Wujian knows that the seal is related to the speed of releasing ninjutsu in the future, just like Uchiha Itachi, six seals in one second, even if he faces an enemy of the same level, the other party is a little careless, and he can’t even see how he made the seal, he may already be dead.

The use of Chakra is even more needless to say, the reason why ninjas are stronger than ordinary people is because there is Chakra in the body, as long as Chakra is spread throughout the body can increase body defense and strength, and if Chakra has strong control, it can increase explosive power when used to both hands and feet.

These are all taught by Xi Rihong, and after knowing it, Wu Yan did not dare to relax at all, and after refining Chakra, his cultivation was even more difficult than before.

“Now after half a year of cultivation, his current comprehensive strength should not be inferior to those students who are about to graduate from the ninja school!” Connected with the immortal imprint, I also thought about it in my heart.

The strength of ninja is mainly determined by ninjutsu [including illusion], physical skills, and chakra, although Wujian is only an orphan, but under the door of truth, he enjoys the same treatment as the core disciples of those families who have never stopped taking soup medicine.

Moreover, ordinary family children, even if they want to be mentally mature under the teaching of their elders, they can’t cultivate as hard as Wujie, always thinking of being lazy and playing.

Even going to a ninja school is a mixed life, after all, the mind is there, and the cultivation is only to cope with the school curriculum or the elders, and it is not like Wuji who can focus all his energy on cultivation.

In terms of ninjutsu, because Wuji’s spiritual power is far beyond the extremely powerful reason of ordinary people, he is also extremely strong in terms of Chakra’s control, and the three-body technique that Xia Shinobi needs to master, after he refined Chakra, he has mastered it in just a few cultivations, and even Wuji has begun to learn Chakra Outbreak Technique.

In terms of physical skills, although Wujian is still young because of his body, under the unremitting cultivation and soup medicine that is comparable to Xiao Li in the original book, the strength and explosiveness of his body are not inferior to those students who have entered the ninja school.

As for Chakra, the Chakra refining technique given to him by Wu Yan and Sunset Red who is comparable to the spiritual power of Shangnin, is also faster and more refined than ordinary people, even if it is not as fast as those with great vitality, but in just half a year, it has already allowed him to have students who have not been inferior to entering the ninja school for several years.

It can be said that the power he has mastered, which is only three and a half years old, is no less than that of ordinary students who are about to graduate from ninja schools, and if it comes to actual combat ability, Wuji, who has already undergone countless killings, can definitely easily kill the other party.

“There is no problem with my own ninjutsu now, but physical arts and chakra still need to be practiced more, hmm… The effect of the snow chicken nourishing soup can no longer keep up with his physical exercise, and it seems that he will exchange the soup medicine with stronger medicinal effect next time! After making ten consecutive sets of ninjutsu’s twelve seal gestures, Wujian gradually stopped, shook his somewhat sour hands, and pondered in his heart.

Now his body is too young, his muscles and bones are not yet completely sound, he can barely achieve the same one second and two marks as ordinary middle and lower Shinobi, and if he wants to continue to increase his speed, he can only wait for him to grow up or his muscles and bones are stronger, only in this way the explosive power of ten fingers can become faster.

After stopping his cultivation and seeing that the sky had completely darkened, Wu Yan recovered a little and prepared to leave and return to the orphanage.


Suddenly, just a few steps before Wu Yan took a few steps, the sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded, and several figures suddenly burst out from the side of the woods, and then stopped suddenly when they saw Wu Yan.

“Well?!” The moment Wujian heard the sound of breaking the void, he suddenly stopped, and vigilantly looked at the several figures that suddenly burst out, now there will actually be people here, and when he saw the figure, Wujian suddenly chuckled.

I saw three ninjas with different foreheads from Konoha looking at Wuxian coldly, and one of the ninjas was holding a cute little girl who was only about three years old and kept struggling, and you can clearly see that this little girl’s eyes are different from ordinary people, but there are no pupils, but white.

“Hmm~!” The little girl also saw the immaculation, and suddenly seemed to see hope, struggled violently, and the covered mouth also kept making sounds.

“Yun Shinobu? The Hyuga clan?! A glint of essence appeared in Wujian’s eyes, and his right foot suddenly took a step back, instantly ready to deal with all situations, and looked at the other party vigilantly.

In addition to cultivation in the past half a year, Wujian has also been taught a lot of ninja knowledge by Sunset Red, and some of them are about the identification of other ninja village ninjas, and the forehead guards worn by the three ninjas who suddenly appeared were the marks of Yunnin, and from the unique white eyes of the little girl, it was obviously a member of the Hyuga clan of Konoha’s wealthy family.

Now the situation is almost clear, these three suspected Thunder Country Yunnin are obviously holding the children of the Hyuga clan hostage, how can Wu Yan not be alert to the sudden situation.

“There will actually be Konoha’s child here, Sas, you go and solve the other party, don’t let the other party expose our whereabouts, let the Hyuga clan chase over!” Just under the vigilance of Wu Yan, among the three Yun Shinobi, the Yun Shinobu who was holding the little girl looked at Wu Yan, his eyes suddenly flashed with cold light, and he said coldly to a Yun Ninja beside him.

“Understood!” Standing on the side, Yun Ren, who was called Sas, nodded, and then looked at Wu Yan with murderous eyes.


The other two Yunnin did not stay, but continued to hold the little girl and rushed directly towards the woods at an amazing speed, rushing towards the distance.

“Little ghost, you are really unlucky, you will actually be here so late, I can only say that your life is not good!” Left behind by Yun Ren, Sass took out a handful of kunai from the ninja bag, and walked towards Wu Wu with a sneer.

Wu Yan looked at each other calmly, quickly gave it to him from Sunset Red in his hand, took out a handful of kunai from the ninja bag tied to his back and held it in his hand.

He naturally heard the words of that Yun ninja just now, there is no doubt that now this ninja is going to kill himself and kill himself, facing a chase and kill who is at least a subordinate, Wu Yan does not dare to turn around and escape, exposing his back to the other party, but is ready to resist.

“Oh?! There is still bitterness, could it be that this little devil of yours is cultivating here? Sass couldn’t help but be a little surprised when he saw the other party take out a handful of kunai, but then his face showed mockery.

“Take out Ku Wu, it’s ridiculous to say that you want to fight me, are Konoha’s imps so arrogant!” Sass kept sarcasm, but his feet kept stepping forward, closing the distance between him and the immortal.

Just for a while, the distance between the two was only five or six meters away.

Wu Yan looked calm, the Ku Wu in his hand was held tightly, his eyes looked at each other vigilantly, and he did not dare to be careless.

Looking at the other party five or six meters away, Sass paused in his steps, and suddenly sneered: “You arrogant little ghost, I don’t know how much I have killed!” ”


Before the words fell, Sas’s eyes erupted with strong killing intent, and his figure suddenly burst out, like a crossbow arrow shot, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the body of Wu Wu, flashing cold light Ku Wu, directly cutting the neck of Wu Wu.

From the beginning, Sass said so much, but he just wanted to get closer to the other party, as an elite Shinobi, even if he was facing only a child, he would not be careless, he would only be foolproof and kill the enemy with one blow.


However, just when Sass sneered and thought that the other party would be cut off by his own Ku Wu, Wu Wu’s eyes suddenly flashed, and Chakra, who had already condensed to his feet, suddenly burst out, and his figure burst aside at an amazing speed, avoiding Ku Wu’s cut.

Chakra Burst Technique, although Wujian is not too proficient, but there is no problem in using it, using Chakra Explosive Technique with both feet, his speed suddenly skyrocketed, faster than ordinary Shinobi.

“What?!” Ku Wu cut in the air, the inevitable blow was dodged, looking at Wu Wu who was avoiding at an amazing speed, Sas’s eyes showed shock, as if he didn’t expect that the other party was just a little ghost to have such speed.

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