Gu Feng said: "Look, look at everything around you. It was destroyed by your fireballs. Because of your personal grievances and grievances, many innocent people around you are involved. Something! Is this the gentleman in your eyes?"

"Why is this gentleman attacking me from behind for the second time? You say that I told you, then you said that you told me to say you, that you were not convinced, but the truth is true. Do you blame me for saying that you are not a gentleman? The key is that you are indeed not a gentleman, I think you can't blame me." Gu Feng continued.

"Don't tell me about gentlemen, benevolence, righteousness and morality in the mouths of your monsters. Where do you monsters have benevolence, righteousness and morality. Stop talking so much nonsense. Hurry up and kill you, so I can go home! There is no more time to be with you. You are entangled.35

Gu Feng's five fingers shot into the sky, impacting his spiritual power. Point to the body of King Mogo. Five beams of light shot rapidly on the body of King Mogo. In an instant, countless beams of light were emitted from King Mogo's body, and his entire body seemed to be translucent.

Beam tight, let go. In an instant, the Mogo King disappeared into ashes 02. disappeared without a trace. The Mogo King is defeated!

Gu Feng watched King Mogo disappear in front of his eyes, sitting on the ground and watching everything in front of him. The scene of fire and annihilation in front of this. Gu Feng stared blankly. Be silent. Gu Feng may be thinking what is all this about? What are we fighting for?

What is the purpose of the battle? Can the battle be ended only by the outcome of the battle? Can it be ended only by destroying everything? Gu Feng even thought that in the next second, the Mogo King appeared again. Or will another Mogo King appear in the next day?

The more Gu Feng thought about it, the more chaotic it became, and the more he thought about it. I didn't know what I was thinking, my mind was in a mess. There are some who worry that Gu Feng will go crazy.

Gu Feng stood up. Holding a tired and injured body, he walked slowly. Gu Feng now only had one belief in his mind, finding Yun Deyuan to join his brothers. Quiet days in a few days. Say goodbye to strife with these monsters.

Gu Feng kept walking. The moment he saw Yun Deyuan, Gu Feng instantly fainted on the ground. He didn't know anything after that. Yun Deyuan carried him back to the camp. Put it on the bed, cover it with a quilt, and let him rest well.

Gu Feng was really exhausted this time. I didn't have a good rest before the battle, and I didn't eat anything. Then fight again. Again, so exhausting. It's not easy. Yun Deyuan explained to the brothers around him not to disturb Gu Feng. Let him rest and sleep. Sleep as long as you want.

Let's get him something to eat when he wakes up. He was really tired.

Yun Deyuan and a few brothers are going to find out if there are any small rivers nearby. They want to take a walk in the river to see if they can catch fish. Yun Deyuan thought that if there is a small river, there is hope that there will be fish, even if If you can’t catch it today, you can catch fish the next day or the third day. If you catch it, you can raise it alone.

Wait until Gu Feng wakes up. It can replenish the body with Gu Feng stewed fish. Yun Deyuan thought this was a good idea. I went out with a few people to find a small river to catch fish.

Gu Feng has slept for three days and three nights. never woke up. Yun Deyuan sneaked in. Yun Deyuan didn't want to wake Gu Feng up, he was just worried that Gu Feng had not woken up and nothing would happen. Yun Deyuan even put his hand in Gu Feng's nostril to explore Is Gu Feng still panting.

Feeling the breath of Gu Feng coming in and out, he left with confidence. With a few talents to catch fish.

Yun Deyuan looked for a lot of places along the way, but he never found a place with a small river. If you can't find a small river, it means you can't find fish. Without fish, you can't nourish Gu Feng's body.

Yun Deyuan was worried. Looking everywhere again. At this time, a brother shouted, "Brother Yun, come here, there is a small river." Come and have a look here. Yun Deyuan walked over quickly.

He patted the little brother on the shoulder and said, "Well done, amazing, let you find it. Not bad. We caught the fish and let's eat it together." , The body of half the fish is also missing.

It was getting late, and Yun Deyuan returned to the camp with his brothers. The first sentence Yun Deyuan came back was to ask Gu Feng if he was awake. Yun Deyuan was still worried about Gu Feng's body.

Gu Feng is still sleeping. never woke up.

Yun Deyuan said: "Brothers, who of you still have clothes that you don't wear, I want to borrow them from you to use them. Gu Feng's clothes have been burned by monsters. Almost all of them are worn out. He makes one so that when he wakes up, he won't wear leaky clothes."

Several brothers scrambled to bring their clothes to Yun Deyuan. Yun Deyuan thanks everyone for your concern for Gu Feng. Yun Deyuan took the clothes that everyone sent. In fact, the clothes sent by each person are not complete. They have been wandering outside for so long, and they have not seen a village or tribe for a long time.

Has been floating in the mountains. There are no decent clothes. Yun Deyuan cut out the better clothes, and then cut out the better parts of other clothes and sewed them on to another clothes. That's how you get a meatless dress. When Gu Feng wakes up, 960, regardless of whether it is old or new, still has a piece of clothing that does not reveal flesh. Warm clothes would be fine.

Yun Deyuan is by Gu Feng's side, just like taking care of his parents, caring about all the affairs of Gu Feng, big and small. Arrange all the details of life other than Gu Feng's battle.

To be honest, Yun Deyuan has been by Gu Feng's side for a long time. The two have been in trouble together for several years!

To say that these years, Gu Feng and Yun Deyuan are really inseparable. Every place Gu Feng has been to will bring Yun Deyuan with him. Don't leave Yun Deyuan anywhere, it seems that Gu Feng needs Yun Deyuan to take care of him, and Yun Deyuan can't do without Gu Feng's protection. The two became inseparable.

If this Yun Deyuan is a woman, it is estimated that both of them may become lovers.

Yun Deyuan finished the clothes for Gu Feng, and it was already midnight. Yun Deyuan put his clothes on and went to sleep. Early the next morning, before Yun Deyuan got up, he just opened his eyes hazy, and a huge face suddenly appeared in front of Yun Deyuan.

Yun Deyuan was startled. It turned out to be Gu Feng. Gu Feng woke up and kept looking at Yun Deyuan, waiting for Yun Deyuan to wake up. Yun Deyuan said: "You are full, come to me to be scary?" Gu Feng said: "I'm waiting for you to wake up and cook for me!"

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