Mythological Native Species

Chapter 405: 0/0 and 0/0

Li Zhishu sneered and looked at the two living treasures.

In the mocking expression, there is a three-point contempt, and the contempt is mixed with a little contempt, and the contempt also contains a touch of indifference.

Or how about Jiang Yue is a flower, and Li Zhishu is only worthy of being a monster?

Facing the shameless performance of the two people, Jiang Yue's little angelic face showed a sweet smile: "The two classmates are really amazing, and educating these female fairies in this way can be regarded as opening the world of Yunluo. In this situation, I broke some names."

The language is sincere, the tone is sincere, and there is no perfunctory meaning at all.

As if it really came from the heart.

The tone of his speech was soft and waxy, and there was sweetness in the waxy, and crispness in the sweetness.


So Li Zhishu stood behind and rolled his eyes.

Only a woman can see through it at a glance, what woman is Bichi.

man? Ah!

Fei Beiming was so complimented by Jiang Yue, his bones were lightened by two taels first, his whole body floated, his cheekbones rose, and he said with a smile, "It's not that great! It's just normal, Yunluo Realm has been attacked. 80%, my little merit, at most, has pushed forward by a small percentage point, it’s not worth mentioning! It’s not worth mentioning!”

"The most important thing is that I can't be in a mess, classmate Jiang, you don't know, these female fairies at that time were broken! They just wanted to tempt me with beauty, but I, Fei Beiming, a man of iron and blood, have iron bones. How can you be tempted by this kind of temptation?"

Looking at Fei Beiming's energetic appearance, it didn't seem like he was going to play at all.

It's more likely to be fake.

However, thanks to Jiang Yue, he patiently listened to Fei Beiming's bragging. On the surface, he was naive, as if to believe what he said.

Seeing Fei Beiming and Jiang Yue walking ahead, they went further and further.

Li Zhishu suddenly walked up to Feng Linwen and whispered, "You just let Fei Beiming go? Aren't you worried that Jiang Yue was caught by him?"

Feng Linwan said lightly: "Beauty women will laugh happily when they see clowns in the circus, but will they marry clowns? It's not really a skill to make a woman laugh, although many big feminists try in vain. It's instilling that in a lot of straight men."

Life is full of misinformation.

For example, "Love her will make her laugh for a lifetime", and for example "I love you, you can do whatever you want", in fact, it is unilaterally forcing one side, giving unconditionally, just seeking hard work, not asking about the harvest.

But in fact, women can like a hundred men who make them laugh, but only the one who makes her cry. Because laughter is superficial, while crying is deep into the soul.

"You're talking about male power. Of course, it's pointless for us to argue about this. Are you planning to surprise, or are you planning to be a hero to save the beauty?" Li Zhishu asked.

She seemed to have completely calmed down from the previous blow, and this time she didn't follow Feng Lin's rhythm at all.

Feng Linwan consciously wanted to introduce her into the vicious circle of men's rights and women's rights, as well as some disputes about the relationship between men and women, and then set her up again.

And Li Zhishu obviously sensed the conspiracy in advance, ignored the trap, and jumped over it.

"I didn't plan at all. In fact, Jiang Yue is not stupid! She is also a student of the brain of the universe. She may have known early on that in this world, there is a mirage dragon ball left by her grandfather. So she deliberately leaked the news to Let you, the evildoer who made you famous as the brain of the universe, help her find a way." Feng Linxun did not keep up with Li Zhishu's rhythm, and switched the topic to the Mirage Dragon Ball.

Yunluo Realm is Fairy Yunluo's territory. Although Jiang Yue belongs to the Jiang family, she is the descendant of Fairy Yunluo's biggest 'in love'.

In this world, not only is there no home field advantage, but I am afraid that it will be constrained.

Therefore, if Jiang Yue wants to get the Mirage Dragon Ball, he must get involved with some people who can be used, and use them to help him achieve his goal.

This was also what Feng Linwan had just figured out.

Jiang Yue is indeed not as smart as Li Zhishu.

But she knows how to use a woman's greatest strength and weapon.

When those feminists, wielding swords, swords, and halberds, competed with men, held various truths, and scolded men.

A woman like Jiang Yue has already achieved a higher level of purpose by gently taming a man.

He turned many men who were dazed by the color into his own thugs and slaves.

Li Zhishu understood Jiang Yue's routines and methods very well, so she deliberately led Feng Linwan to find Jiang Yue.

In the last confrontation, the final slip of the tongue seemed to be an admission of defeat, but it was actually a foreshadowing of a move that followed the trend. If the dignified monster in the brain of the universe is so easy to lose and lose his soul, what kind of parallel imports should the dignified Galaxy Military Academy be?

The difference between cleverness and recklessness is that sometimes one takes a detour and the other takes a straight line.

Once you understand the fundamentals, you can often see through the routine very easily.

Needless to say, Li Zhishu also knew that Feng Linwen had already seen through his calculations.

There was no disappointment in her expression, on the contrary there was a sense of excitement over her opponent.

Don't get me wrong... It's not that she suddenly became interested in Feng Linye, let alone the old stalk of knowing each other and finally falling in love with each other.

It's like on a basketball court, two three-point marksmen meet each other, they are not willing to admit defeat, but they also have a sense of excitement and excitement when they meet their opponents.

Is it possible that these two sharpshooters can still start a life of love through shooting?

"Then what should we do? You have already prepared in your heart, but you can't help but try. After all, the breakthrough is there." Li Zhishu spoke in a rare daughter-like tone, but he seemed yin and yang.

This time Feng Linwen smiled and didn't answer.

He changed the subject again.

"The world's strategy has reached 80%, which means... there is no complete and I have a set of theory here, that is, there are no 80% or 60% in the world. , 30%. Except 100%, it's 0%. Success or for each."

"The evolution of the world is not a game with set probabilities and procedures. Most of the truth of Yunluo World has been understood, but maybe at a certain moment, at a certain moment, everything has changed, and this place will become unfamiliar. It has become completely different." Feng Linwan's thinking jumped, making it difficult for Li Zhishu to follow.

This time, she didn't understand at all what Feng Linxen meant by saying that.

After all, the previous topic, no matter how you jump, revolves around a core.

But now, this topic is not only a little big, but also can't seem to find a benchmark.

She didn't know whether Feng Linwan said that about the probability, whether it was a mystique or something else.

The second problem of smart people is that they can never look at problems from the simplest and most intuitive perspective.

And what about Feng Linye?

Did he really just mention it?

Or does it really mean something?

Of course it does mean something!

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