Mystery: The Lamp God’s Path To Freedom

Chapter 129 Exploring the Dreamland

Thinking about it, it's been a long time since I committed suicide, Klein collected his thoughts and returned to reality.

After experiencing a thunderstorm, the Mirai stopped temporarily on an island covered with lush trees.

Stepping off the Future and stepping on the soft sandy beach of the island, Klein felt down-to-earth and comfortable.

At this time, he saw a person running on the cliff, approaching quickly.

He waved a blood-stained white cloth in his hand, and the voice came from afar:

"Admiral of the Stars, take me! Take me!"

Klein immediately recognized that it was the mutated Anderson he saw in the dream.

As a crazy adventurer, if you encounter a mutated monster, of course you have to go up and open it immediately.

Klein took out the talisman expressionlessly, and a large piece of silver electric snake raged out, entangled in Anderson.

Anderson jumped up easily, moving flexibly on various rocks on the beach of the island. But he suddenly stepped on the ground and slid down a rock with a rather smooth surface in a strange posture, just in the path of the sizzling lightning.

Anderson yelled loudly while dodging the flying lightning:

"I'm really fine."

Cattleya put back the glasses that she had just taken off, and she stopped Klein in time who was about to continue throwing the spell.

The effect of the lack of supplementary spells weakened, and Anderson stood in a rather embarrassed distance, his short, parted golden smooth hair stood upright, which made his head look swollen as if it had been soaked.

Anderson smiled wryly:

"Listen to my explanation. I really haven't changed. I planned to explain after I was joking, but you didn't listen at all, and started fighting without saying a word. You are a believer of the Lord of Storms."

Cattleya put away the hand blocking Klein and said:

"Let him tell you what happened first."

So Anderson recounted the story of how he had been unlucky after habitually drawing the mural with his fingers, and finally lost all his companions.

Klein suddenly interjected:

"How did you describe it?"

"How else can I describe it, just use my fingers normally."

Anderson stretched out his right hand, bent four fingers, leaving only one middle finger, facing Cattleya, and began to draw according to the outline of her figure.

A stream of crystal-clear light suddenly came down in mid-air, and Anderson, who was unprepared, froze quickly, forming icy ridges one after another.


The ice shattered to the ground, and Anderson shuddered and withdrew his right hand.

After repairing for a while, the Future continued to sail forward, and before the real evening came, midnight fell again.

Klein opened his eyes and found himself in darkness. He had no choice but to find a match in his pocket and light one.

Before the fire was lit, Klein randomly pieced together many terrifying pictures in his mind.

In the pale firelight, Riel Bieber's mother was sticking her black and green shiny and swollen face in front of him; in the dim light of the fire, the ground was full of flesh and blood wrecks and squirming colorful poisonous snakes...

Klein couldn't help feeling an inexplicable fear.

The weak flame raised his head tenaciously, and Klein vaguely saw that he was in a deep corridor with no end in sight.

With the pure light shining on Klein's right hand glove, Klein gained the ability of night vision, and he could see the corridor clearly.

The huge gray-white regular stone dome and walls made Klein, who was walking among them, feel extremely small. The walls were bare and contained nothing.

Klein walked forward slowly, and after a while, he found a closed gray stone door in a hidden corner of the wall. Klein pushed the stone door, but failed to push it. He looked at the winding forward door again. Corridor, gave up the idea of ​​manifesting the master key.

Klein continued walking along the corridor. Before he knew it, the walls of the corridor became dark and sticky, full of filth and depravity.

He didn't find a new door in the wall, but he felt that there were many passages hidden in the shadows. The passages were blocked by curtains, and behind the curtains were eyes watching him.

Klein quickly passed through this oppressive corridor, and the wind that came from nowhere gradually became more violent as he went deeper and deeper. The corridor turned into an undersea tunnel, and behind the water wall was violently colliding sea water and wanton wandering electric light.

Suddenly, a gap was opened in the water wall, and a bottomless vortex was formed in the deep blue gap, sucking in all the people or things that passed by.

A gust of wind rose from under Klein's feet, and driven by the reverse airflow, Klein was thrown a long way away. The suction of the vortex weakened a lot, Klein hurriedly struggled forward, and left this corridor at the fastest speed.

Suddenly, he felt his feet go soft, and his eyes suddenly turned black, and he came to another strange corridor.

The floor suddenly turned into a muddy swamp, and if one accidentally sank into it, the whole person would be engulfed in it, and the night vision ability seemed to have lost its effect, everywhere was gray and blurry.

Klein groped for the wall like a real blind man, walking forward step by step.

Then, he touched an ordinary wooden door. The door was smooth, with simple lines, and the handle stretched out. It felt neither copper nor iron.

Klein's heart suddenly beat wildly, and the last divination picture appeared in his mind.

The citrine pendant quickly spun clockwise, and Klein twisted the doorknob.

Light appeared before Klein's eyes again.

The tall street lamps towered like giants, and the round lamps with simple shapes at the top radiated bright light. Identical street lamps lined up in two lines, guarding the wide green-brown road.

Looking along the road, the tall buildings are brightly lit.

Klein felt that something was about to flow out of his eyes, and he looked up at the sky. There were little stars shining in the dark night sky, and there was no moon.

After a moment of silence, Klein stepped forward.

Trees, flowers, overpasses, bus stations, subways, shopping malls, office buildings... everything is so familiar except for the sound of no one and people living in it.

The whole city was as quiet as a dream, except for Klein walking alone.

He didn't know the city in his dream, and all the places in the city that should have words were blurred, and the pages of the books he opened at random were even blank, which made this extremely real dream a little unreal.

Is it to remind people who strayed into it that this is a dream world? But besides me, who else would feel that this world is real? Besides Roselle, there is...the owner of the dream? The third traverser?

Looking all the way, Klein came to the door of a rather high-end office building, and he glanced in casually.


The office building let out a roar, and turned into a giant wolf covered in short black fur. It pushed Klein to the ground with one paw, and then opened its bloody mouth to swallow Klein.

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