Mythological Native Species

Chapter 924: gamer's conscience

"There is a boundary between the virtual and the real." Facing the reporters who came from hundreds of millions of light-years away from the stage, Feng Linwen talked eloquently.

Those big and small mechanical eyeballs floating in the air aimed at Feng Linxun are conducting a super-long-distance live broadcast, spreading the pictures at this time to the entire galaxy, and even the heavens and the world through different channels.

"And this limit is the conscience of our gamers." Feng Linxun would never forget the warning from the King of Games.

A game has to be just a game.

Its purpose has always been to provide people with happiness, a place of virtual leisure, a place to look into the unknown, a place where imagination and youth hormones can be freely distributed.

It should not turn into a **** slaughter, a fight, or a cruel choice, a game of fate, etc.

Perhaps this explanation is not accurate.

After all, in the very distant ancient times, arena, bullfighting, beast fighting, etc. all belonged to 'games'.

These games are equally cruel and bloody.

Only now, the orientation of the king of the game represents the 'right way', because he is the symbol of 'game'.

If Feng Linwan wanted to inherit his position, he could not show a violation of his philosophy.

"Even so, we gamers are still diligently researching and pondering how to make the game closer to reality and link with reality without touching the bottom line, so as to have a sufficient impact on our real life. The time in the game is not wasted time." Feng Linwen's voice became more and more high-pitched, full of passion.

The audience watching the live broadcast was full of spit, and they all sighed that Feng Linwen had a lot of nonsense, which really made his appetite.

"Once, when the virtual game first emerged, it was the second world that people dreamed of, and it had a huge impact on many industries in reality, including economy, culture, politics, etc. In reality, successful players in the world will inevitably gain honor, status, money, etc." Feng Linye looked into the past.

Even if this is a commonplace, it still attracts many old players to sigh and sigh.

They often get together and lament that they were born at the wrong time.

What about superb game skills and awareness?

The peak era of the virtual game world has long since passed, and now virtual games are just a place for people to relax.

In order to make money, many game makers have already laid down their bottom line.

Game technology or something...has almost become a 'waste' for a long time, and will never be comparable to the krypton gold flow.

And the old players who are addicted to the game, in the eyes of their family members, relatives and friends, are just a bunch of waste. You can only survive on state relief, and there is absolutely no way out. Even if you live your destiny, you will die naturally, and you will not even have the money to buy mechanical organs to continue your life.

As for game anchors... that belongs to a small group of people.

Game anchor, the word game is incidental, and the anchor is the key.

A successful anchor is not so easy to become!

Many people do not have this talent and level.

Feng Linwan's words successfully aroused the emotions of some old players.

But in the eyes of most netizens, Feng Linwen is still a waste of time.

"The arc-shaped central processing unit, we use the most high-end processor, it not only has extremely high intelligence, but also inlaid several different deduction artifacts and innate magic weapons with similar functions, and then controlled by the strong of our company, Based on the game, by collecting data of real extraordinary abilities and deducing reasonable data changes, new skills can be derived under specific conditions through the self-efforts of players and even NPCs.”

"And these skills... have a 90% chance that they can be used, learned and demonstrated in reality."

"In other words, the peak of the game industry is coming back!"

"Everyone! Everyone! Love the game! People who are so sincere about the game that they have no regrets in their entire lives! That's why I... Feng Linxen! The most sincere and sincere feedback to you."

"You can gain strength, dignity, wealth, and everything you want from the game. You will no longer lose endlessly, you will no longer be unable to understand because you insist on your dreams, and you will no longer see a way out."

"Arc! What it wants is not a monopoly, not isolation! It is a beginning, it is the first cannonball that blows the glacier, and the first sunshine that breaks up the cold winter! It is your future hope, and it is to guide and lead the entire industry. , toward a more real, and more concerned about the player experience and the future of the vanguard!"

In front of countless cameras, Feng Linxuan raised his hands high, as if embracing the whole world: "We not only want you to indulge in the dream we created together, the virtual world we operate together. Responsible for life, responsible for your future. This is... the conscience of gamers!"

When Feng Linwen finished speaking, there was warm applause from the audience.

And on the Internet, it was even more so that the speech of Feng Linwen was completely blown up.


Everything is true!

The craze that belongs to gamers and players is back!

The game is no longer just a virtual dream, an unrealistic consumption.

It can lead to real, massive wealth.

It can bring strength, it can bring dignity, it can bring everything.

People who have dreams but no direction and struggle!

They can all use the game "Arc" as the starting point of their dreams.

And just after Feng Lin's speech ended.

Arc The full name of the game has finally been announced.

It will be renamed 'Arc - Full Sail'.

burst! burst! burst!

The official website of the powerful processor was crowded with tourists for the first time.

The artificial intelligences screamed and kept making noises, asking the employees of Feng Linhan's company to quickly increase the server.

However, it was suppressed by Li Zhishu in secret.

The official website was crowded with tourists, which in itself was a small publicity point.

After all, it has not existed for many years now, and the problem of server lag is caused by the large number of visits.

What's more, it was directly squeezed out.

At the same time, the news about the arc-full set sail completely occupied all the pages.

Those people who had no interest in the game at the beginning were also starting to care about the game's public beta at this moment.

They also wanted to enter the game to try their Similarly, players thought of the plot point issue again.

There is no doubt that players who have obtained the hero panel will definitely be more exposed to those new skills derived from the game, even more powerful new skills.

They're not just going to be strong in the game.

The same is true in reality.

Who can bear this?

Can not be done!

Fifty million is simply not enough!

They need more!


So, while the arc of demonstrations and protests has not yet been publicly tested, more people began to protest, why there are only 50 million plot points.

They need five hundred million, even five billion!

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