Mythological Native Species

Chapter 412: farewell

During the conversation, Jia Xuanjun had already sent the relevant information.

"Liao Qifa, his strength is only second-level, but he has the rank of lieutenant colonel. You are now a colonel, which is just one level higher than him." Jia Xuanjun said.

Feng Linxen nodded and took care of logistics... After all, most of them belonged to civilian jobs, and their strength was not strong, which was normal.

"However, his ability to change is very secretive. It is not officially recorded by the military, but I happened to learn about it through a private channel." Jia Xuanjun's next sentence made Feng Linwan vigilant. .

There are not so many coincidences in this world.

If there is, then it can only be said that there are more secrets hidden behind it.

But this is the end of the matter, just be vigilant.

Judging from Shi Zhenghong's previous methods against Jia Xuanjun and others, no matter how much there was a fight within the military, they couldn't do it directly.

Avoiding direct hands-on conflict, Feng Linxun was not afraid of Shi Zhenghong being a false seventh-level.

After all, he only improved his physical strength, the height of his mind... I'm afraid he hasn't reached it yet.

Of course, Jia Xuanjun hurriedly transferred Feng Linwen to the logistics unit related to the slaughter camp. He was obviously worried. After a long time, Shi Zhenghong's body and soul gradually merged and became a real seventh-level, with the corresponding height, it would be difficult to do.

It's not impossible.

Take a simple example.

A person who is inherently ugly will usually appear very inferior.

If you have plastic surgery and become handsome or beautiful, you will feel uncomfortable at first and still feel inferior.

But after a long time, he will forget what he was like, gradually get used to the new face, and enjoy the convenience that this face brings to him (her), and gradually become more confident.

Body and soul are interfering and communicating with each other.

Those natural beasts, powerful aliens, and their newborns, don't they know nothing about the world? Why are you born strong? That's their body, which gives them the extraordinary, and lets them get used to being strong.

The situation of Shi Zhenghong is not that simple, but the truth is the same.

"I suspect that the one who helped Shi Zhenghong to successfully seize the body was the Qixiu Soul Destruction Sword. The owner of this sword is unknown. If Shi Zhenghong took out this sword from the army storehouse through Liao Qiqi and deliberately brought it to the battlefield, it would be destroyed by that sword. Once the Demon Lord is captured, he can use some method to destroy the original soul of the Demon Lord and occupy his body." It seems that Jia Xuanjun has grown a lot recently, and his brain has begun to know how to turn.

It was just the next sentence that made Feng Linwan understand that Jia Xuanjun was still the same Jia Xuanjun.

"These were all analyzed by Li Lianqiao for me. I don't know him, and we have formed an alliance now. After all, Shi Zhenghong framed this incident on Li Lianqiao's body and made up his mind to kill two birds with one stone and deliberately lead me to fight against Li Lianqiao. A good fisherman will gain an opportunity and get out of the looting camp." Jia Xuanjun continued.

After Feng Linwen heard this, his brows furrowed even tighter.

"It's Li Lianqiao again... This person seems to be inexplicably involved in the grievances between us and Shi Hong. Although the explanation of killing two birds with one stone seems to make sense, but... a bit reluctant." Feng Linwan He thought about it with great spirit, but he could only keep an eye on it for a while, and did not tell Jia Xuanjun what he thought.

After all, at present, Li Lianqiao is on the same line with them.

It is not a wise man to make enemies casually because of random suspicion.

Wisdom is nothing more than bold assumptions and careful verification.

If there is only an idea, it is a delusion.

If you only want evidence, you are a fool.

After hanging up Jia Xuanjun's call, Feng Linwen set up a large table in the school's cafeteria, and invited everyone who was familiar with the general in the school.

Whether it was Fei Beiming or Copperfield and his defeated generals, or Li Zhishu and Jiang Yue, who were both enemies and friends, none of them missed them.

School... Even a military academy is a relatively simple place.

It is true that there are disputes, but many of these disputes are innocuous, and can even be said to be simple.

Only when you really step out of the school, those swords and swords are really deadly, and they need absolute care and caution.

There is a saying in ancient times, the four irons of life.

The military academy occupies two.

So these people, whether they were enemies or friends, and Feng Linxun was about to leave, they all gave face and came to drink and say goodbye.

At the wine table, there were several enthusiastic leaders who spoke.

Other people have some small misunderstandings in their hearts, and they have all said it, and then they exchanged cups and called them brothers. In the blink of an eye, it was like having a deadly relationship.

These friendships, over time, are actually useless most of the time.

Many people call this social trash.

Feng Lin night disagreed.

There is nothing in this world that is truly useless.

Only work that won't work.

Just like letting bullets fly, Zhang Mazi killed a fake Huang Shilang, and those who benefited from him and got his money and guns dared to follow him into the watchtower.

Some people will only add icing on the cake, they will only pick up ready-made ones, and they will only follow the wind and fall on both sides, and follow the wall to push people.

However, in many cases, it is not necessary for them to see the truth clearly.

As long as you create the illusion of an imminent victory, and then raise your arms... Then the city head changes to the king's flag.

Can this kind of social networking be called garbage social networking?

Without the original effort, when you shouted and raised your arms, who would care about you? who listens to you?

Complimentary wine is always particularly intoxicating.

Especially in the early morning of the next day, when Feng Linwen rushed out of the girls' dormitory with his pants on.

What happened that night, no one will mention again.

And Feng Linwen also walked out of the portal and returned to Chang'an, where he waited for the warship of the military to send him to the logistics base closest to the raiding camp.


If you haven't seen it, you'll never believe it.

There will be such a strange and strange phenomenon in the universe.

If the universe becomes a two-dimensional plane, then it can be clearly seen that there is a small area that is sunken.

Of course the universe is not two-dimensional.

So this kind of depression is also multi-faceted.

It is more like a special kind of cosmic 'trace', wrapping a special, unknown area This is the special war zone of the raiding camp.

All the counterattacks from different worlds have been gathered here by the powerhouses over the tenth level in the Galaxy Era with unimaginable supernatural powers and great mana.

Among those in the military, those soldiers who made a big mistake and should be executed in a military court, or some of the most vicious prisoners in the galaxy, were all thrown here, and those who fought back against the different worlds of the galaxy age in order to survive The strong fight.

Only the cruelest war can alleviate their sins.

This kind of sin is not judged by the way of heaven, nor is it determined by any morality of good and evil, but from the law that cannot be despised.

Law! greater than the sky!

Law! Greater than the Tao!

Law! More than reason!

Military law is strict!

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