Ever since the red vest conductor pushed the sales car past, Wendell on the seat has been sitting on pins and needles. He really wants to know the current state of the person who violated the rules, but he also clearly knows a rule of the extraordinary world: the less you know, the safer you are. .

When it was completely dark, the fog outside the window was like the thick smog that had lingered in the Backlund factory area for many years, weighing heavily on people's hearts. The steam train panted and ran forward steadily, without any sign of fatigue, and there was no sign of stopping.

But I feel a little hungry, Wendell thought silently.

He leaned out a shoulder slightly, looked around the entire carriage in a small way, and at the same time used the ability of the sheriff to observe carefully. The carriage was quiet, and the passengers all seemed to be sitting dumbfounded in their seats, like rows of silent puppets.

He focused on the place where he bought the drink before, and his keen observation made him discover a big boy with panic in his dazed expression, and excitement that was about to move in his anxiety. His expression was vivid. Although he didn't look around, he As his eyes moved flexibly, it was obvious that he had also noticed something unusual in the carriage. In front of him, there were still traces of lavender in the cup on the table.

At this moment, as if feeling something, the big boy suddenly raised his head, and Wendell's gaze met a pair of bright brown eyes.

As if walking alone in the dark forest and suddenly found the same kind, the boy stood up in surprise, and ran towards Wendell as if he had found a long-lost relative.

"Did you feel it too?"

"People around..."

"I think we need to do something!"

Wendell didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to pretend he didn't know anything, and then... wait for rescue.

As an official Extraordinary in the system, he has received a good education in mysticism. This kind of large-scale abnormality is definitely not something that a low-sequence Extraordinary like him who does not carry any sealed items can handle. He even feels his extraordinary ability Being suppressed, it becomes more and more difficult to mobilize spirituality. In extraordinary events, not listening, not seeing, not exploring is the guarantee of leaving alive. If the train does not enter the station, it will be discovered sooner or later. Whether it is the military or the church, they will definitely send someone to deal with it.

Stared at by enthusiastic eyes, Wendell's silence was hot and uneasy, he said with a little reluctance: "I don't know what happened, but I know this is not something I can handle, I don't think we should casually Walk around, you don't understand, this kind of thing..."

"No! I understand, you say, why are we the only ones who are sane? It must be because we have something special, we should be like the protagonists in those stories in the novel, we are the chosen ones!"

"We should act, find partners, search for clues, solve mysteries! This is justice! And exciting, right?"

I think you are looking for death, and you should read less novels, such as that popular romance novel about detective reasoning against evil spirits. When encountering evil spirits, you are an ordinary person, why don't you just hide and rush forward to fight with your mouth?

The big boy in a thin coat and dark shirt pulled Wendell's arm vigorously, and dragged him towards the carriage door, muttering non-stop, excitedly encouraging his new partner.

"We need to discover more unusual things, to find the lost stories behind the truth..."

Wendell sighed and followed.

The situation in the next carriage was the same as the previous one. The passengers sat silently on their seats like rows of dead tombstones, and the two walked slowly through the cemetery-like carriage.

Suddenly, Wendell felt a hand grabbing the corner of his clothes, his whole body was shaken, his body stiffened suddenly, and in the next moment, he was going to exert all his muscles and twist his body to try to break free.

"Sit down, they're here again!"

An eager female voice sounded, and she spoke quickly in a low voice, "Ghosts are coming, don't look at them!"

Extraordinary people always have a bit of intuition beyond ordinary people. Wendell pulled the big boy who was walking in front, said "sit down first", and then took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the empty seat beside him.

The girl next to her buried her head and face behind an open book with a hard cover, leaving only her brown braids wrapped around her head with beautiful patterned ribbons hanging down her head. She was wearing a brown-red simple long dress, which was logical. Clearly, whispered emotionally:

"I saw those gray-white ghosts again just now. I blocked them with a book and only saw a little bit from the corner of my eye. They couldn't see my face, so I couldn't find that I could see them."

"You have to pretend you can't see anything. If you are found to be able to see them, they will turn you into a ghost too."

The big boy sat opposite the brown-haired girl. He lowered his head, looked at his pants and shoes, and said in a low voice:

"Thanks for reminding us, how do you know this? By the way, my name is Heike, may I know your name?"

"I've been reading a book. There was someone before the seat you're sitting in. Suddenly a translucent human head appeared in the air. The man was startled and screamed. The gray head was split into three openings, like Like a mouth, he stretched out his long tongue and licked the man, and then he remained motionless, I watched his body disappear little by little, his head became transparent, and then flew away."

"Did you see it with your own eyes? Then you..."

Heike opened his eyes wide and couldn't help but glance at the girl.

"I like to read books with my face covered. I have never dared to take the book down or make a sound. The eyes of those things don't seem to be very good."

A gust of cold wind blew from behind their heads, and the three of them held their breath at the same time.

Gray-white mist lingers around the ball floating in the air. Wendell's perception is much more sensitive than the girl's. The sense of crisis is like a sharp steel needle piercing his nerves. The head-like thing in the peripheral vision has more than one face. There are dark holes on the face where the eyes and nose are, and there is no mouth.

The ghost in the head randomly selected a few targets, and abruptly split a few blood-red mouths, and found that no one screamed, so it could only circle around and fly away slowly.

The wet, cold and dark feeling disappeared along with the ghost, and the three of them breathed a long sigh of relief at the same time.

Heike invited the girl to find a way out together. The girl exposed her head and face from behind the book. She hesitated for a while and asked, "Then what plan do you have?"

Heike was taken aback by the question, and then smiled embarrassedly.

"Not yet, we haven't got enough clues yet."

Wendell suddenly interjected at this time: "We are going to look for the conductor in the conductor's room or the driver's cab at the front of the car. Maybe he knows some information. After all...the passenger notice does not mention any information about the conductor."

"This passenger notice?"

The girl pointed to the paper on the wall of the compartment.

"Yes, this piece of paper suddenly appeared when the thick fog appeared outside. It wasn't there before. It's not that you didn't notice it before."

"I think that if you want to get out of the predicament, you should stop the train first, so that you can get out safely."

"There are supernatural forces in this world. It's really dangerous. You have to take this matter seriously. This is not a detective game."

Looking at Wendell's serious face, the girl nodded and responded softly: "I see."

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