Mythological Native Species

: Finish this testimonial!

The mythical native species that lasted for a year has come to an end.

Although this book has various shortcomings, in terms of performance, it is even worse than the previous book by half.

But the effort it takes is no less than that of Unlimited Myth, because the stories in this book are basically my own through and through.

I don't expect that it can really bring you some amazing emotions. I just hope that people who like it have also experienced happiness through it. This is enough for me!

There's a lot to say, but it's not really interesting.

I'm going for a drink tonight!

I didn't drink it yesterday!

Ha ha!

Conventionally preview the next book.

If there are no surprises, the next book should be released around mid-July.

Wastepaper has long had a package of plans and ideas, and has written some chapters ahead of time.

That would be a whole new story, a whole new idea.

Those who are familiar with waste paper know that although there are many habits in waste paper that are hard to change, the context, direction and core of the story are basically different in each book, that is, I don’t like fried rice very much. Although sometimes I regret it, maybe if I cook cold rice, my grades will be better and more secure.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing you all again!

I also look forward to continuing to drive, play tricks, slander each other, and love and kill each other in the book review area, this chapter, and the book friend group with you!

Everyone! Bye bye!

thank you all! Thank you for your continued support! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Waste paper kowtow!


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