is a high-level technique that even Shinobi may not be able to master, and the other party is obviously only six years old like his younger brother, and he can actually use compound ninjutsu.

At this moment, even Uchiha Itachi, who has always been considered a genius by the family, felt a sense of loss, which was a frustration in talent and a blow to self-confidence.

“No, even if the opponent’s talent is above my own, I definitely can’t lose this battle!” The loss was only for a moment, and the self-conscious and mature Uchiha Itachi quickly recovered, and his eyes showed determination.

On the surface of the water, the infallibility of compound ninjutsu, his face was indifferent, and his right hand grabbed the void, but he just held the Kusanagi sword that was thrown into the sky just now, and everything seemed so light and showed the absolute control of the battle.

This exquisite scene made the sunset red heart on the shore tremble, as if it touched her heart in an instant, making a trace of addiction appear in her naturally charming eyes.

At the same time, this scene also allowed everyone in Konoha Square to clearly see through the screen, from a flick to the release of ninjutsu to the lightness of catching the Kusanagi sword, with the handsome and handsome face that although still a little immature, Wuji can already see the handsome and handsome face, as if a sharp sword stabbed the women in the square.

“Ah~! So handsome! ”

“It’s so handsome, I feel like my heart is about to jump out!”

“I decided that I must wait until Wujian grows up and marries him!”


In an instant, the square was covered by countless female screams.

“Wujian is too handsome, father, have you seen it, Wujian is so handsome just now!” Ino’s cute little face was flushed, and he tugged at Yamanaka Haichi’s clothes with an excited face, screaming constantly.

“Ahem..!” Yamanaka Haichi was embarrassed by his daughter’s sudden idiotic performance, and could only keep coughing to cover up, but looking at the screen of Nakano Wu, his eyes were also full of amazement.

“What a powerful brat, he can actually use compound ninjutsu, which is even more powerful than the original water gate!”

The generation of Pig Deer Butterfly, including Yamanaka Haichi, often carried out missions with the fourth generation of Hokage’s Wave Feng Shuimen, so they were also extremely familiar with the Wave Feng Shui Gate.

But Yamanaka Haichi couldn’t help but sigh at this time, even if Wave Feng Shuimen did not have this talent at the age of Wujie, the other party was simply like a demon, and he could use compound ninjutsu at a young age.

On the other side, Hinata Hinata’s small hands clenched her chest. Before, looking at the immaculate on the screen, his eyes flashed with adoration.

“Wuji Jun is so powerful, and he is so handsome..!” Hinata only felt his heart beat violently, and he had secretly liked Wujian in his heart, but now this feeling became even stronger.

Wujian held the Kusanagi sword, his eyes stared at the sky, under the composite ninjutsu formed by two C-level ninjutsu, the power was not inferior to the B-level ninjutsu used by Uchiha Itachi, the two flames collided in the air, but gradually dissipated, and under his line of sight, he could see that on the opposite side of the flame, Uchiha Itachi’s was slowly falling.

“Instantaneous Technique!”

The moment the figure of the Uchiha weasel appeared, Wuji suddenly disappeared from the water, setting off a wave of waves, and the figure turned into a black shadow, like a crossbow arrow quickly bursting into the air falling Uchiha Weasel.

“Lei Dun Chidori Sharp Gun!”

Just in an instant, Wujian had already crossed the dissipated flames, approaching Uchiha Itachi at an amazing speed, and when he was only five meters together with the other party, the cold light flashed in Wuji’s eyes, and the lightning and thunder groaned on the Kusanagi sword, bursting out a five-meter-long thunder sword, like a substantial sword light, and swung towards Uchiha Weasel in an instant.

“This is…!” Kakashi, who saw this scene in Konoha, was shocked, and his eyes showed incredulity.

Uchiha Weasel saw the Thunder Sword slashing coming, his eyes showed horror, at this time, his figure was still in a state of falling, and it was too late to avoid it.


Just in an instant, the Thunder Sword seemed to pass through the waist of Uchiha Weasel as if there was no hindrance, and the strong edge even made the air make a cutting sound, and the body of Uchiha Weasel shook and split into two parts.

“Brother!” On the shore, seeing this scene, Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes showed horror and he shouted in panic.

“Don’t panic, Itachi is fine!” Hearing his youngest son shouting, Uchiha Fugaku said calmly.


On the surface of the lake, the Uchiha ferret, whose body was cut off by the thunder sword turned into a thousand birds’ sharp guns, suddenly mutated, and his body turned into two pieces of wood, which was a stand-in technique.

“Fire Dragon Art!”

At the moment when the wooden block appeared, suddenly on the surface of the lake not far below Wu Wu, a scorching fire dragon emitting terrifying heat swayed and soared into the air, and the place where the fire dragon appeared was the Uchiha ferret standing on the surface of the water.

Confused by the avatar technique, and then the body appeared on the surface of the sea, releasing the fire, this series of actions almost all happened in an instant, and it was almost impossible to react.

At this time, the situation seemed to be the same as just now, Wujian cut off the stand-in of Uchiha Itachi, and his figure was slowly falling, coldly watching the fire dragon attack, but he couldn’t avoid it.

“Brother is going to win!” On the shore, the originally shocked Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes suddenly showed surprise.


The terrifying fire dragon instantly hit Wu Yan’s body, and the terrifying fire wave even distorted the surrounding air, but the face of Wu Yan who was hit by the fire dragon did not have the slightest fluctuation, and he was extremely indifferent.


Suddenly, the fire dragon hit Wu Wu exploded like a balloon, but it turned into a cloud of smoke.

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