“Hiamihara’s son was actually killed, and he was gouged out of his eyes, this matter must be investigated!” In the center of the Hyuga clan’s mansion, which was also the courtyard where the patriarch lived, Hinata Hinata’s father, who was also the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, also heard Hinata’s roar, and his face was equally ugly.

If Hinata Sada was killed, Hyuga Hiashi would not be the same, he had already adapted to the sacrifice of family members after experiencing the war, but this time it was not only as simple as the sacrifice of family members, but even the most important white eye of their family was taken away by the enemy, which violated the taboo of the Hyuga family.

The Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan are both wealthy families of Konoha, and they are both owners of Hitomi Jutsu, but the Hyuga clan takes care of the white eye more strictly than the Uchiha clan, which can be seen from the fact that everyone who separates must set the seal of the caged bird to prevent the white eye of the person who has the split family from being taken away, and it is enough to destroy the white eye by the same caged bird.

But now, Hinata Sada is a member of the clan family, but there is no seal of the caged bird, and the white eye must have been completely taken away by the enemy, which is quite the blood succession boundary of the Hyuga clan has been exposed, which is definitely a big thing for the people of the Hyuga clan.

And when the Hyuga clan caused an uproar because of the killing of the only son of the three elders and the seizure of the white eye, the office of the third generation in the Hokage building, Kutono also looked at the three generations with a look of shame.

“Kutono, so it was a ninja from Kiri Shinobu who took the white eyes of your ninja class Hinata Sada!” The three generations did not have the original kindness on their faces, but had a serious face.

“Yes, three generations of adults, from the situation that my student Inuzuka Hana and I have summarized, the other party uses water ninjutsu, and the other party has also said that he came to seize the white eye by the order of the fifth generation of water shadow!” After returning to Konoha to send Hinata Sada’s body to the Hyuga clan, Kutono immediately approached the third generation to report the matter, and after hearing the words of the third generation, he quickly nodded.

“I know!” When the third generation heard this, he rubbed his temples that were a little painful, and his face showed solemnity.

The white eye is taken, this matter Hyuga clan people will definitely not give up, and this matter also involves the side of the Mist Shinobu, as a Hokage, if he does not handle it well, it will cause Konoha’s disruption, and even trigger a war between Konoha and Kiri Shinobu.

“Three generations of adults, the reason why this incident occurs is because I did not protect it properly, and I asked the three generations of adults to punish!” Seeing the solemnity on the face of the third generation, Kuto Ye was even more ashamed in his heart, and quickly blamed himself.

“No, this matter has nothing to do with you, if it’s really the same as you said, it’s the misty ninja peeping at the white eyes, then even if you are present, it’s useless, you retreat first!” The three generations waved their hands and said comfortingly.

“Alright!” Kutono hesitated, and then could only reluctantly exit the room.

“It seems that I have to go to the Hyuga clan in person!” With a deep groan on his face, the three generations got up and walked out of the room and headed for the Hyuga clan’s mansion.

No one knows what agreement the three generations finally reached with the Hyuga clan of the Hyuga clan, anyway, the last three generations personally let a person from the dark department go to the village of Mist Shinobi.

And just when everyone’s attention was focused on the Hyuga clan, Muji returned to Konoha with his usual look and went to the dark department to submit the task.

“It seems that Hinata Sada’s body has been brought back, and I have to be careful not to be suspected of my body!” On the way to the base of the dark department, walking the streets of Konoha, Wujian listened to the surrounding Konoha villagers talking about the affairs of the Hyuga clan, and secretly said in his heart.

The white eyes of the Hyuga clan were stolen, and this matter naturally could not be concealed for long, even if the three generations ordered that it was strictly forbidden to spread out at this time in order to prevent a commotion in Konoha, but at the instigation of some intentional people and the hostile forces of the Hyuga clan, this matter quickly spread throughout Konoha, and it was also used as a talking capital by ignorant villagers.

Under the vigilance of Wujian in his heart, he also came to the dark base, and after showing the certificate of the dark part, he entered the underground base.


Just as Wujian was about to submit the task, suddenly a figure turned into a black shadow and appeared from his side, making Wujian immediately turn around and look at the other party vigilantly.

“Yan Luo, I’m Ya, you came back from a mission?” Kakashi, who had a mask on his face and silver hair, whispered after identifying himself.

“Well, just came back from a mission!” After seeing that it was Kakashi, he lowered his guard and nodded calmly.

“After submitting the task, remember to come to our sixth shift room to find me!” Kakashi left a word, and the instantaneous spell was used, and in an instant, it turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

“Kakashi actually came back to me, is there some collective mission?!” Watching the other party leave, the immortal brow hidden in the mask frowned slightly, and there were some doubts in his heart.

Although the dark part is also divided into various classes, except for some large-scale tasks that require the dispatch of the entire dark department class and several dark department members, the other times the members are each performing the tasks they receive.

Puzzled in his heart, Wuxian also quickly went to the room where the task was submitted, handed over the head of the rebel ninja he killed, and after receiving the bounty of 150,000 taels, he also immediately went to the room of the sixth class.

As soon as he entered the room, Wu Yan raised his eyebrows, and inside except for Kakashi, Tenburu, Ha, and Tsukizuki, all the members of the sixth class were there.

“Yan Luo, we are waiting for you, come here!” Wu Wu’s entry made several people in the room look over, and Tianburu saw Wu Yi come in, beckoned, and chuckled under the mask.

Wujian nodded, did not speak, his gaze swept over the four people, and stepped over, while the other few people also withdrew their gazes, all focused on their captain Kakashi.

“Okay, now that everyone is gathered, I’m going to announce one thing next!” After Kakashi saw that the last person had also arrived, he did not hesitate and slowly spoke.

Wuji looked at Kakashi, waiting for the other to continue, and the others did the same, all with curiosity in their eyes, not knowing that Kakashi had summoned them to announce ten things.

However, among them, Tianburial and Ye seemed to already know something, and there was no doubt in their eyes, but some understanding.

“I have said to you before, including the Fire Country where we are located in Konoha, although the war between the five powers on the surface has ended, but the secret war has never stopped, and now, the triennial Five Kingdoms Secret War will be carried out soon, and now I give the order of the three generations of Hokage to ask you who wants to participate in the Five Kingdoms Dark War!” Kakashi said calmly.

“Well?! Secret war of the Five Kingdoms?! Wu Yan’s heart was stunned, and his eyes showed doubt, and in addition to Tianburial and Ye, Yun Yue also showed doubt in his eyes.

“Ya, Yun Yue, Yan Luo and Ye have not been in the dark department for a long time, I think you better explain it to them!” Seeing the doubts in Yun Yue’s eyes on the side, Tianburial reminded him.

“Well, then I’ll explain it briefly! The Five Kingdoms Secret War…” Kakashi nodded slightly, and then introduced the matter of the Five Kingdoms Secret War.

Wu Yan listened carefully, and his eyes gradually showed surprise.

The Five Kingdoms Secret War is a secret war that is carried out in the five major ninja villages belonging to the five major powers, that is, Konoha, Yunnin, Mist Ninja, Iwa Ninja Village, and Sand Ninja Village, which is held every three years, and everyone who participates in the dark war is a member of the dark department of the five major ninja villages.

If the Zhongnin Exam is a battle between the lower ninja of each ninja village, and it also represents the strength of the new generation, then the secret battle of the five kingdoms is the real battle power competition between the major ninja villages, and all the winning ninja villages can obtain the corresponding resources and money from the four ninja villages of the defeated side.

It can be said that the secret war of the Five Kingdoms is a war secretly carried out by the five major ninja villages, and it is also highly valued by the five major ninja villages.

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