Gu Feng and the others have set off again, for the next destination!

Last time, Gu Feng mentioned this mission to Yun Deyuan.

Yun Deyuan has always wondered what task is worth such sacrifice.

Gu Feng said to Yun Deyuan: "Actually, the emperor told me to let us secretly find the 'elixir of immortality', the 'elixir of immortality' for his old man!"

"Haha," Yun Deyuan smiled bitterly.

"Is there really such a magical medicine in the world? Can it really make people immortal? Can it really live forever? So magical?"

Gu Feng was also puzzled and said: "Actually, I have never seen it before, nor have I heard of it. Every time the emperor and his old man fly pigeons to send us a book, he always gives us an address, so we can check it out and help him. Find the elixir of life!

"There is no such thing in the world, maybe the old man can't say for sure!

"And we are just an executor, a person who obeys orders!"

Yun Deyuan said: "Our lives are beyond our control!"

Gu Feng went on to say: "That's why I wanted to tell my brothers that they can freely choose their own path and choose their own life, and I don't want them to be like me!"

But don't worry, since everyone chooses to be with me and let me lead you, I will definitely live up to your expectations and protect everyone well.

Yun Deyuan said: "We have always believed in you!"

Gu Feng looked at Yun Deyuan, Yun Deyuan looked at Gu Feng, the two looked at each other, and both gave each other a positive look.

Some things really can't be mentioned, and the guarantee will come as soon as it is mentioned.

The emperor's flying pigeon biography is here again! Yun Deyuan stopped the flying pigeon and took the order from the emperor on the pigeon's leg.

Yun Deyuan handed it to Gu Feng. Yun Deyuan was very interesting and knew that the content of this letter could not be made public, and he was not qualified to read it. So he took the initiative to take it down and handed it to Gu Feng.

Take the letter from the pigeon's leg. Gu Feng looked into the distance. Say loudly to the brothers: "Brothers, we are striding westward with a new purpose. Look after each other and be safe!

Yun Deyuan looked at Gu Feng, Gu Feng said to Yun Deyuan: "Let's go westward, there is a giant dragon peak not far away, and it is said that there is a dragon living there. It is said that there is a fire ball in the dragon's body, which swallows it up. Fire beads can change the normal state of the body!

Yun Deyuan told Gu Feng: "Then don't hesitate, let's move westward. After that, everyone walks quickly!"

Yun Deyuan said: "Let's go quickly to see if there are any villages and tribes ahead, and let's get a few horses. We always walk on our legs like this, I don't know how long it will take. If we have horses, our physical strength will also be exhausted. Slow down."

Then he said: "With the horses, if there is a dangerous situation, we can run faster.

Gu Feng squinted at Yun Deyuan.

Yun Deyuan smiled and ran away!

This journey is okay, God still takes care of them, there is no wind or rain, the weather is sunny and sunny. Birds fly freely in the sky, flying around.

After walking for a day, the time is very fast and the journey is very long, but I never see the village, I am afraid that there is no one here!

There were no passers-by on the road. Just can't see anyone.

Yun Deyuan asked Gu Feng: "Should we continue, or take a break, or just sleep on the spot tonight? Hurry up tomorrow?"

Gu Feng hesitated for a moment: "Yun Deyuan ordered to go down and told everyone to rectify in place, rest for a while, and continue to set off. While the weather is good, let's hurry. The process is better.

Yun Deyuan replied: "Okay!"

"Everyone, rectify in place, rest for a while, and drink some water!" Yun Deyuan shouted.

Gu Feng said: "The address that the emperor gave us this time, we are still some distance from the destination. So we still have to hurry up and get on the road! 35

Yun Deyuan said: "Received! If the weather is still as sunny tomorrow, I don't think we will delay!"

Everyone keep going!

Gu Feng said: "You and your brothers continue to move forward, I will go to the front to check first!

After all, Gu Feng flew far away as if he had grown wings. The inner mind taught by Jiao Snake is not taught in vain. Gu Feng is also amazed, he can be so light, he can walk so far in a few seconds, like a fairy.

Gu Feng came to a stone tablet. There are words engraved on it, vaguely surrounded by many trees. It is normal to have trees in a small forest, but the trees near this stone tablet look very strange.

But if you say how strange it is, you still can't tell what's going on.

Gu Feng looked at the words on the stone tablet and read it carefully: "This is where the mountain is closed. Those who come here will take a detour and insist on moving forward, and the consequences will be at their own risk!"

The content on the stone tablet was so serious that Gu Feng was still worried, after all, there were still brothers behind him.

Gu Feng went on alone, and did not wait for Yun Deyuan and the others to come and go in together.

Gu Feng walked into the woods, and there were neat rows of trees, standing in a row, as if someone had specially arranged a formation. You stand at the front, look back, you can't see anything else, and all you see are trees.

Gu Feng moved forward cautiously. Going more and more gloomy. The more you go, the bigger the fog. Gu Feng could no longer see the road ahead, so he had to go tentatively.

Gu Feng took out the fire book that he carried with him and lit the fire book. All I can see is trees and fog, I can't see my fingers. Especially black, the more you go, the darker the 920, and the darker you go in.

Suddenly Gu Feng saw two green lights, flashed by in the blink of an eye, and disappeared. Going forward, there are two more green lights, and they are gone in an instant.

Gu Feng didn't see what it was, whether it was a human or an animal. Just saw the light. Gu Feng moved on curiously, thinking that there might be elves in this place, elves protecting the forest.

They guard the land that belongs to them, which is where they live. Do not allow others to invade, and do not allow yourself to leave this place.

Therefore, Gu Feng was not afraid at all.

Gu Feng walked forward little by little by the light of Huozhezi. Suddenly a voice appeared: "Who is coming? Don't you see the content of the stone tablet? Don't you understand the words on the stone tablet?"

"Why are you still breaking in?"

Gu Feng replied: "I don't mean to offend you, I just entered this place by mistake! I hope the seniors will forgive me a lot!"

"Since you made a mistake, then you can go back the same way!" Suddenly a light flashed, and a bottomless road appeared behind Gu Feng.

"Since you don't have any purpose, then please go back the same way, and I won't hold you accountable for anything!

"Gu Feng was silent, thought for a moment, turned around, followed the way he came, and returned the same way!"

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