The weather on the second day was exceptionally good, just like Klein's mood when the owner of the Deer Hunting Bar came to deliver the bounty.

After lunch, the three of them came to the dock together to wait for the passenger ship bound for Oravi Island.

"Are we just going to board the boat like this?"

Anderson looked around the waiting area like a louse-ridden monkey.

"if not?"

Klein stood solemnly with empty hands, looking at the huge passenger ship that was getting ready to sail. His servant stood quietly behind him with a suitcase.

"There's still some time before we sail, how about I help you with a disguise? You know, my skills are great!"

Klein glanced at Anderson, but said nothing.

"That's right, many people saw you and I walked off the Future together. As the strongest hunter below a demigod, it's impossible for them not to recognize me."

"How about I make a disguise too?"

"It's really a pity for the people on board. They can't appreciate my handsome face anymore."

At this time, Kirchies who was standing behind him suddenly said:

"If you put on a wig and a maid's dress, even if you show your face, no one can recognize us, and we will be very safe."

"Dead people don't talk!"

Anderson turned his head and glared at Kirchies.

The three of them boarded the passenger ship, and Klein walked directly into the master bedroom of the first-class cabin. Gilchies put down the owner's luggage, and then silently retreated into the servant's room. Only Anderson stood in the small foyer of the suite and yelled loudly:

"Hey, hello, why are you so proficient, why do I want to live in the guest bedroom?"

Kircies poked his head out and said with a straight face, "Then do you want to come and sleep with me?"

Anderson choked on his saliva, he gave Kircies a thumbs up, and then walked neatly into the guest bedroom.

Hanging the double-breasted dress on the hanger, Klein leaned back on the sofa in the bedroom, letting his thoughts go slightly.

After a long time, his spirituality was suddenly touched, and Mr. Azik's reply was on the outstretched palm of the Bone Messenger, and Klein suddenly felt a surge of warmth and joy.

The afternoon sun gently entered the room, resting obliquely on the letter paper, Klein gently flipped a page.

"...Glad that you have been promoted, your travel experience is more interesting than I imagined..."

Klein couldn't help showing a shallow smile. He put the page he just finished reading at the end, raised his hand slightly, and sank his head and neck deeper into the sofa.

"...I'm interested in the ring in Admiral Hell's hand..."

The eyes are curved, the corners of the mouth are raised, time stops, and the years are quiet.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Hey, let me tell you, why don't you just stay in the room and go to the deck to observe the situation of the undead king?"

"Then he is also the king of the five seas. Are you just going to be so perfunctory? You make it difficult for me."

A gigantic sword surrounded by sulfurous flames slashed hard at Anderson's mouth.

"Hey...hey...what are you doing?"

After the menacing flame approached Anderson, it naturally transformed into a naughty child. After chasing Anderson for a while, he flinched back. The words that Kircies spit out had a real smell of gunpowder.

"You're right. I'll leave the lookout to you. You can either climb up to the lookout yourself, or I'll hang you on the mast. For the matter of hanging people up, my extraordinary way has a lot of experience. Experience bonus."

"You don't play pretend games anymore?"

Kircies' brown eyes suddenly became scarlet, and Anderson jumped back lightly, and said with a smile: "I'll go right away."

Klein pulled his mind back and continued to look down.

"The Sequence 4 potion corresponding to the Seer is called the Crafty Mage..."

whispering sound! The Genie of the Djinn will purposely talk nonsense to fool me, but Mr. Ards is still reliable.

However, Mr. Ards doesn't know where to get the potion formula. It seems that he can only make a fuss in the Antigonus family notebook.

Goddess, please forgive my offense, I am also forced by life.

Klein read Mr. Azik's letter, wrote a reply, and finally went above the gray mist, refolded this letter, and stacked it on top of the previous letters.

The room was quiet again. A few hours later, Klein felt hungry. He got up, put on his coat and top hat, and walked out of the room to the restaurant.

As soon as he went out, he met Anderson who was walking towards the restaurant angrily. He was muttering cursingly:

"Successor didn't dare to take revenge on Gehrman, it's really fucking hell."

"Agaritu is a coward!"

The first-class restaurant is an independent small restaurant, where there will be more complicated and delicate dishes and more high-end drinks.

After dinner, there will be a simple social dance that only first-class passengers are eligible to participate in, but Klein has no interest at all. Although Anderson is a little eager to try, but thinking of his bad luck, he chooses to stay in the room honestly sleep in.

The noise gradually died down, leaving only the sound of the waves pushing against the hull.

The red moon and the sparse starlight were covered by dark clouds at some point, and the clouds were getting thicker and thicker. Under the cover of the night, the watchman didn't notice it.

But soon, the sea breeze became colder, and the watchman, who was feeling sleepy, trembled.

"It seems that the weather is going to change? But Navigator Changbai said that the weather will be fine these two days, shouldn't there be rain?"

But he still climbed down from the watchtower, ready to inform the captain that the thick water vapor in the wind really seemed to be raining.

However, the storm at sea came so fast, when the captain realized something was wrong and woke up the first mate, second mate and all the sailors, the passenger ship suddenly shook violently.

Strong winds, heavy rain, and lightning came one after another, like a child losing his temper, tearing and smashing toys in his hands while crying.

Klein got up and put on his coat, and stood in front of the window. He didn't know whether it was sea water or rainwater that hit the glass window heavily, completely blocking his view from looking out.

Kircies walked out, and as soon as he opened the door of the cabin, his face was blurred by the raging wind and rain, and a distraught voice immediately sounded in his ears:

"What are you doing out here! Close the door, go back to the cabin, don't come out!"

Gilchies pretended to be obedient and returned, and hid in the shadows. He needed to be able to monitor the situation outside. In case the passenger ship was in danger of capsizing, Klein had to go above the gray fog in time to pick up the Poseidon scepter to disperse the storm. , this is the necessary price to pay for bringing Anderson on board.

But the storm didn't last long, and the children's tempers came and went quickly. The panicked guests calmed down quickly after the captain and his lieutenants spoke words of comfort.

As night fell, most people regained their sleep.

A deliberately low voice sounded in the captain's cabin:

"Captain, I have just confirmed that all our fresh water and food are soaked in seawater and cannot be eaten."

"Is there no room for redemption at all?"

"The food can be eaten later to see what is edible, but there is no fresh water at all. Most of the containers are damaged and almost soaked in sea water. I am already asking them to repair the gap and clean up the sewage."

"This is troublesome."

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