Naruto Coming To Marvel

Chapter 285: investigation

After purchasing the psychic beast slug, Charlotte only had 22,714 gold coins left. Looking at her remaining gold coins, Charlotte frowned slightly and came to the ninja column to look at the 3 newly recruited. Ninja, Charlotte has a headache, he doesn't seem to have enough gold coins.

Although Kakashi can be integrated without occupying the battle position, Uchiha Itachi and Yamato need both, click on the + plus sign in the battle column.

Ding · Does it consume 12,000 gold coins to open a battle position!


With the deduction of 12,000 gold coins, Charlotte added another battle column, reaching 11, and clicked on the + sign on the side again.

Ding · Does it consume 14,000 gold coins to open a battle position!

Seeing that the consumption of gold coins has only increased by 2,000, although the number is not large, Charlotte has 10,714 gold coins left at this time, which is 3,286 gold coins before opening a new battle position. There is nothing other than the Merlin suit that came to recharge.

It seems that today is temporarily unable to open the second playing position. Considering that Kakashi is leading the team at this time, Charlotte has not recalled it for fusion. I will ask myself tomorrow, my teacher, Balazor's magic equipment and which ones have been transferred. Where was the Mo Jiana Gang who left?

After making up his mind, Charlotte did not choose to show an Anbu member immediately, but entered the training ground. He needed to master his newly acquired ninjutsu.


the other side.

Trident Building in New York.

At this time, Nick Fury's office was brightly lit. Looking at the information in front of him, Nick Fury said with a heavy expression, "Is there still no news?"

"Yes, Director, the Charlotte office has been closed for four days."

"This time, our people and other personnel also came to the door, but the door of the office was closed. Although there are still some service personnel, their backbone members and those ninjas have all disappeared."

"Is there no trace of travel?"

There was no smile on Coulson's face at this time, and he said solemnly: "There are no traces, and the surrounding surveillance does not leave any traces."

"And with their ability, if you want to avoid surveillance, it's easy."

Nick Fury pondered for a moment, and then said, "What about the ninjas who were sent out on missions, did they also disappear?"

Coulson flipped through the folder in his hand, his eyes fell on a document, and then he said: "Hyata Neji, Hinata Hinata, and Temari Kamado are currently in Myanmar and are suppressing human organ trafficking organizations. "

"At present, there have been many conflicts with some local armed forces, and many forces that sell human organs have been eliminated by them, which has a great impact on the local area."

Listening to Coulson's report, Nick Fury touched his chin, and then asked, "Coulson, what do you think Charlotte Doyle sent 3 ninjas for?"

"Did he find out in his conscience that he is quite a good person?"

"Director, our people have met Li Zhongzhi's father and daughter in the past few days. Through communication and judgment based on Charlotte's growth trajectory, because of the experience of being forcibly abducted and nurtured by the killer, Charlotte is very I hate things like abduction and organ trafficking, so I arranged for a team of ninjas to carry out the cleanup."

Hearing Coulson's analysis, Nick Fury nodded, expressing his acceptance of such a statement, but then emphasized: "But their behavior is illegal, they have no law enforcement power, and they cannot directly sentence these people to death. , although these scumbags really deserve to die."

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Seeing the words of his own director, Colson didn't know what to say, so he could only echo: "Yes, they don't have the power to enforce the law."

"Collect this evidence and keep it for later use."

"Director, we don't have any evidence, just an analysis based on the results, and there is no video or video left at the scene."

"What about those factories? What about the assets left over after these forces were eliminated?"

"And what about the aftermath?"

"Director, according to the feedback from our agents who sneaked into the Continental Hotel, the local Continental Hotel is responsible for the aftermath of Neiji Hyuga and the others. As for the property of those destroyed forces, members of the High Table will arrange for them to receive and then sell them, and finally hand them over. To Charlotte Doyle."

After hearing that these forces were destroyed, it turned out that the high table entered the field to recover assets, which made Nick Fury's little thought to be destroyed. After scolding the bastard, he asked, "Where's the other team of ninjas? "

"Having left London for other places, I don't know what mission they are on at the moment."

Hearing that the 7 ninjas around Charlotte who were sent out on missions were still there and did not disappear together, Nick Fury nodded, and then said: "Continue to send people to monitor Charlotte's office to see what they are doing. time to open.”

"Maybe they returned to Konoha Hidden Village, or went out for other reasons. These people are still there, so Charlotte and others will eventually appear and come back."

"What's up with Tony?"

"Agent Natasha has joined the Stark Industrial Legal Department, and I believe she can complete her mission well."

Nick Fury nodded, and then said: "It happens that Charlotte is away during this time. Let Natasha investigate Stark quickly. His recent behavior is a little wrong."

"What's the progress of the magician's investigation?"

"Director, I'm going to report this to you."

"I don't know if it's because of our investigation or because of what happened in the magic world. Just a few days ago, many famous magicians disappeared without a trace, and no one could be contacted."

"And the agents we sent, after investigating several magicians, they all said there was no problem, but when I arranged for another group of people to check these magicians disappeared. ."

"I seriously doubt that these few magicians who disappeared may be magicians who are really hiding among us."

What Coulson didn't know was that the magicians he investigated were really magicians, but they didn't disappear because they didn't hide from them, but because they happened to meet Charlotte Doyle as the new Supreme Merlin. This grand ceremony, all went back to the magic world to watch the ceremony.

Otherwise, the news brought back by another group of Coulson's agents would still be the same, and there would be no problem with these people. After all, in the absence of oblivion, these agents would not be able to bring back any useful information.

"Continue the investigation. Don't stop the investigation of magicians. All suspected magicians have to go through it again. I don't believe they can't be found."

"We exist to protect the world, and they have no reason to avoid us."

"After you have new news, report to me, you go out first."

Coulson nodded, then exited Nick Fury's office.


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