The art of shadow avatar is worthy of being the only way to cultivate, and what originally took several months or even half a year to learn was almost completely mastered in a dozen days under the advantage of numbers.

“It seems that it won’t be long before B-level ninjutsu is thoroughly learned, and then as long as you wait for your chakra to reach middle ninja, your strength will be stronger!” Wu Yan chuckled in his heart, slowly closed his eyes and began to cultivate Chakra Alchemy.

—————————— ask for flowers! Collect it! ————————————————————————

Bang bang bang~~!

In an abandoned training ground in Konoha, a young girl constantly attacks a teenager, and from time to time the impact of the two fists can be heard.

“Not bad, watch my shots carefully, and then use your white eyes to judge my attack route to dodge and counterattack!” Although the handsome young man with black hair and black eyes was constantly resisting and attacking on his hand, he kept pointing at the girl with a smile on his face.

The girl’s little face was already covered with fine sweat, and although the teenager on the other side was only sparring with her, but under the superb physical skills, the girl could not be distracted to answer, and could only devote herself to dodging and attacking with a nervous expression.

The two fighting teenagers and girls were none other than none other than Muji and Hinata Hinata.


Wujian once again avoided Hinata’s palm with a soft fist, his figure shook, but it was close to the distance between the two, and his palm pressed on Hinata’s stomach, causing Hinata to be shocked, and his figure retreated several steps uncontrollably.

“Okay, let’s get here first for today’s sparring!” Wujian waved his hand and smiled at Hinata.

“Wujijun, do you say that my qualifications are too poor, and I have been training against you for more than a month, but I haven’t hit you once!” Hinata was relieved in his heart when he heard Wuji’s words, but he was a little cowardly.

It has been more than a month since Hyuga Hinata’s mind broke Hyuga Hinata’s mind and became a Shinobi, Hinata Hinata has really come to Hyuga Hinata often to practice with him as promised.

Hearing the other party’s words, Wujian said helplessly: “Don’t worry, Hinata, your qualifications are not weaker than the rest of your Hyuga clan, and you can’t beat me because my physical skills are already stronger than yours!” ”

For Hinata Hinata, who found himself and his own cultivation, Wuxian did not refuse, on the contrary, in addition to cultivating by himself every day, he would also practice with the other party from time to time.

However, for Hinata Hinata, Wuji can only say that the other party is too timid or cowardly, which is reflected not only in his usual behavior but also in battle.

“But Hinata, it’s not me who said you, although it’s normal for girls to be shy and timid, but you can’t have this mentality when fighting!” Wujian looked at each other and shook his head.

Wu Yan didn’t say a little just now, his physical skills are stronger than Hinata’s, but Soft Fist is a fierce attack hidden in flexibility, but in Hinata’s hands, there is only flexibility and not rigidity, and there is hesitation between shots, how can it hit him.

Hinata lowered her head weakly, she naturally knew that there was a problem with her mentality, but she was born like this, and she couldn’t really let go of others even enemies to attack.

Looking at Hinata’s appearance, he couldn’t help but rub his temples with some headache, for Hinata Hinata, whether it was the understanding in the original book or the relationship during this time, he still liked this shy girl, but it seemed a little difficult to want the other party to change the flaws at once.

“In this way, Hinata, when you fight someone else in the future, you might as well imagine that the other party is the murderer who killed me!” Wu Yan pondered a little and proposed.

“Ah~! How about that, how can you say such unlucky things! Hinata, who had originally weakly lowered his head, suddenly raised his head, his little face suddenly showed anxiety, and tears even appeared in his eyes.

“Fool, it’s not true just thinking about it!” Seeing that he just casually said that the other party was actually so nervous, he couldn’t help but laugh and reached out and flicked on Hinata’s forehead.

“That’s not okay, Wu Jun must be fine!” Bounced his forehead so intimately by Wujie, although Hinata’s face appeared a shy blush, but instead of his previous weakness, his small face was full of determination.

Wu Yan looked at the other party with some surprise, but his heart was warm, the other party was really a cute little girl, and he became firm in the face of things about him!

“Hinata, if you really don’t want anything wrong with me, then listen to me, and when you face the enemy when you fight in the future, you will treat it as my murderer, and don’t show a weak side!” Wujian gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Hinata’s eyes and said softly.

Perhaps it was Hinata’s nervous attitude towards him and the time he got along with each other that made him have a good impression of Hinata, and he began to really care about Hinata except for the sunset.

Hinata, as the daughter of the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, inherits the bloodline of the Hyuga clan is definitely the purest, and the talent is by no means weaker than other people of the Hyuga clan, but because of the weak nature, the talent has never really been brought out.

Wuji now cares about Hinata Hinata, naturally does not want the other party to be so weak all the time, in this dangerous world, weakness is the most vulnerable to danger, only to make the other party really strong, is the best care.

After all, Hinata Hinata has been with Wujian for a while, and she will not faint immediately shy after receiving some stimulation as before, although wiping her tears by Wujian makes her shy whole body hot, but listening to Wujie’s such gentle words, Hinata still tries to look up at Wujie.

“If Wu Wujun really wants me to do this, then I will!” Hinata mustered all his courage and whispered.

A smile appeared on his face, if Hinata can really change, then his future achievements will definitely not be limited to the original book, but will really grow.

“Very good, Hinata, you have to keep this kind of consciousness all the time, I just have a move suitable for you here, I will teach you!” With a chuckle, he took Hinata’s hand and walked aside.

“Damn it!”

Just as Muji and Hinata were getting together and whispering something, behind a large tree not far outside the training ground, a young man from the Hyuga clan who had white eyes with Hinata slammed a hideous punch on the tree trunk in front of him, causing wood chips to splash in all directions.

Looking closely, this young man of the Hyuga clan with a hideous look and anger in his eyes was none other than Hinata Sada, who had his arm broken by Senseless.

Hinata Sada’s arm has already recovered, but because he lost to Wuji and his arm is also discounted, he did not return to the ninja class because of embarrassment, but stayed in the family.

Today, Hinata Sada originally wanted to go to the daughter of the patriarch as before, and to close the distance between the two and make plans for the future.

Hinata Hinata, as the eldest daughter of the patriarch, will inherit the position of patriarch in the future, although Hinata Sada is the son of the three elders of the clan and will inherit the position of elder in the future, but he will not be satisfied with the status quo, but has been trying his best to close the relationship with Hinata Hinata, so that he can marry the daughter of the patriarch in the future and then seize the position of patriarch, which is not only Hyuga Sada’s thought, even his father, the three elders of the Hyuga clan specially told him.

It’s just that Hinata Sada didn’t expect that this time, when he was about to go to Hinata, he saw Hinata Hinata secretly leaving the family alone, and followed him curiously.

But where did he think that Hinata Hinata actually came to find Senseless who had discounted his arm, and also acted so intimate, which made his face ugly and his heart angry at the same time.

“Wuji, I will definitely not let you go!” Hinata Sada looked at the two people who were intimately gathered together in the training ground, with a resentful look in his eyes, and turned and left here.

“Wujiujun, can this really make my soft fist more powerful?” In the training ground, Hinata said with some surprise after listening to Wujie’s words.

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