“Of course!” In the face of the praise of Wuji, Sunset Hong looked arrogant and looked particularly happy.

On the one hand, this is because of passing the first round, and on the other hand, it is also because of Wujie’s praise for her, which makes Xi Rihong feel some inexplicable joy in her heart.

Wujian can also feel the joy of sunset red, and he has always maintained a warm smile on his face.

“Okay, the first round is over, now for the second round!” Nara Shikahisa saw that after ten battles and had already decided the top ten, he also directly announced the second round of battles, and it was also the battle to select the last five.

“There is actually no time to rest at all, this selection competition is really strict!” The contestants present were shocked when they heard Nara Shikahisa’s words.

Originally, after going through the first assessment, everyone was very tired, and just now they experienced a battle, whether it was physical strength or Chakra consumption was more serious.

At this time, you can see the ten people who entered the second round, and everyone has a little fatigue on their faces, even Uchiha Itachi is slightly frowned.

In the previous battle, although he wanted to reduce the consumption of physical strength and Chakra, this did not mean that his consumption was less, on the contrary, the first assessment, obtaining twenty-three scrolls, was enough to prove that he had experienced a lot of battles in three days, and the consumption was definitely a lot.

Wuji and Sunset Red didn’t care too much, Wuji has super resilience, although the use of the imperfect Chidori sharp gun just now consumed a lot of Chakra, but when watching others fight, Chakra recovered at a rapid speed, although it has not recovered to the peak now. peak, but it will not affect the exertion of strength.

And the same is true of Sunset Hong, compared to other people who have experienced three days of fighting, she did not experience too many battles at the beginning of her stay with Wujian, nor did she consume too much physical strength and Chakra, and after hiding it later, she recovered her physical strength and Chakra, even if she had just experienced a battle, but it was obviously much better than others.

Although everyone felt tired, Nara Shikaku did not pay attention to it, but let people directly turn on the screen and continue the assessment.

Soon the battle list appeared, the first game was a civilian ninja against a ninja of the Yamanaka clan, and the two entered the battle as quickly as before.

“There really is still a gap between civilian ninjas and family ninjas!” Wuxian looked at the battle below and secretly said in his heart.

After the first round of fighting, among the remaining ten people, there are only three civilian ninjas without families, including Wuji, and the other seven are people from various clans in Konoha, and their strength is very obvious.

Compared with ninjas with family resources, the foundation of civilian ninjas is relatively weak, not only are they born weak, but the ninjutsu they master is far inferior to those family ninjas.

Just as Wujian was thinking so, the battle below proved this again, and the civilian ninja did not last long before the ninja of the mountain clan controlled his body with mystical techniques, ending the battle.

“The secret technique of the mountain clan, using spiritual power as a means of attack, can not only control the enemy, but also read the memories of others, it seems quite good!” Seeing the ability of the Yamanaka clan, a fine light appeared in Wujian’s eyes, and his eyes showed a trace of interest.

The ability of the mountain clan is very special, although it is also in terms of spiritual power, but it does not use illusion, but uses pure spiritual power, which is still very attractive for Wu Wu, whose spiritual power far exceeds that of ordinary people.

In particular, the secret art of the Yamanaka clan can also read memories from dead people, which aroused strong interest in Wuxi, and a good idea also emerged in his heart.

“The second game, Sunset Red vs. Uchiha Itachi!” At this moment, under the list of next matches displayed on the screen, Nara Shikahisa announced loudly.

“Well?!” Wu Yan was stunned in his heart, his eyes showed solemnity, Hong’s opponent was actually Uchiha Itachi, and he couldn’t help but look at Sunset Hong beside him with some worry.

At this time, after hearing Nara Shikaku’s words, Sunset Hong’s pretty face also showed solemnity.

“Teacher Hong, you have to be careful, if you are not defeated, don’t hold on!” Wuxian said softly.

Uchiha Itachi is the only enemy in the field that makes Wuji pay attention, if he fights with the other party, Wuji has no worries, which comes from his confidence in his strength, but if it is sunset red, Wuji is not worried.

“Well, but I won’t throw in the towel easily!” Sunset Hong also knew how powerful Uchiha was and responded softly after hearing Wuji’s words, but then his face showed firmness.

Wu Yan stared deeply at Sunset Hong, not saying anything, he knew that Yi Hong’s personality, less than a last resort, would never easily admit defeat.


On the other side, Uchiha Itachi had already jumped into the field, and at the same time looked at Sunset Red with an indifferent face, but his eyes were more focused on Wujie’s body.

“Come on, Teacher Hong!” Wujian looked at the determined sunset red and encouraged.

Hearing Wujian’s cheering, Sunset Red turned his head to look at Wujie, and a touching smile suddenly appeared on his pretty face.

“Wuji, watch the teacher’s performance well!” Sunset Hong laughed, jumped up, and turned into a black shadow and appeared in the field.

As soon as he arrived in the field, Sunset Hong’s smile disappeared instantly, and he looked at his opponent Uchiha Itachi, some of them were just serious and serious.

Wuxian stared at Sunset Hong in the field, her body was tense, and she remained in a state of readiness, regardless of whether Sunset Hong won or lost, but if she was in danger, he would definitely rush out to the rescue immediately.

“The game begins!” When the sunset red entered, Nara Shikaku did not hesitate in the slightest and quickly announced the beginning.


At the beginning of the game, Sunset Red instantly jumped back and distanced herself from Uchiha Itachi, she knew that Uchiha Itachi’s strength was extremely strong, and it was safest to keep a certain distance.


However, while jumping back, Sunset Hong’s hands flexibly shot out several kunai, showing a zigzag shape and shooting towards Uchiha Itachi.

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