"Who carries women's things with them?"

Anderson said disdainfully. As soon as he finished speaking, his smile suddenly froze, as if he suddenly realized something.

He reached out and touched his face, then his head, and finally he walked to the glass window with not very transparent and beautiful patterns.

A blurry image appeared on the glass, the facial features on the ordinary and handsome face were blurred into a mass of color, green and round, like a cabbage.

Anderson swished out the dark dagger, and then slapped it on the table. The remaining few ordinary and poor potatoes flew into the air, "Swish, swish, swish!", and were dismembered on the spot.

This highly skilled ninja, clutching a dagger full of evil patterns, rushed out in a trance.

Klein found beef, fish, potatoes, mushrooms, milk, beer, and white bread in the restaurant. Klein's hand hung over these foods, hesitating, and he didn't dare to pick up any of them for a long time. He even wanted to take out his pendulum to tell everyone The same food is used for damage identification. In the end, he took some white bread that didn't look soft anymore, and barely wrapped it around his stomach.

During this period, he heard laughter, quarrels, and words such as "potatoes", "beef", and "mutation" that were mentioned repeatedly.

The night came unexpectedly again.

This time Klein appeared next to a black staircase full of reliefs. Looking up, the Queen of Mystery turned her back to the twilight light. Looking down, the stairs spiraled down to bottomless depths.

Klein waited for the Queen of Mystic to speak first based on the principle that if you don't speak, you can't go wrong.

Bernadette slowly walked down the steps, passing by Klein, without stopping, and continued to descend, but she spoke Shi Shi, with a gentle and indifferent tone.

"You believe in that lamp too much, maybe one day, your danger will come from it."

Klein sighed for a while, feeling that he didn't know where to start with this matter, so he simply continued to remain silent.

"Being brave to trust is sometimes a shortcoming," Bernadette paused for a while, "Cattleya just trusts her companions and you too much, believes that they can control their own abilities, and believes that you are just a normal Extraordinary who is dangerous and controllable, she I brought you to this sea area, if I hadn't followed the boat, if the wishing magic lamp didn't just want to have fun, everyone would have died, except you."

"You mean, Heath Doyle's mutation?"

Klein was finally able to pick up the topic.

"It's not just him, do you know who the ravings flooding this sea area come from? Do you know what field of power is left here?"

Klein wanted to say, I know, at least there are goddesses and true creations, as well as the earth, storms, scorching suns, gods of death, and visionaries. In short, it is a great chaos of power.

Bernadette didn't wait for Klein's answer, neither her footsteps nor her words stopped.

"The ravings of the real creator will turn Heath Doyle into a powerful and terrifying monster. The power of the Mother Earth will cause Frank Lee's abilities and creations to produce completely uncontrollable mutations that make no distinction between friends and foes. The remaining power in the storm domain It will infect Nina's spirit and spirituality, make her lose herself a little bit, and there are other people, so many variables put together, Cattleya..."

Bernadette walked down the stairs again, and continued.

"She's not going to get rid of accidents in the first place, she's going to try to control them and save them until things get out of her power."

Klein didn't make any comments.

"This dreamland doesn't mean that it will be safe if you stay in place and don't explore."

"The mountain over there, I guess, is the projection of the giant's royal court, and the black monastery here is a collection of the dreams of all living beings."

Klein suddenly remembered something, he asked:

"If the creature that entered didn't die here, and didn't leave behind uncontrollable power, could his dream remain here forever?"

"I'm not sure. Those at the demigod level shouldn't be able to. As for higher levels, if they can control themselves, if they want to let go of a certain memory, emotion or other, maybe they can leave something behind."

Klein didn't continue to ask, and Bernadette walked down the last step without any delay.

There is a black wooden door covered with strange patterns, Bernadette twisted the handle, and behind the door is a golden ocean.

"I have always suspected that the dream behind this door is the key to supporting the existence here."

As the golden ocean appeared in front of the two of them, the entire monastery began to shake.

Bernadette was about to pull the door back to close, when suddenly a golden light flashed, something rushed into the door, Bernadette paused for a moment, and then decisively pulled the door shut.

"Then..." What is that?

The light and shadow were so fast that Klein didn't see what it was, but he felt familiar.

He opened his mouth, wanting to ask the Queen of Mystery if she could see clearly, and also wanted to ask what danger would be involved in entering like this, and wanted to ask her to open the wooden door again, but all kinds of thoughts were rushing, and Klein didn't know what to say.

Bernadette had no intention of explaining. She seemed to want to close the wooden door even tighter, so that no one could open it again. She faced Klein, her expression unchanged, and added:

"I can't estimate the danger here. Even I dare not enter."

Bernadette looked at Klein quietly, as if waiting for him to say something.

The vibration of the building caused by opening the door had completely stopped with the closing of the wooden door, and Klein felt the pressure from the Queen of Mysteries.

Suddenly, the black monastery shook even more violently, like a disaster movie suddenly staged, boulders began to fall from the roof, and the stairs disconnected and collapsed for no reason.

Before panic could arise in the future, Klein opened his eyes, and he lay peacefully on the bed.

The night was not over yet, and Klein didn't dare to just wake up like this. He forced himself to sleep again to calm himself down. Maybe if he entered again, the map would be refreshed and normal again.

Reappearing, Klein found himself in the hall full of murals where he saw Anderson for the first time. There was no Anderson here, only falling bricks and crumbling domes.

Klein ran away, heading towards the Graystone Square in his memory.

Klein dangerously walked out of the doorway that was still standing still, and all the people on the Future stopped their original movements, staring blankly at the collapsed covered bridges, high towers and other stretches of land. black building.

This scene is full of magnificent and magnificent sense of destruction, which shakes the hearts of all the people who saw it.

But people didn't see the ending. They woke up in various places on the Future at the same time, and the Future soon became lively and noisy as usual.

Klein didn't know what other people would think. Most of them probably didn't care about what they saw in their dreams, but Klein was very worried now. He worried that the power behind the door would make the lamp god never return.

He really couldn't understand why the Djinn always appeared wherever there was danger.

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