The well-dressed man with exquisite accessories, but not completely in line with the current or historical records of the clothing style raised his mouth, leaned his upper body back, he laughed softly for a while, and explained:

"The honorable names of the gods do not have their real names."

Audrey's expression suddenly tensed up.

"It is also possible to have no honorable name in the honorable name of the angelic personality."

Audrey's heart, which was raised high, beat hard twice before slowly falling.

"There are also some unlucky ghosts who once had authority and are currently in the weak stage, recovery stage, and sealed stage. When doing something that does not conform to his previous identity, for the sake of face, they usually choose... to speak anonymously."

"Guess why there is no real name in my esteemed name?"

Audrey could only maintain a girlish smile that met society's expectations, and kept silent...well, just smile.

"Okay, it's time for me to leave. Although time has lost its meaning to me a long time ago, your maid is about to knock on the door."

Audrey quickly stood up and saluted.

"By the way, if you don't mind, I want to take these delicious desserts back...feed the cat."


Miss Justice's purchase of knowledge was the first to arrive, which allowed Dawn Dantès to quickly assemble a team of servants to maintain his status as a millionaire.

Audrey was able to pay so quickly because she had already ended her life in the East Chester County family territory and returned to Backlund. Her elder brother Hibbert is planning to resign from the position of chief secretary of the Air Pollution Investigation Committee, and seeks a position in the Government Affairs Personnel Recruitment and Examination Reform Committee who can get in touch with the overall reform plan and specific implementation plan. It will be more convenient for him to return to Backlund to handle this matter. .

Thinking of opening his eyes every Monday, he would have to mention a 20-pound package fee. Even sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the study room with the best lighting could not brighten Klein's mood.

"Sir, the most important thing you should master now is the social etiquette according to your status. The focus is on dancing. It is very necessary to hire a professional tutor."

Klein nodded slightly, and asked, "Aside from etiquette, what else do I need to learn?"

"History, politics, philosophy, music, golf, horse racing, hunting..." the butler Walter replied with a serious expression.

Klein's smile froze, and he regained his childhood wish: to learn the technique of shadow clone, one to go to school, one to do homework... and one to make money.

After Walter walked out of the study, Klein chased his valet Richardson out of the door on the pretext that he wanted to enjoy a quiet afternoon of reading.

"Ms. Hermit doesn't pay the fortune balance, I'm going to be poor again..."

Klein randomly pulled out a book from the bookshelf, sat on a soft chair with armrests, and spread out the book. His voice was not loud, as if he was talking to himself.

"Killing for money, kidnapping for ransom, bank robbery...these are very practical."

Another voice sounded, and at the same time, a book left the bookshelf out of thin air. It had the words "Social Trends of Thought and Educational Phenomena" in gold on its cover. It was a hardcover edition that didn't quite fit the theme of the book.

"Alas..." Klein sighed long.

"I have some suggestions for specific implementation, such as looking for Extraordinary hidden in Backlund, asking them to pay 'whereabout protection fees', telling them to report if they don't pay, follow up with one, and wait for him to attend the Extraordinary party. Catch a nest."

"Let them go, survival of wild Extraordinary is already difficult enough." Klein responded helplessly.

"It's really troublesome, otherwise... How about selling wishes? I don't mind if someone makes a wish with me... Find someone with a lot of money, and ask Senior to stuff an envelope under his pillow. A wish... Well, Let’s just charge 10,000 pounds, how about a 20% discount for three orders?”

Klein almost spit out the marquis black tea that Klein had just drank.

"Don't worry about my ability, even if they wish to become 'the creator of everything, the omniscient and omnipotent god', I can fulfill them for them."

Klein gently put down the white porcelain teacup, and said slowly, "Next."

"Then what do you want, the way to make money is in the law, you don't want to disguise the wishing lamp as some extraordinary item and sell it again, tsk, it's not the first time anyway."

"There is no suitable channel... Will psychological alchemy be fooled again?"

"Sell me to MI9 if you have the ability."

"It's an official Extraordinary Organization. They will just confiscate it and arrest me for interrogation. They won't pay me." Klein spread his hands.

Unexpectedly, the card lamp god didn't refute, he flipped the pages of the book absently, as if he was thinking about something, and he didn't make a sound for a long time.

After a while, Klein cleared his throat on purpose, and said in a slow voice: "If it's not troublesome, please help me find out what Extraordinary gatherings there are in Backlund and how they join them, I think it's better to go first Sell ​​mystical knowledge and low-sequence potion formulas, or see if there is a big reward."

"How much money can there be? I'll help you find out if there are any unlucky members of the Aurora Society or the Witch Church, kill them and sell them as Extraordinary items."

"I don't know any artisans."

"The Church of Steam has it. Grab one and make it into a secret puppet... Well, you don't want to... Lieutenant General Iceberg can imitate the ability of a craftsman, and the Hanged Man of your Erwu Boys Association also has channels."

"I think you can develop an Extraordinary person who is a generalist to enter the Tarot Club. I know a person named Ikanser Bernard. He is a hard-working child, and he is a good friend with Arrods... "

As the sun gradually slanted, Klein flipped through some books introducing the history of the Loen noble family, and finally called Richardson in. He told him to prepare a carriage and go to St. Samuel's Church to pray.

160 Boklund Street is very close to St. Samuel's Church, and the carriage arrived quickly.

After praying impiously for a while, Klein met an internal watchman, who carefully took note of his appearance and that cold and pale aura.

If you want to pretend to be an internal watchman to enter Chanis Gate, you must not only master the internal watchman's appearance and work and rest patterns, but also have the imprint corroded by the breath of death. The former is easy, but the latter... Now I have no way... ...Mr. Ards should know, right? Ask the Genie or Arrods?

After donating some gold pounds as usual, Klein led Richardson out.

Walking through the not-so-open alcoves, a few tall and straight people walked in front of them. They were of different ages and temperaments, but they all exuded the confidence of an official Extraordinary, and their appearance was the most prominent. It was a young man with black hair and green eyes.


Klein sighed inwardly, using the clown's ability to control his expression and pace, he brushed past Leonard like an ordinary stranger.


Underneath St. Samuel's Church, Leonard was playing cards with several Nighthawks stationed in Backlund.

"Captain, are you still going to monitor the Backlund block tonight?"

"One-to-three, a little later later, I will go after everyone is asleep."

Leonard lowered his eyes to hide his emotions, and said casually, "No, Al, is there any task tonight?"

The Nighthawk who was the first to speak took the lead and said quickly: "Leonard, you didn't know that the Red Gloves team just came back. Last year, the suspect who anonymously reported the case appeared again a few days ago. He used the same method to appear. He disappeared quietly after the entrance of St. Samuel's Church. We had previously suspected that he might live on Berklund Street. Although we didn't find any clues last time, this time..."

"Haneke, you can't say anything casually this time. The specifics of this case involve the reputation of a noble lady. Your Excellency Sesima does not allow private discussions."

"Is's your turn, Haneke."

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