Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1476: The Witch's Hammer

One by one, the news was exposed by this avatar.

The other party pointed out the hiding place of the holder of the "Book of Interpretation", and kept showing that his knowledge had gone astray, and he would never oppose Ronald after that.

Ronald is wary of it.

But the emotional perception of "Divine Comedy" fed back accurate information, and the actions of this clone really did not mean to deceive himself.

So is this guy smart, or is he a little too timid for such a unique Codex bearer?


"Finally, I wish you a smooth sailing trip."

"I won't bother you anymore."


Just when Ronald couldn't laugh or cry.

After expressing his thoughts, the avatar bent down and saluted, and then directly turned into pure magic power and dispersed in front of Ronald.

Just the blink of an eye.

The avatar that was still chasing each other with Ronald just now disappeared completely in the canyon fortress.

Ronald looked at the surroundings that had become quiet again, and shook his head helplessly.

This sudden farewell is also a display of attitude.

If this avatar continued to stay in front of his eyes, Ronald would undoubtedly start asking for information about the Nine Precepts. Whether this guy answers or not also corresponds to whether he continues to offend Ronald or the Nine Precepts Society].

Suddenly leave at this time.

He just showed that he doesn't want to help each other, he just wants to stay out of the matter and protect himself first.

A person with such a powerful avatar spell is more cautious than everyone else.

I don't know that magic has made such a person.

Or is it that such a person just got the most suitable spell for him.


Smiling and shaking his head, Ronald turned and walked towards the inside of the canyon fortress.

At present, there is only one holder of the "Book of Interpretation" left in this place, and according to the information given by the avatar, this is actually an unlucky person controlled by the Nine Precepts Secret Society, and he can't even move freely.

Now you only need to go step by step, and the result of this battle will appear naturally.

Now that the battle is over, the surroundings are at peace.

As Ronald stepped forward, he took out the "Hammer of the Witch" he had just obtained from his arms at the same time, and recited its contents.

"Question 1: Do witches exist in the Catholic faith..."

The Masterless Codex has no resistance, and being held by the devil before has not caused unexpected changes.

Ronald read out the contents, his brows furrowed because of these cruel words.

It can be called a tortured reading process.

The original spell of the Hammer of the Witch was open to Ronald.

The abilities of this book are mainly divided into three stages. The first stage has two abilities related to devils and witch hunting. One is to summon treacherous and cunning devils, and the other is to give the caster the effect of tracking the enemy and strengthening their killing ability.

The spells in the second part are all spells that pursue lethality.

Flames, strong winds, lightning, freezing, physical torture... Various means appear here, and at the same time, there is the ability to create magic props.

At the same time, these spells all have extremely high witch hunting characteristics, and have a very high degree of restraint against wizards and magic power. Even if the target is a woman, the power of these spells will be doubled, and if the target is not a virgin, it will continue to increase!

The third part is the last ability of "The Hammer of the Witch", which is also the judgment circle that almost took Ronald down.

This spell confines the enemy to judgment.

Unless the subject can escape from it, no matter how he answers the question, he will eventually lose his life under the spell.

However, this trial spell also inherited a strong witch hunting property.

The casters who fall into it will instead fall into a special attack state due to their own strength. I am afraid that among a hundred people, they will not be able to find a strong person who can escape from this trick.

As for perfection...

The complete technique of Hammer of Witches is simple and crude.

It will strengthen the caster's "Witch Hunting" feature in all directions, and strengthen the ability to restrain the mysterious side, which can be called the top threat against all wizards.

It is only a special case of Ronald's special case.

In order to get rid of the crisis under the attack of this highly targeted original book.


"It's bad enough..."

Ronald should have been happy to get such a powerful combat scripture.

But after fully understanding the ability of this original book, his expression was very ugly, and he even complained clearly.

Except for a part of the original scriptures that can be used.

Most of the spells in the original scriptures actually have various requirements, and are closely related to the original scriptures themselves.

Hammer of the Witch is exactly that.

The unlocking of spells is also a simple goal-killing people.

The more casters you kill, the more spells you unlock. If ordinary people are slandered as wizards in the spells and killed, the effect will be stronger, and it can even strengthen the spells of "Hammer of the Witch!"

"This original book must be sealed, and it is best to never see the light of day."

Ronald immediately made up his mind.

It is impossible for him to be so frantic in order to gain strength. At the same time, as the current holder of "The Witch's Hammer, I don't want to see this book fall into anyone's hands.

- The original attack against the mysterious side.

Ronald didn't think there were many people on the mysterious side who could resist such a temptation. UU Reading

He even wanted to destroy the original book on the spot!

But according to the secrets Ronald knew, after the original code is destroyed, there is a certain probability that he will reappear in the world.

So the best fate for this original book is to be sealed forever!

After getting such an original book, Ronald was in a bad mood.

He walked deep into the canyon fortress with uncomfortable steps, followed the simple route provided by the avatar, and easily came to a room.

This place was originally an airtight secret room, with special spells engraved in the building materials, completely shielding the detection of all external things, and the level of security is definitely the highest in the entire fortress.

In other words,,,..version. 】

It's a pity that after two large spells raged.

Nearly two-thirds of the structure of the room collapsed, and the effect of concealing the aura was completely lost.

Ronald stepped on a dirt slope, and walked around several huge stones in front of him.

Right on the edge of the wall at the end of the original secret room, he saw a thin man sitting in the corner, so weak that he couldn't even raise his head.

The man's previous experience was called a crisis.

A few plants that Nicole had summoned crawled along the wall to his side, and were about to devour him who could not resist.

But the sudden demon-devouring flames burned the roots of the tree to ashes at the very moment, and the greedy and brutal plant roots stayed beside the caster in the form of charcoal.

It is to protect the holder of the Book of Interpretation.

The enemy just now took the initiative to attack, and met himself who was staring at him outside.

Ronald felt a little emotional in his heart.

Then he stepped forward, squatted in front of the man, and patted the man's cheek lightly:

"Hey, wake up, are you still conscious?"

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