Mystery: The Lamp God’s Path To Freedom

Chapter 160 Verbal Cooperation


The red angel evil spirit directly shifted its gaze to the existence behind the praying person, and let out a disdainful snort, as if it was not speculative.

However, Reis didn't feel that he was being ignored. He only felt that the being he called gave a cold snort, and the majestic and overwhelming momentum hit him like a cannonball. His eyes were full of the color of iron and blood. The pain that pierced his heart exploded in his consciousness, and Reyce fainted obediently.

"Ha, it's so late, have you eaten yet? Ah, no, I should ask how the weather is in Backlund?"

"Your brain full of good fuel is really inflaming."

The voice beyond the candle was full of impatient contempt.

"I don't like talking nonsense with curly-haired baboons, so tell me, what's your business?"

"Can't it be that I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you very much?"

As if disgusted by something, the red angel evil spirit was silent for a while.

"Well, the three of you should be able to reach a consensus on the matter of causing trouble for Adam, but your current state is really not good, and you probably can only admit it and say 'I am not I hate you so much', I can help as much as I can."

Wang Zichuan waited patiently for the other party's reaction. He felt the other party's eyes look up and down for a while, and then he sneered in the flames.

"Can you put a lamp on it? You'd better come out of there and talk to me about help."

The person who rested comfortably on the easy chair and swayed gently gave a low laugh, not seeing the appearance of being provoked, and continued: "For example, help you send a message to the real creator, or help you Youlo Lucy smokes together, for example, instigating the civil war in Intis, helping the Sauron family regain control of the king seal, for example, helping you obtain the extraordinary characteristics of the conqueror."

"In short, you can always trust me. After all, not only do we have a common enemy, but your friend and mine are not each other's enemy. Is there a more perfect collaborator than us?"

The red angel evil spirit used Insz Zangwill's body to rub his chin and think, but it didn't seem smooth. This man dressed as a clergyman who always looked unsmiling made such a move as if he was planning some kind of conspiracy. The demeanor always makes people's eyes feel particularly uncomfortable.

After a while, a little interest appeared on that sculptural face, and he asked:

"Then what do you want?"

"My request is not high, that quill, I hope you can take good care of it."

Wang Zichuan's voice paused, he lowered his head slightly, stroked the black and white embroidered pattern on the cuff lightly with his hand, and continued: "I will find a suitable opportunity to bring it here later."

The red angel evil spirit clicked his tongue twice and said, "Since you know it's here with me, why don't you come here now?"

"Hehe, don't worry, I will report your location to the Night or the Church of the Storm."

Wang Zichuan showed a gentle smile, and his tone was unhurried, as if to say: "Although your brain is not fresh after being boiled, it's not your fault."

After the candle flame on the yellowed candle returned to normal size, Wang Zichuan kicked Reyce who was lying peacefully on the ground with his toes, and then disappeared into the room.


In a certain room in Backlund, a metal box with layers of symbols and magic marks opened a gap soundlessly, and a very ordinary-looking quill flew out of it lightly.

It circled around in the room that was extremely dark due to the rain, bent over and floated towards the desk, the closed notebook on the desk was gently opened, and it turned to the latest blank page as if wisely, the quill fell on the After touching the paper, after a short pause, he quickly wrote a line of text, as if it was being held by a first-class writer full of Evans.

"The protagonist of our story, Ince Zangwill, woke up feeling that he had a very important dream about his life last night. It was a reminder from his spirituality, but he tried hard to recall it for a long time. I still can’t remember what I dreamed about.”

"He felt that he was being targeted by someone, and the enemy just happened to get his position. Backlund was no longer safe, and he had to do something as soon as possible."

"And the poor protagonist is favored by fate once in a while. His unknown and powerful enemy happens to have a (master, cross out) (vehicle, cross out) (companion, cross out) friend who is about to be fatally attacked. In order to provide better protection, the enemy can only temporarily postpone the hunt for Ince Zangwill, so the protagonist still has a chance to escape, and our story can continue."


So should I go back to Bayam first, or go directly to Feysac?

At the Oravi Port Ticketing Center, there are still many people gathered in front of the billboard that records today's ferry schedule and schedule in detail. Wang Zichuan sat on the waiting bench and hesitated.

In the distance, there was a passenger ship accepting passengers to board, and the bustling crowd poured onto the deck like a stream of water, and then dispersed into the cabin.

Suddenly there was an exclamation, "A child fell into the water!", piercing the noisy and harmonious atmosphere.

Although it is completely unimaginable that someone would fall into the water in such a safe place, the sailors reacted quickly and prepared to jump to save people.

However, before they had time to act, they saw the sea water rolled up the terrified child and put him back to the position where he was leaning on the side of the boat to look down. This weird scene was like a video tape played backwards. The people who shouted for help seemed to be choked suddenly, and the scene fell silent.

The child's parents rushed over, the mother hugged the child who had just started to cry, and softly comforted the child, while the father stared at the child with concern, praying repeatedly, "The storm is above!" "The storm is with us!" "The storm is with us !"

"Tch! None of his business."

Counting the time, the Rose Sect should also make glasses that can sense the breath of Origin Castle. I'd better go back and look at Klein. What if the Mother Tree of Desire pays more attention this time and sends more people, causing Klein to go out? What if there is an accident? It won't be too late for him to go out when he returns to the relatively safe Backlund.

A certain genie who can prostitute for free because he is not a human being boarded the latest round to Bayam. In the bright oil paint of the setting sun, water and sky, the passenger ship slowly sailed out of the port.

When Wang Zichuan released his consciousness from the seal again, he saw the familiar bayam port wharf. He suddenly looked up to the sky and felt a little abnormal.

The manic wind came from the city abnormally and blew towards the sea. Listen carefully, and there is another hoarse voice in the whistling wind: "Hermoschine is at No. 32 Black Pepper Avenue!"

I forgot that 008 can only serve the same city, but I am too lazy to change it┴┴~(≧▽≦)/~┴┴

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