Moreover, the wishes of miracle masters are limited. At the beginning, the wishes that can be realized are very small, and they must be accumulated step by step in order to create "miracles".

Multiple similar wishes from the same supplicant cannot be fulfilled in a short period of time.

However, the wish of the lamp **** is not like this. Satisfying others can also satisfy yourself, but there must be a little format, such as:

"My wish is..."

The authority of the current lamp god's wish has been divided into three parts.

However, the authority of this wish is only a small authority of the lamp god. The most important authority of the lamp **** is to follow the law.

However, because the current Dengshen is too injured, it is impossible to use it at all. If you want to recover, you can only go to the starry sky. Only in the starry sky can he have his origin.

"It's true that I can't beat you now, but I can fight against this wisp of consciousness, and I won't let you succeed."

Yuan Chu said directly to the lamp god, this is indeed what he really thinks now.

Now what is in Olvia's body is just his consciousness, it doesn't matter, but if the lamp **** occupies this body, then things will be a big deal.

After all, Deng Shen and them are enemies!

If he really recovers, he has to kill him again, so his plan will not be implemented.

Therefore, no matter how useless, the lamp **** cannot occupy the flesh.


The lamp **** smiled silently, and then rushed into the depths of Olvia's consciousness. He must get rid of this original consciousness remnant, otherwise this is the biggest obstacle for him to control Olvia's body. .

After the lamp **** left, the still space here suddenly flowed, as if nothing had happened.

However, at this time Olwena turned her head to look at the place where Deng Shen had left, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of her mouth.


Deep in consciousness, Dengshen was already fighting with the original consciousness. They all changed the concept map and collided together.

Of course, before coming, Dengshen had placed protection around him to prevent his own body from being harmed.

That's right, now Olvia's body has been regarded as his own by the lamp god. As long as he devours the original consciousness, he can take her away and go to the starry sky.

Time passed by minute by minute, and he couldn't support it at first. After all, He is just a consciousness body, and it can't stop all the spiritual attacks of the lamp god.

Fortunately, the lamp gods have made arrangements in the outside world, otherwise the aftermath of the battle between the two of them will probably destroy the world, not to mention the little angel Olvia.

But the current lamp **** has reached the limit. After all, he wants to protect Olvia while fighting Yuan Chu. Although his strength is strong, he is also very tired!

"Original, it's going to die soon!"

The lamp **** suddenly transformed the conceptual body into a human form, and just looked at the nothingness in the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A voice came from the nothingness, and it seemed that he didn't care about the fact that he was about to be defeated, but continued to say: Now bXw Zhang Si

"Even if I die, you don't want to live."

After speaking, the nothingness quickly collapsed and slowly shrunk. Seeing this scene, Deng Shen was startled, and quickly turned into a conceptual body and wrapped it up.

As for why the Dengshen is so frightened, it is because even though it is like this, once these rapidly collapsed consciousness bodies are integrated into one piece, once they erupt, it is very terrifying!

Fortunately, the lamp **** was wrapped in his own conceptual body, and Olvia's body didn't suffer much damage, but the lamp **** was not so lucky, and now he is more injured.

"Hoo~ Fortunately, it's a blessing in disguise."

Deng Shen sighed, although the original spiritual body was self-destructed, but it was all wrapped by the concept of Deng Shen, so that he could recover 60-70% as long as time, and dealing with ordinary Sequence 0 was not a problem.

Thinking of this, Deng Shen couldn't help but feel a little happy. He didn't expect that his decision would have such a windfall. It was great. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

However, just when Deng Shen planned to cultivate here for a while, a sudden voice sounded.

"Why, it won't work so soon?"

Olvia stood beside the lamp god. If Olvia didn't dare to talk to the lamp **** like this in the past, after all, the lamp **** at that time was still the old days, even if she was seriously injured, it was still the old days.

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

However, the current Olvia doesn't have so many scruples. After all, the current lamp gods are injured more and more. Although it is still difficult to deal with now, it is only difficult to deal with, it is not impossible to deal with.

As for why Olvia appeared here, it had to mention the evil spirit that was left behind.

Originally, she planned to keep a piece of her consciousness in it, but at that time Olwena suddenly appeared and said that she could keep herself in it.

Olvia thought that this idea was a good idea, she could get rid of the embarrassing situation of Olwena in her subconscious, and she could successfully leave the Jagged Cross Society.

And when she left Olwena's consciousness in the Jagged Cross, Olwena also told herself a secret, that is, the lamp **** coaxed her into granting her third wish.

The next time she heard this, UU reading her heart was half-shattered, knowing that once the owner of the God of Wishing made a third wish, something unexpected would happen.

However, since there is no need to worry about it, no matter how he is also a Sequence 1 Angel, how can he have no resistance.

However, when Olvia was sleeping, she suddenly felt the aura of the lamp god, and she hurriedly settled the plan, dividing her consciousness into a part of Olwena.

After that, the lamp **** actually thought of the body of the evil spirit, but there was already Olwena in it, and it was impossible for Olvia to let the lamp **** send part of her conscious body into it.

Therefore, Olvia has been delaying time, but Olvia is also very lucky, even though she found out that Yuan Chu and Deng Shen were actually fighting in the old days.

As for why the space was still, Olvia was not still.


You must know that this is Olvia's subconscious world!

It was only one of his consciousnesses that was stopped, how many more did she have?

Therefore, she is aware of everything that happens in the subconscious. Seeing the lamp **** rushing to the depths of her consciousness, she follows her as soon as she gritted her teeth. She didn't expect this scene to happen, she was lucky!

Now Olvia looks at the seriously injured lamp **** and has a bold idea, that is, will she be promoted to the old days by digesting the spirit body of the lamp god, although the experimenter will probably go crazy, but even if So she still wants to try it. control the big lord


The lamp **** was a little surprised when he saw Olvia appear, but he also saw Olvia's intention and rushed towards Olvia.

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