After making this decision, he made a lot of preparations, including monitoring the specially marked Poseidon believer for a long time above the gray fog, observing his appearance and posture, and guiding him to manifest the architectural plan and layout of the Governor's Mansion , purchased a powerful anesthetic gas from Emlyn.

His plan was to become that believer, sneak into the dungeon, first paralyze all ordinary people and low-rank guards, and then perform fixed-point physical anesthesia on one or two mid-rank leaders who may or may not be there.

Klein jumped into the Governor's Mansion silently like a passing wild cat, turned around, went to the utility room, found a broom and other cleaning tools, carried these props, bent his back, and came to the entrance of the dungeon .

After entering, I saw four guards playing cards.

"One-on-three." A person was quite proud of his long voice.

"Sorry." His opponent curled his lips dissatisfied.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The joyful atmosphere made this place look like a dark, depressing, eerie, and terrifying dungeon at all.

"You old man, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

The four guards immediately spotted him. One of them put the cards in his hand on the table and stood up a little irritatedly. He frowned and spoke in a very unhappy tone.

"Masters, I'm here to clean those special prisons. I've asked for leave from the steward, and I'm going home in the morning. I'm thinking of cleaning up early."

Klein bowed his head and answered cautiously.

At this time, a colorless and odorless gas was emitting from a fat belly jar in the bucket he was carrying. This is Klein's custom-made advanced fan smoke, the kind with antidote.

"Go, go, go, don't disturb our card game."

A guard who was sitting still waved his hands away.

Klein was about to take his things into the dungeon immediately when another guard suddenly picked up the high-pressure rifle in his hand and pointed the gun at the old man.

Klein broke out in a cold sweat, was he discovered?


Klein let out an "ah" and collapsed to the ground pretending to be scared. After that, four guards laughed loudly.

It turned out that the guard with the gun just simulated the gunshot with his mouth, making fun of the native servant in front of him.

This gunshot imitated nothing like it.

Disdain in Klein's heart, a faint sense of repressed anger and sadness arose, and he understood more clearly why such a cruel and bloody "false" god like Kavetua still has so many fanatical believers after so many years .

When human beings can't do it, you can only pin your hope on the gods. The more hopeless life is, the more crazy the faith will be.

The guard laughed for a short while, and started to draw cards again.

Klein got up, picked up the tool, walked inward, and put down the bucket in a hidden corner.

He slowly approached the core of the dungeon, and not long after he turned a right-angled turn, he suddenly felt that his extraordinary ability was being rapidly weakened, and his intuition told him that except for the agility and spiritual intuition provided by the clown, all other abilities Casting will usher in the end of failure.

Sealed item?

Klein stopped in his tracks and lost his extraordinary ability. It was almost impossible for him to rescue anyone from the dungeon, and he might even become a member behind the bars.

Unable to go any further, a fortuneteller should trust his intuition.

Klein stopped in his tracks, hesitated a little, then turned and returned.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three shots were fired, and a man in an army uniform came oncoming, he trotted all the way, and at the same time fired continuously without hesitation.

He is today's gatekeeper boss, and he and other bosses take turns in charge of a sealed item placed in the dungeon area where Extraordinary people are held.

This sealed item can weaken the Extraordinary and mysterious power within the range in all aspects, and can tell whether the creatures that break into the range have Extraordinary factors, and give reminders.

Klein turned and ran, using his body's agility and spiritual intuition to avoid bullets.

The passage leading to the core area of ​​the dungeon is not a straight line, which is beneficial for Klein to avoid and escape.

Running like this is not the way to go. It is really uncomfortable to lose extraordinary ability all of a sudden. Klein regrets not bringing a gun.

Because of the ability of air bullets, when he does not need to play Gehrman, he is less and less carrying a gun. The main reason is that he often has to hang a lamp when he goes out, and it is a little inconvenient to carry a gun.

Klein looked for an opportunity to pull out the magic lamp, shook it twice, and whispered:

"Can you handle the strength of this sealed item?"

His subtext was, take me away if you can.

After waiting for a long time, the magic lamp didn't answer. The lamp god who was always on call, seemed to be dumb now.

No way, this sealed item is so powerful, the lamp god can't come out?

Klein ran wildly all the way, and the big B behind him kept chasing him. If Klein can still use his skills, it will definitely be a kite game.

After another turn, Klein stopped running, looked around, and found a hidden corner to hide in.

Holding the gun, the man turned cautiously, and then quickly turned to the corner where Klein was hiding.


Klein was forced to come out, he rolled on the spot, and then his body quickly bounced up at an exaggerated bending angle, and nimbly pounced on the man.

In the blink of an eye, the distance was narrowed to the point of a side-to-side battle, and the barbarian and the clown fought with each other.

This made Klein recall the battle with Meursault.

With a muffled sound, Klein was hit hard on the shoulder by the iron gun butt. He gasped in pain and felt his shoulder blades split.

Fortunately, I dodged in time. If it hit the back of the neck, I might be unconscious on the spot.

Klein also swung the lamp in his hand and slammed it hard at the man's head, and the man raised the hard butt of his gun to block the attack.


The butt was split.

Seeing the simple and ordinary oil lamp, the speed did not slow down, and it hit the man's arm protecting the head heavily with the momentum of splitting mountains and rocks.


The sound of broken bones.

The man staggered and took a few steps back, the pain made him tremble physiologically.

Klein seized the opportunity and rushed forward, preparing to continue using the magic lamp for physical attacks.

Suddenly, the eyes of both of them saw that the colors around them became extremely bright, the black walls became even darker, and the red blood stains became even brighter red...

The air was rippling like water, and a gentleman in a tuxedo with a top hat stepped out of it.

The scene at the scene quickly caught Azik's eyes.

An old native Rossi dressed as a servant held up a golden oil lamp as if to hit him.

A man in military uniform, with one arm hanging by his side at a strange angle, turned his upper body slightly, as if trying to avoid it.

Azik put his eyes on the strange face of the native, was silent for three seconds, and said:

"What are u doing?"

The embarrassment started from the toes, and the whole way went straight to Baihui.

Klein opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

The man's heart sank to the bottom of the sea when he saw that someone was teleporting over despite the effect of the seal.

He turned around and ran, hoping that the person who came was not the helper of the previous intruder, and might hold that person for a little time for any reason, so that he could stay away from death.

However, Ards just glanced at him, and the illusory black sea flooded him, and he lost consciousness.

"I, I accepted a commission to save people. Well, this is Bayam's Governor's Mansion."

Klein organized his language, but he still couldn't answer Mr. Azik's question fluently.

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